The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 536 535 Chaos Situation

"So, what information have the factory guards obtained since the Tatars breached the border wall?"

Emperor Jiajing ignored Huang Jin and continued to ask.

Huang Jin was a bit arrogant, but he managed at least Dongchang, and only targeted officials in the capital.

Now that the war is taking place outside the capital, it is actually Jin Yiwei's job to collect intelligence.

"Pfft" he knelt down and thought about the note he had seen in the past two days and replied: "In the past two days, Jinyi Guardian, many people in Ji Town said that the Tatars were recruited by Tonghan and his son."

Emperor Jiajing's face became serious and asked: "Aren't the Tonghan father and son already controlled by Yang Xuan? How could anyone say that they invited the Tatars?"

"Your Majesty, this time the Tatar chieftain is Xin'ai Taiji, the son of Anda Khan, and his wife is the adopted daughter of Tonghan. The relationship between the two is unusual.

As for their entry into the customs, I don't know whether Yang Xuan knew about it. "

Huang Jin said hurriedly, then paused for a moment before adding: "However, when the Tatars broke through the pass, Yang Xuan led the Jizhen army to stationed at Shanhaiguan."

"Where is Yang Xuan now?"

Emperor Jiajing asked with a frown.

"We should have arrived in Tongzhou."

Huang Jin said that this information was recorded on the note Jinyiwei sent to the palace, so he said: "According to Jinyiwei's secret report, the Tatars invaded Sanhe and surrounded Sanhe Ginseng General Fujin in Zhengguantun.

At this time, Yang Xuanben was in Sanhe City, but due to the lack of troops around him, he sent an order to Sun Bin, the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, and Hu Zhen, the deputy commander-in-chief of Miyun, who had arrived in Tongzhou, to send troops for rescue, while he went to Tongzhou from Sanhe. "


After listening to Huang Jin's detailed explanation, Emperor Jiajing not only chuckled, but also didn't know what he thought of.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Huang Jin did not dare to ask. Then he heard Emperor Jiajing say: "Get up and send someone to invite the two elders to see me."

Huang Jin hurriedly got up and went outside the palace door, asked a chamberlain to invite Xu Jie and Yuan Wei, and then returned to the main hall.

Not long after, Xu Jie and Yuan Wei were brought into the main hall by the chamberlain.

"You have all read the war report from the Ministry of War."

Emperor Jiajing looked at the two men and smiled and said: "Yang Xuan reported that he led his troops to severely defeat the enemy invaders, forcing them to flee eastward, and prayed for rewards for the soldiers. What do you think?"

After hearing the emperor's question, Xu Jie and Yuan Wei both looked at each other, and they naturally felt the yin and yang flavor in Emperor Jiajing's words.

Yuan Wei looked away, but his eyes were lowered. He was the second assistant. Logically, Xu Jie should speak first. Only if the emperor was dissatisfied could he speak.

So, at this time, Yuan Wei was recalling the news gathered by all parties in the past two days, and thinking about what he should say if he was asked.

As for Xu Jie, he had naturally expected it. After all, Yang Bo had looked for him before.

To be honest, who is the governor of Jiliao has little to do with Xu Jie.

Xu Jie has already felt that although the emperor still trusts him, he will not give him great rights like he did with Yan Song.

Governor Ji Liao is responsible for the security of Kyoto, and it is impossible for him to recommend him.

Only this time, Ji Zhenjun's performance was really bad and he was passive throughout.

Even at this time, there are still many Jizhen troops on the road.

They are the army guarding the capital.

The reason for all this, as Yang Bo said, is because of Yang Xuan.

He is indeed not suitable to continue to serve as governor of Jiliao.

Since he agreed with Yang Bo's words and agreed to his request, Xu Jie said: "The bandit camp is still in Sanhe Pinggu, and they have chosen to wait to go to Tongzhou. It is arrogant to call them pursuers."

Hearing Xu Jie say this, not only Huang Jin, but also Yuan Wei also turned his head and looked over.

Xu Jie's words just now were not frivolous, and they were even close to saying that he, Yang Xuan, was bullying the emperor.

The Tatars are now in Pinggu, preparing to go north out of the Great Wall, but Yang Xuan is heading south, towards Tongzhou, and he talks about chasing the enemy invaders, which is simply ridiculous.

"I heard that the Xuanfu army has arrived in Changping?"

Emperor Jiajing did not continue this topic, and if he continued talking, he could only give Yang Xing a choice.

It is not appropriate to pursue this matter now during the war.

A feudal official like Yang Xuan is intertwined with his disciples and old officials. It's not that he can't be moved, but it's just not the right time yet.

Xu Jie once again told what he knew about the war situation. Some of them were already known to Emperor Jiajing, but some were not known at all. The official documents had only reached the cabinet and had not yet been sent to the palace.

"Yang Bo's plan seems to be unfeasible. The Tatars fled north from Pinggu. Unless the Xuan army continues to attack eastward, it will be exhausted."

Emperor Jiajing naturally understood the current situation after listening to Xu Jier's statement.

At first, Xu Jie focused the battlefield between Miyun and Shunyi, but Huang Taiji's army moved eastward and escaped from this encirclement.

If at the beginning, the Ming army's Jizhen army did not go north from Tongzhou, but attacked north from Sanhe, they would just be able to confront the Tatars.

If the leading army of Ji Town can reach Pinggu first and block the Tatars' northward return route, there will be a chance of encirclement.

But Yang Xuan chose Tongzhou as the starting point of his attack.

Of course, he has little responsibility for this. This was the plan of the Ministry of War from the beginning.

"You go down and inform Yang Bo and order him to fulfill his duties and defeat the Tatars as soon as possible."

Emperor Jiajing knew this result and was perhaps a little disappointed. He waved his hand and asked Xu Jie and Yuan Wei to retreat.

In this summons, Xu Jie was the only one who spoke, and Yuan Wei basically didn't talk to him.

However, who calls him Cisuke.

"I'll take my leave."

Xu Jie and Yuan Wei bowed deeply and said goodbye before retreating to the palace door, turning around and walking out.

After Xu Jie and Yuan Wei went out, Emperor Jiajing's eyes flashed with light, and Huang Jin beside him felt the killing intent coming from the emperor.

Huang Jin understood that the master he was serving was murderous.

The situation this time was similar to that of more than ten years ago. The Tatars broke through the border and looted around the capital. Then they successfully escaped from the border and stepped on the face of the Ming Emperor and rubbed it severely.

It is impossible for Emperor Jiajing not to hate him in his heart.

He needs to vent this negative emotion.

Different from last time, due to various reasons, the Ming army was even less prepared this time, and all the ministries rushed to respond.

In particular, the Jizhen army, the cornerstone of the capital's defense, was actually still at Shanhaiguan when the Tatars broke through.

Emperor Jiajing certainly knew the reason.

Although the foreign ministers all knew that he was indecisive and did not firmly support Yang Bo's opinion, this was not the reason.

The emperor is never wrong.

The only one who was wrong was Yang Xuan, who was extremely stupid and had no planning skills, yet he shamelessly took credit for rewards at this time.

"You two take this letter and leave the city. Take this sign with you. It will be useful at the city gate."

"Yes, sir."

"When you see Ma Fang, tell him that you must ride eastward and catch up with the Tatars. You cannot let them leave easily, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

At this time, Wei Guangde stood outside the gate of Prince Yu's Mansion, giving instructions to the two soldiers who came from home.

These two people are the messengers who have been responsible for the contact between the Wei family and the Xuanfu, and everyone around Ma Fang also knows them.

"Tell him to fight with confidence. The Tatars should be fleeing now. Even if they know they are catching up, they don't have time to return to the army and fight them. As long as they don't chase them out of the Great Wall and chase them to the grassland, they will be safe.

Near them, all the tribes in Ji Town should be not far from each other, and the Tatars would never dare to stay in the pass for a long time. "

I only wrote one letter, it doesn't matter who carries it.

But now the situation outside the city is chaotic. Although the Ministry of War and Wei Guangde both believe that the Tatars should retreat, it is not ruled out that there are scattered Tatars still looting everywhere.

Either they were trying to create confusion or suspicion, or they lost contact with the main Tatar force and did not receive any news, so Wei Guangde wanted to explain to them clearly what was going on.

If there is danger along the way and the letter is lost, as long as one person can see Ma Fang, the news can reach his ears.

The two of them collected the letters and put them into bamboo tubes, and one of them carried them on his back. Then they got on their horses and rode towards the north of the city.

Zhang Juzheng, who was inside the gate, also came out at this time, raised his hand and pointed upward, "It doesn't matter what time it is, it will be dark not far from the city. Now that the situation outside the city is complicated, we are not afraid of leaving their lives outside. "

"The situation is urgent and there is no need to delay. There is no time to keep them waiting all night."

Wei Guangde said with a wry smile.

In his opinion, the Tatars at this time may have turned to Pinggu under the leadership of Huang Taiji.

If Ma Fang could receive his letter tonight or early in the morning and immediately lead his troops eastward, he would still have a chance to intercept the Tatars' retreating troops.

Otherwise, when he led his army to Pinggu, he might not even be able to see the flying dust.

Only this time, he, or the entire military department, did not expect that when they all thought that the Tatars would go back after robbing things, and there would be no trouble, a massacre was taking place twenty miles southwest of Zhengguantun, and the Ming army also welcomed the attack. It was the most disastrous battle after the Tatars entered the customs.

"Taiji, Taiji, I killed the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, haha."

At this time, Gao Duer was riding on a horse, with a long rope on his arm, and a body was dragged behind the galloping horse.

Beside him, several personal guards were seized with armors, swords and guns, and a broken Ming army fang flag roared back.

In order to kill the chief military officer of the Ming Dynasty, Du'er used all his strength to chase him all the way.

At this time, the surrounding woods have become quiet, but if you calm down and listen carefully, you can still vaguely hear the sound of Mongolian cavalry roaring in the distance chasing the Ming army.

The remaining Ming army was already discouraged and fled southward, abandoning their helmets and armor.

There were cavalry on both sides, and it would be very troublesome to chase them down.

If it weren't for his superb riding skills and the high-quality war horses under his crotch, it would be really difficult to catch up with Sun Bin and kill him.

Not to mention, the soldiers around Sun Bin were also very skilled. During the chase, the two sides fired arrows at each other, and Du'er was also hit by an arrow in his left arm. At this time, the arrow had not been pulled out, but he just cut off the arrow shaft and simply bandaged it to stop the bleeding. Then he turned around. We still need to find someone to shoot the arrow.

Speaking of which, although the Ming army was issued and equipped with a large number of firearms at this time, as far as the cavalry was concerned, in addition to choosing a handy weapon as a melee weapon, the best weapon for long-range strikes was the bow and arrow.

In any case, the rate of fire of bows and arrows is far higher than that of firearms of this period, and the rate of fire is very important in cavalry battles.

Although the crossbow is simple to use, it is very powerful, but not many cavalry use crossbows, because the crossbow is easy to string for infantry, just push your feet and arms and pull it, but there is no way to do it while riding a horse.

As for the hand crossbow with a simple string, its power is not enough to scratch the enemy's itch.

Only those cavalry who are not good at riding and shooting will choose to use firearms, such as bird guns, three-eyed guns, etc.

However, because of this, they were destined to become only the top soldiers and could not be called up by the generals as their personal guards.

In fact, at this time, the only people who can stand out from the many soldiers and become the general's companions are those who are skilled in bow and horse.

There are also people who are good at using firearms and are favored by generals, but the accuracy of firearm shooting is extremely demanding, and it is absolutely impossible without a little talent.

Therefore, although Ba Du'er successfully killed Sun Bin, he also took a huge risk. Even if the arrow was slightly missed, it might directly kill him.

When Badu'er dragged Sun Bin's body to Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji just looked at it contemptuously, and then burst into laughter.

"You go and greet the leaders below. Don't pursue the poor bandits. Come back as soon as possible to clean up the battlefield. Then go to Pinggu. I will take them back to the prairie."

Huang Taiji's strategic goal was achieved and he had no interest in staying in the Ming Dynasty.

According to the scouts' reports, many Ming troops have appeared around and are attacking from the east and west.

Needless to say, it must be the armies from Jizhen and Xuanfu, which are the closest places to here.

"Okay, I think the armors and weapons provided by the Ming Dynasty for their soldiers are quite good. It would be a pity not to take them away."

Baoduer responded happily.

He has been staying by Huang Taiji's side and has a very clear understanding of the situation.

At present, they seem to be in a good situation, but if they really wait for the main force of the Ming army to arrive, they will be really in danger.

After all, they had too few people with them this time. Fortunately, they were all elites under Huang Taiji's account, otherwise they would not have dared to play like this.

Of course, the reason why other tribesmen were not summoned was to achieve the surprise of the sneak attack. The Ming Dynasty also planted countless informants among many tribes along the Great Wall, and some of the Duoyan Three Guards were loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the Mongols today are no longer the Mongols during the Genghis Khan period. They have fierce internal intrigues and are no weaker than the Han people.

After it got dark, Huang Taiji ordered his soldiers to clean up the battlefield with torches, and then withdrew the siege overnight. He didn't even have time to wipe out the remaining Fujin troops in Zhengguantun, and the whole army headed north.

They actually didn't have much time left, and the Ming army closest to them was only more than ten miles away.

At night, everything is silent. Somewhere on the official road from Huairou to Miyun, there are shadows of fire in the darkness. Can you still see groups of soldiers patrolling around with torches?


The sound of horse hooves sounded far away on a night like this.

"Big mountain, there are fires ahead, slow down and stay off the road."

There were two horses, one in front and one behind. At this time, the man in front suddenly shouted loudly to the man behind.

Although the human voice could be heard far away at this time, he did not lower his voice. In fact, the sound of horse hooves was enough for the other party to notice.

Soon, the sound of rapid horse hooves subsided, and the two men immediately moved forward vigilantly with weapons in hand.

Everyone could see the fire, so it was impossible for the other side not to know their arrival.

Maybe they have been surrounded, and what they want to do is to prevent the other party from stumbling.

If they are attacked, if they are against Tatars, it will be completely impossible for them to escape.

"Dismount and put down your weapons."

Perhaps seeing their alert look, the other party knew that the means laid out could not defeat them, so the sudden shouting finally sounded in the darkness.

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