The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 213 212 Planning and Support

The trip to Huailai County was delayed. The guards only had to check the prepared carriages and horses that day, and then they dispersed and returned to the temporary camp to rest.

Wei Guangde took Li Zhen, Dong Yiyuan and the commanders of the Huailai Guard back to the house, and arranged for the Huailai Guard to send detective horses to the surrounding military forts as soon as possible to deliver messages to understand the trajectory of the Tatar reconnaissance activities in the past few days.

After the people from Huailaiwei were ordered to leave, Wei Guangdecai and Li Zhen discussed what they had said before. After confirming that it was correct, they asked Yu Guangdou to go into the house to write an official document, and Dong Yiyuan arranged for someone to send the news to Baoan Prefecture.

This is already the third official document sent from Huailaiwei to Baoan Prefecture.

The first one asked Baoan Prefecture to arrange for troops to pick up the grain transport convoy, and the second one asked Baoan Prefecture to send troops directly to Huailai County to pick up the convoy. The latest one was only sent out last night, but today the third one was immediately followed. It's going to be sent out again.

"No, rewrite."

Wei Guangde took the official document written by Yu Guangdou, looked at it briefly, shook his head, and rejected it directly.

"The official document was issued in my name as 'Counselor for Military Affairs', and the wording was stricter. The team must depart within two days of receiving the military order, and the journey on the road must not be delayed for more than three days."

Having said this, Wei Guangde looked at the map on the desk again. Although there were no standards for maps in this era, they only gave a rough location, which could still be of certain reference value.

"In three days, people from Baoan Prefecture should crawl to Huailai County even if they crawl, right?"

Wei Guangde and the others had calculated before that if the grain transport convoy advanced at full speed for three days, they should be able to reach Baoan Prefecture. However, after the Datong Army incident, Wei Guangde was not sure whether the Xuanfu Army would also delay its advance. Is three days enough?

He was asking Dong Yiyuan. He was from Xuanfu and should know the character of Xuanfu army very well.

"Sir, the army can reach Huailai County by marching lightly in two days."

Dong Yiyuan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Wei Guangde. He understood the meaning of Wei Guangde's words, so he chose to answer truthfully.

After nodding slightly, Wei Guangde suddenly thought of something and said to Yu Guangdou: "Let them choose the most capable general to lead the army."

At this point, Wei Guangde was slightly stunned, and then asked Dong Yiyuan: "As far as you know, who is the most capable general in the Xuanfu army now?"

Wei Guangde's question made Dong Yiyuan want to curse. What should he say? After hesitating for a moment, he answered: "Your Excellency, it has been two years since I left the Xuan Mansion."

"To get to the point, if you know those who can fight, tell them their names. Forget about the ones with average strength."

Wei Guangde directly interrupted Dong Yiyuan's words and asked politely.

Although the battle was fought by military generals, even if they lost the battle in the end, they would not be able to escape even if they were punished by the superiors.

The reason why Wei Guangde transferred the battle from Bao'an Prefecture to Huailai was because he did not expect that Anda's troops would increase their reconnaissance cavalry southward to prepare for the arrival of the Datong Army, making the last stretch of Huai's journey to Bao'an Prefecture full of danger.

A gentleman naturally does not build dangerous walls, and he will not be stubborn in carrying out his original plan.

Anyway, whether it is fighting in Huailai or Baoan Prefecture, it is necessary to show the combat power of the Ming army. The biggest problem now is that he is not familiar with the Xuanfu army and does not know which generals can fight and dare to fight.

If you go to Baoan Prefecture, you can observe more and inquire more to distinguish. But now that you can't go to Baoan Prefecture, you can only rely on Dong Yiyuan, a Xuanfu person, to provide you with candidates.

His words were interrupted, Dong Yiyuan did not dare to be angry with Wei Guangde, but quickly thought about who the generals in the Xuanfu army could fight now. His eldest brother must mention it. No matter whether he is in Baoan Prefecture or not, he must at least be in Baoan Prefecture. Just say something in front of Mr. Hanlin to leave a good impression on others.

"Your Excellency, in addition to my eldest brother Dong Yikui, there are also guerrillas Ma Fang, Liu Huan, etc. who are capable of fighting in the Xuanfu army. Especially Ma Fang. This year he severely wounded me twice near Zhangjiakou, the left guard of Wanquan. Because of this, Governor Xuanda asked the capital for credit."

Dong Yiyuan thought about what he knew about the capable generals in the Xuanfu army, and then he remembered Ma Fang and Liu Huan, both of whom had made military exploits this year.

This time the Xuan government sent troops to encircle and suppress the Tatars who entered the pass. If Xu Lun, the governor of Xuan Dynasty, was not stupid, he would definitely send them over.

"Ma Fang?"

Wei Guangde subconsciously filtered out Dong Yikui, but focused on the first name that came out of Dong Yiyuan's mouth. He had a vague impression, as if he had heard someone say that Governor Xuanda asked people for credit, and the first person on the credit list was Ma Fang.

"Scribe Yu, the official document named Tiao Ma Fang, Dong Yikui and Liu Huan to lead their troops to Huailai County."

After Wei Guangde finished his instructions, he turned around and returned to his seat to drink tea and wait for Yu Guangdou to write the official document.

Li Zhen was also contemplating Wei Guangde's plan at this time. It took about two days to send the official document to Baoan Prefecture. It took two days to prepare and three days to arrive. In other words, counting from today, the Xuanfu Army would arrive in Huailai County on the seventh day.

It is estimated that someone from Anda will also arrive, and the two sides will confront each other outside Huailai County.

The vanguard of the Datong Army will arrive here two or three days after the confrontation between the two sides. If they are immediately ordered to move forward and stationed in Huailai County, they will be able to put enough pressure on the Anda troops. Fight or not, how to fight? The initiative is all on your own side.


Li Zhen felt that although Wei Guangde was young, he still seemed to know a lot about military affairs. He was not a scholar who only read books and just wanted to let his soldiers rush to the enemy, regardless of whether he could win or not.

At the very least, you know how to calculate the time and when you can gather enough troops to intimidate your opponent into submission with superior force.

At this moment, Wei Guangde was also rethinking the battlefield in his mind. Even if the Ming army was weaker, it would be okay. As long as there were enough generals, he would not be afraid of losing.

Anda Khan will definitely send people to monitor the deployment of troops in Baoan Prefecture and lure them to Huailai County. Knowing that there are rations for the Xuanfu army in Huailai County, they will definitely find a way to rob them.

But at this moment, the Datong Army suddenly arrived. What would Anda Khan choose to do?

Transfer all the troops from Yanqing and Baoan Prefecture to Huailai County to attack?

The battlefield at that time will be the battle between the Xuan army and the Anda tribe at Huailai City. Will Anda Khan follow?

Dong Yiyuan said that Ma Fang was capable of fighting. Should he let Ma Fang attack Anda Khan's main formation when the time comes? Let Liu Huan join in, surround Anda Khan's headquarters from left to right, and capture the thieves and the king.

Wei Guangde feels like he is playing chess when he has nothing to do in later generations. Whether it is military chess or chess, once he chooses a chess piece to capture, he must first consider the positions of the opponent's chess pieces around him, and then his own chess piece should be Those who mobilize should mobilize and try to form an advantage.

Many times, the chess pieces at a point are swapped. You capture my knight, and I capture your rook, to see who takes advantage in the end.

In the Ming Dynasty, Wei Guangde also played Go and Xiangqi with others in his spare time, but his chess skills were not good. He had learned chess in his predecessor, but his level was very bad. Go was only learned in the Ming Dynasty, which naturally embarrassed the people who traveled through time.

After Yu Guangdou rewrote the document and gave it to Wei Guangde to read, Wei Guangde handed it to Li Zhen. After all, he was a senior who entered the officialdom a few years ago. Li Zhen was more familiar with some omissions in the wording than Wei Guangde.

There was no problem with the new document, and when Wei Guangde was about to send someone out, Li Zhen suddenly reminded: "Master Wei, should we also send an order to the Datong Army, at least let their forward army speed up here? .”

The lobby of the Baoan Prefecture Government Office was now filled with generals in armor. Sitting behind the desk was the person with the highest official position here, Liu Dazhang, the chief military officer of the Xuanfu. Next to him sat the deputy chief soldier Tian Shiwei.

The people in the hall are the generals, guerrillas, and guards station commanders who have been deployed to surround the Anta Department this time.

"General Tian just said that the military rations have been transported to Huailai and are very close to Baoan Prefecture. Now we need to send people to pick up the food transport convoy."

Liu Dazhang, who was sitting in the hall, looked at the generals in the room and said, "Tell me, who wants to go?"

After all the generals in the room looked at each other, finally a middle-aged man whose physique was not outstanding among the generals stood up, clasped his fists towards the commander-in-chief Liu Dazhang above and said: "I am willing to go to pick up the grain truck."

Chief Military Officer Liu Dazhang was not surprised by this. Among all the generals in the room, this man was the craziest in fighting and the least afraid of death.

Liu Dazhang and the deputy commander Tian Shiwei murmured a few words, then turned to the man and said, "Okay, then you will do this errand. You will go down and prepare in a while. You will lead your troops to Sanggan River early tomorrow morning. Go along the river bank and pick up the grain transport convoy.”

"Humble duty and take orders."

After hearing what Liu Dazhang said, the man agreed loudly.

"General, do you think we are sending two teams of troops to coordinate General Ma's actions? Our headquarters are now more closely integrated. If there is any movement on our side, the other party will notice it."

At this time, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Tian Shiwei whispered a reminder. Seeing that Liu Dazhang was still hesitating, he reminded again: "There is not much food and grass in the army. This time the food transport convoy cannot be missed."

"Who do you think it would be better to send?"

Liu Dazhang glanced at the generals in the hall and asked in a low voice.

"How about Liu Huan? He has more than a thousand soldiers, and his strength is only second to Ma Fang's."

Tian Shiwei suggested.


Liu Dazhang shook his head when he heard this, "I don't know how many days it will take to pick up the food transport convoy this time. In the past few days, the Anta Department has been sending scouts southward. I suspect that the Datong Army is coming. If the Anta Department sneaks up on me at this time, The army can't let Liu Huan go anymore, Ma Fang has already been sent out, so we still need to leave a force that can fight."

"Then let Zhang Heng and Liu Mo take the people there. They have more than a thousand people in the two thousand households. Let them follow Ma Fang. If there is a change, they can support one or two in time."

Tian Shiwei whispered.


This time Liu Dazhang did not refuse, but then he whispered to Tian Shiwei: "Come down and tell Ma Fang that when he picks up the grain transport convoy, he must first ensure the safety of the man named Wei Guangde. Everyone in the Hanlin Academy must I don’t understand how someone like this could be sent here.”

"I don't understand. I've never heard of anyone from the Hanlin Academy coming out to patrol the border. This time, they even took up the post of military counselor. I guess if Governor Liu Tingchen and Liu knew about it, I don't know how he would curse him."

Tian Shiwei raised his lips and smiled.

"Haha, according to the messenger, the guy named Wei Guangde is still a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, haha."

Liu Dazhang also smiled when he heard this. Counselor for military affairs is a treatment that can only be obtained by civil servants at the governor level. The Hanlin Academy has approved this position. What do those senior governors think? The imperial court asked them to become officials. Yes.

"Shilang Weng sent him here. I'm afraid he was sent to supervise the battle after seeing that our side has never fought with the Tatars. Mr. Liu, I wonder if we should make some moves in the next two days to fight with the Tatars?"

Tian Shiwei reminded in a low voice.

"What the hell, the Tatars should retreat after only a few days. How dare they stay here permanently?"

Liu Dazhang shook his head. He didn't want to lose the battle, even if the current confrontation situation was maintained. If he lost the battle, he would be punished by his superiors, and both the governor and the governor would scold him.

"When the Datong Army arrives, Anda Khan will know how to choose."

In the end, Liu Dazhang shook his head and did not intend to fight the Tatars who entered the customs.

"Is there anything else you want to explain?"

Liu Dazhang thought about it and felt that nothing happened, so he asked Tian Shiwei.

"No, that's it. There's nothing else major."

Tian Shiwei replied.

Liu Dazhang thought about it again and then said to the general in the hall: "Let's all disperse and go back to our camps to defend our own camps. Don't pay attention to the Tatars when they clamor. If you dare to come, fight them back."

Ma Fang, please wait a moment, Zhang Heng and Liu Mo are all here to talk. "

After the others left, Liu Dazhang ordered Ma Fang to send troops to pick up the grain transport convoy. Zhang Heng and Liu Mo led their troops to follow Ma Fang's cavalry team to provide support at any time.

After giving the order, he waved them away and went back to camp to prepare for departure tomorrow.

The three of them walked out of the lobby. Liu Mo couldn't help but look back and cursed: "If I had known that I was coming here to defend the camp, I would have asked other commanders to come. I thought I could have a battle with the Tatars here."

"It sounds like you are a commander. You can pick and choose from this position."

Zhang Heng on the side laughed.

"Two eldest brothers, I can rely on the two of you to take care of me."

At this time, Ma Fang also turned to them and said.

"This is not our first time dealing with each other. Don't you still know who we are?"

Zhang Heng said with a smile.

"There are only two thousand to three thousand of us to pick up the grain truck. I suspect that after we leave the camp, at least 2,000 Tatar cavalry will follow us. If the grain truck is discovered again, I estimate that thousands of people will immediately surround us. .”

Liu Mo shook his head and said. He had realized that this trip was a bit dangerous. He saw that the two sides were divided into two parts to support each other, but their strength was still too weak.

Simply marching is not a big problem, but taking care of the grain trucks is not enough.

"Liu Dazhang is afraid of death. If he follows my instructions and directly attacks Anda Khan's headquarters, he will attack his royal court. Just his royal court guards, my people plus Liu Huan's people, we can draw a tie. As long as we get there first When the surrounding reinforcements arrive and defeat the Royal Guards, Anda Khan will have no choice but to run back, and there is no telling if he might just leave them there."

Ma Fang shook his head with disdain and said regretfully.

"There are so many large camps in Anda, do you know which one is the Royal Court?"

Liu Mo said suspiciously, "Even if you have lived there for many years, you may not be able to see it. I see it is the same."

"In addition to looking at the layout of the camp, you also need to look at the people. The royal guards are composed of selected warriors from various departments. You may not be able to recognize them, but I can't."

Ma Fang said very proudly.

"It's too dangerous, otherwise General Tian wouldn't support it."

Zhang Heng said.

"Yes, your tactic of capturing the thief and capturing the king is very risky. Once the Royal Guards cannot be defeated, the soldiers who go on the expedition will be in danger. The annihilation of the entire army is easy and will directly shake the battle situation."

Liu Mo also frowned and spoke, "Although we can't drive away our troops through this confrontation, their main force can only stay here. We are not afraid of them."

"If you have three thousand soldiers, I will support you in doing this. By the way, you know Ada Khan, so don't let him run away then, haha."

Zhang Heng suddenly laughed from the side.

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