The Princess of Northern Land

Chapter 583 Madness (6)

"The prince may have something important to tell the girl." Hongying opened her eyes and told lies.

Cong Yi, who was guarding the outer courtyard, was very happy. According to this development, there would be an extra mistress in the house after returning.

Chu Suifeng didn't stay in Lin Ziyin's room for long, and came out within the time it took to burn an incense stick.

Qiaoer finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as Chu Suifeng came out of the yard, she came to Lin Ziyin's side and found that Lin Ziyin's clothes were neat, and she was even more happy.

Lin Ziyin could sense Qiaoer's eyes secretly looking at her. She knew that Qiaoer was old-fashioned, but he was loyal to her, so she could understand Qiaoer's struggles. But Chu Suifeng was her fiancé, so it would make sense to stay together for a longer time.

Qiaoer struggled nervously for a long time, but in the end he adhered to the maid's rules and did not nag in front of Lin Ziyin.

Lin Ziyin let out a long sigh of relief. If Qiaoer nags in front of her, even if it doesn't matter, it will still be a bit embarrassing.

After a good night's sleep, I woke up early the next morning.

The enemy on the other side of the river indeed put up a truce sign.

Everyone in the border city was beaming with joy when they saw it. Even the number of people coming out to buy things on the street has increased on weekdays.

Lin Ziyin kept his promise, and after breakfast, he took the people around him to the camp. After arriving at the camp, she went straight to the kitchen.

Chu Suifeng's men were indeed very reliable in their work. They dissected and divided the dead cow overnight. The beef offal and bones were also processed and piled high.

Because Lin Ziyin's people sent down jackets, no one complained even though the soldiers were busy all night and couldn't eat beef.

"Improve the food today and eat beef offal noodles and beef offal vermicelli vermicelli." Lin Ziyin said to the Huotou Army in a friendly manner.

Huotoujun didn't know her identity, but he knew that she was someone close to the prince. And I heard that the prince was very kind to this "young man", so no one objected to her orders.

So at noon, all the soldiers had a hearty meal of beef noodles and vermicelli.

After lunch, the people in Chu Suifeng's village and Yu Shaou packed the beef, and the people who came over were divided into two parts.

Some people returned the frozen beef to Shili Village as quickly as possible. The other group of people walked back slowly with their cattle and feed.

Since the cow's legs were injured in this part, it can be seen that the journey back will be much slower.

More than half of the thousands of cattle died, which was not a small number.

Lin Ziyin was not greedy. He kept some of the cow bones and the offal parts, but kept them all in the military camp to improve the food for the soldiers.

The beef bone soup is delicious, and with a lot of chili sent from Shili Village, it is simply delicious. The faces of the soldiers have become much rosier these days.

Chu Suifeng heard people in the camp praising "Master Lin" from time to time, and the smiles on his face became more frequent.

When the senior generals under his command saw this, they all secretly made up their minds to hug the princess' thigh no matter what.

Not long after the leisurely days, Beiguo's crazy counterattack came.

And it came without warning. Early in the morning, Chu Suifeng's people didn't even have time to open the city gate. The soldiers from the North Kingdom were already carrying ladders and leaning against the city wall.

The sharp alarm gong sounded immediately.

All the soldiers who were ready came to the tower to support them.

It was still dark, and the enemy actually came out secretly at night. But they didn't know any news at all. Bileg and Bayar were really powerful.

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