At first, Ma Fang's idea was to follow the straightest road in the Anda Khan Camp and fight out of the main entrance along the avenue.

Now the condition of my brothers is not good either. From the time when they rushed towards the tent of Anda Khan with a desperate intention to survive until the opportunity of survival appeared, their emotions were ups and downs. The fighting spirit that was aroused also began to fade after breaking the Tatar interception the previous time. .

Ma Fang was afraid when he saw the gate of Anda Khan's camp appeared in front of him and a large group of Tatar cavalry suddenly poured in from outside.

On the opposite side is a team several times larger than our own, so it should be impossible to rush through.

However, the Tatar pursuers were also coming up on the left and right wings, as well as behind him. Being chased and intercepted from all sides, Ma Fang could only choose the option most likely to break out of the encirclement, which was to rush out from the right, approach the edge of the Tatar camp, and turn over. After crossing the fence, you can return to the Ming army outside the camp.

However, just when he turned his horse's head to adjust its direction, he accidentally discovered that the Tatars who had just entered the camp on the opposite side seemed to be frightened by their escape and stopped at the gate of the camp.

Thinking about the reality of the state of his men, they were trapped and their horses were exhausted. Even if they could rush over from the right side, would the horses still have the strength to jump over the low fence?

The other party seemed shocked by his actions, and could even be said to be a little scared. What does this mean?

That group of people was not sent by Anda Khan to intercept them. It was most likely that they were bereaved dogs driven out from the Tatar front camp by the main force of the Ming army.

Ma Fang thought a lot in an instant, and was a little affected in his actions. He did not turn the horse's head early to adjust the direction of the charge.

As the distance between the two teams approached, Ma Fang was keenly aware that he had made a mistake, that is, he had missed the best opportunity to turn.

Although it was only a very short time, the horse under his crotch was still panting and galloping.

"Wonderful victory, ten thousand victory"

The shouts of the Ming army came from the distance. When they attacked the tent of Ada Khan before, he only heard the rumble of cannons, but now he heard the shouts of victory of the Ming army.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he can rush out with his men and survive.

Ma Fang instantly felt regretful for his mistake. He even thought that rather than die like this, he might as well lead his team to attack the Ada Khan tent again and find a one-in-a-ten thousand chance.

Thoughts were flying in his mind. Although the time was short, because there was not much time for him to repent, Ma Fang had already made the final decision.

He raised the saber in his hand again, pointed it at the panicked Tatar cavalry in front of him, and pointed forward forcefully.

"Ten thousand victories, ten thousand victories." (Broken sound)

As the leader of the team, Ma Fang shouted the Ming army bugle. As he shouted loudly, the servants behind him also showed fierce expressions on their faces, waving their own weapons in their hands, and followed Ma Fang and rushed towards the team retreating into the military camp. of the Tatar army.

The emotions of victory and defeat are contagious. Although the vitality aroused by the soldiers following Ma Fang was fading after hearing the news that the Ming army was coming for reinforcements, their desire to survive is still spreading.

They couldn't see the scene in front of them, they could only see the backs of Ma Fang and his servants, but after hearing their coach shouting the bugle call "Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng", their belief in rushing out to survive arose again.

They don't want to die.

"Wan Sheng. Wan Sheng"

As the soldiers at the front followed Ma Fang and shouted the military horn heartbreakingly, hundreds of soldiers behind him soon followed suit. They kept shouting those two words, waving their weapons, and followed Ma Fang's robes. Comrades rush forward together, embarking on the road of unknown future.

In the running cavalry of the Ming army, horses that lost strength suddenly fell over. The soldiers on the horses were thrown off their horses without any warning. After contact with the earth, only a few people could roll on the ground flexibly, releasing the force, and then He stood up and used his two legs to chase the horse team that was retreating in front of him.

What's more, after falling off the horse, he never stood up again. You can see his body shaking slightly, and he stretched out his hand to grab something.

However, soon, they all disappeared, being overwhelmed by the rumble of horses chasing after them.

The Tatar cavalry who had just retreated into the military camp were originally driven here by the Ming army. They were bombarded by the Ming army outside the camp but could not find a chance to vent their anger.

In the military formation of this battle, the Ming army was extremely tightly deployed on the front, and even on the sides, there were multiple layers of spearmen to protect them.

Many people think that the battle between cavalry and infantry should be a one-sided crushing state. In fact, this understanding is wrong.

In fact, when the infantry formed a dense defensive formation, the cavalry did not dare to charge head-on. Even if the knight himself had the courage to hit the enemy's spear, the horses under his crotch did not have the courage. They would do it before the formation. Make various resistance movements.

Therefore, when cavalry assaults infantry formations on a real battlefield, most of them consist of a circle of cavalry running around outside, with the infantry formation in the middle, and the two sides shoot at each other.

Of course, the infantry suffers more in this process.

After all, one is a moving target and the other is a fixed target.

Only when the infantry formation collapsed was the time for the cavalry to rush in and kill them.

It's just that in such a battle, the cavalry casualties will be relatively large.

The best way for the cavalry to defeat a large group of infantry at the minimum cost is to take advantage of their unpreparedness and use their superior mobility to ambush their opponents while they are still marching, so that they have no time to form a military formation to resist. .

In fact, it was no longer a war, but a unilateral massacre.

The Tatars could not find a chance to raid the Ming army's formation outside. They thought they could relax by retreating to the Khan's camp. The most elite cavalry were still observing the movements of the Ming army outside the camp. Those who retreated into the camp first were actually temporary. Conscripted herders.

At this time, they had completely lost their fighting spirit. After seeing a group of Ming troops coming fiercely, their already low morale collapsed instantly.

They completely ignored the orders of their companions and team officers, and they all moved their horses to rush in other directions of the camp to avoid the impact of the Ming army cavalry.

Although they knew that there was a Ming army sneak attack on the Great Khan's camp, in their opinion, no matter how powerful the Ming army was, it was no match for the Royal Guards, and they should have been wiped out long ago.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he retreated into the military camp, he would encounter such a team, a Ming army that could compete with the tough warriors of the Royal Guards.

The Anda cavalry, which had lost all morale, collapsed in an instant. Ma Fang's cavalry collapsed when they were only more than 20 steps away from them. Only a handful of leading generals drew out their scimitars and wanted to attack them, but what else could they do? .

They themselves were knocked around by the running soldiers, and they were completely unable to control the key passage of the camp gate.

It is terrible for a troop that has lost its fighting spirit to collapse. Not only will they not be able to form combat capabilities to weaken their opponents, but they will infect their panic to more people, causing more troops that could have fought to collapse with them.

Like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep, the originally dense Tatar cavalry instantly fell apart. The Tatars inside the camp rushed left and right into the camp, while the Tatars outside the camp naturally couldn't rush into the camp and could only turn their horses' heads and run away. , scattered on both sides outside the camp, running desperately.

Yes, most of them are not thinking about fighting the Ming army, but how to save their lives.

If they continue to fight, what else can they get?

There are still their families in the north waiting for them to go back. They don't want to die in the Ming Dynasty, they want to go back alive.

The out-of-control Tatar cavalry spread rapidly in all directions like flowers blooming in the wilderness.

Outside the camp, the elite cavalry at the end of the Tatar army suddenly found that the team in front had collapsed. In confusion, they soon saw a Ming army cavalry rushing towards them crazily. Was the horse still a human?

The Ming army cavalry rushing towards them were like demons slain from hell. Those at the front were covered in blood, their eyes seemed to be glowing with bloodthirsty, and the sabers in their hands were as stained as the demon's sickle. The blood of his own people.

A red cloud rushed toward them quickly, scaring them more than the red ocean behind them.

Yes, at this moment, these elite cavalry, who were considered to be prairie warriors, inevitably felt a sense of fear in their hearts, and the source of this fear was the scattered soldiers who fled in all directions.

The leader of this cavalry team was Qianhu Sahatu, a subordinate of Toburu Wanhu, an Anta tribe. When he saw the Ming army charging madly, he felt fear in his heart, but he still remained awake.

With a "chang" sound, he pulled out his scimitar and said, "Destroy these bright dogs, stop them, and kill them."

While drawing out his weapon and waving it, Sahatu shouted loudly to the left and right, not only to convey his orders, but also to drive away the fear in his heart. While shouting to the left and right, he also observed the changes in the Ming army's formation behind him.

There was no sneak attack on them at this time, and even the continuous bombardment stopped, as if the Ming army was puzzled by the sudden loss of control of the Anta cavalry.

But at this time, he didn't have time to think too much. He led his cavalry in front and rushed towards Ma Fang's tribe who rushed out from the main gate of the Ada Khan camp.

However, at this moment, perhaps due to the fierce battle for a long time, the movements of the warriors began to change.

"Master Wei, look at the Tatars, what's going on at the gate of their camp?"

Tian Shiwei discovered something was wrong very soon after the collapse of Anda's cavalry, because it was their established strategy to drive these people into the sheepfold.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, something unexpected happened. These people did not enter the fence. Many people turned their horses to both sides and ran wildly along the fence of the camp.

At first, Tian Shiwei thought that the Tatars had seen through their plan and wanted to spread the troops on both sides.

The biggest weakness of the Ming army's formation is actually the two wings. Although they have deployed multiple layers of spearmen, it is still a bit dangerous to face the Tatars' lifeless charge.

At least, before this battle, he did not have the confidence to lead his troops to maintain formation to deal with the impact of the Tatar cavalry.

But soon, he discovered that the situation seemed a little different from what he thought.

The scattered Tatar cavalry had no formation to speak of. They looked like they were blowing up the camp. They had no control and were running like crazy.

Wei Guangde naturally saw this scene, and he was actually wondering, An Dahan was playing a play for him. It was so realistic, as if the Tatars had collapsed.

But he knew that such a thing did not happen. In front of their military formation, the Qianhu cavalry of Anda tribe was still in good order.

But soon, he saw a cavalry rushing out of the Tatar camp that was fleeing in all directions. It was a cavalry composed entirely of red horses. The cavalry on the horses were also all dressed in red, and they were the same as those around him. The colors of these Ming army uniforms are similar, but more eye-catching.

Is this Ada Khan’s trump card?

But soon he realized that he had thought wrong. The next action of the Anta cavalry in front of him seemed to be to turn around and charge towards that group of cavalry.

The moment he discovered this, he thought that that team might be the Ming army led by Ma Fang, but why did they become like this.

The military uniforms of the Ming Dynasty are generally thought to be red as the main color, and this is actually true.

According to the "History of the Ming Dynasty·Yu Fu Zhi", military uniforms were purely colored red because of their "power in martial arts", but purple, green, yellow, white and other colors were also widely used.

Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty in 1368. In Yingtianfu, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the clothing of the Ming army began to be standardized. It was not limited to red, but was just the main color. The entire military uniform was actually colorful.

Especially in the major parades held at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the troops of the Ming Dynasty were very spectacular when they were reviewed.

The distance was too far, and Wei Guangde could only see their current appearance. Even the war horses seemed to have turned into red horses. Wei Guangde couldn't help but think of the intensity of their battle in the Anda Khan camp.

Thinking of this, he judged that Ma Fang's current state was probably at the end of its strength, and it would be difficult for him to lead the team out alive.

Yes, at this moment Wei Guangde was convinced that Ma Fang must still be in this team, because if Ma Fang died in the battle, it would be impossible for these troops to rush out. They might all die in the battle because they had no command, or they might choose to surrender their guns. surrender.

But these are not important now. What is important is that they cannot be wiped out by the Tatars in front of the main force of the Ming army. This will be a devastating blow to the morale that was finally inspired.

"Send the order for Liu Huan's troops to attack and respond to them."

Wei Guangde suddenly shouted loudly.

In fact, there was no need for him to speak. When Tian Shiwei saw the cavalry rushing out of the Tatar military camp, he had already identified their identities.

The armor used by the Ming army was very different from that of the Mongols. Wei Guangde was not familiar with it yet, so he couldn't tell the difference for a while, but he didn't know how.

It's just that his mouth opened wide at this moment, feeling incredible.

Yes, although Wei Guangde said that he would take over Ma Fang's department, in Tian Shiwei's view, Ma Fang should be dead.

Wei Guangde's shouting instantly woke him up, and Tian Shiwei hurriedly ordered to the soldiers beside him: "Quick, quick, summon Liu Huan's troops to rush in, and the whole army will rush in."

At this time, the last organized Tatar cavalry outside the camp had turned around. It was obvious that they wanted to kill Ma Fang's tribe, but they could not be allowed to succeed.

Tian Shiwei knew the importance of this moment, so he not only asked his soldiers to use military flags to summon the surrounding Liu Huan's troops to attack and help Ma Fang's troops escape, but even the infantry formations were pressed in again to exert stronger pressure.

After the words fell, the war drums behind them beat rapidly again, reminding the generals scattered throughout the military formation to look over, and the battle flags began to waver, conveying orders to them.

In the distance, the Ming army's cavalry began to move.

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