The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 786 885 La Xungui

The news of Hai Rui's resignation has undoubtedly become the most sensational news in the court today. Countless people are investigating and discussing this matter.

"Why did Hai Rui resign?"

Wei Guangde was also curious, so naturally he had to ask Lu Bu clearly. It was Lu Bu's job to help him find out about these things.

“The Ministry of Civil Affairs abolished the position of Governor of Nanjing Grain Reserve and merged it into the management of Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs. It only asked the Metropolitan Procuratorate to regularly send censors to inspect.

At that time, the Ministry of Personnel transferred Hai Rui to the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing. However, it seems that Hai Rui had no intention of going to the Ministry of Household Affairs, and instead directly submitted a memorial to become an official. "

Hai Rui's reputation was so great that when Lu Bu heard the news, he knew that this matter would cause an uproar in the court, and his master would definitely inquire about the details.

Sure enough, the master started asking now.

"The Ministry of Civil Affairs asked Hai Rui to go to the Ministry of Finance in Nanjing. Hai Rui resigned because he didn't want to."

Wei Guangde knew the reason. Not long after Hai Rui was transferred from Yingtian Governor to Nanjing Grain Reserve, this official position was eliminated. Whoever fell on it did not consider whether it was being persecuted by people in the capital.

Wei Guangde sat in his seat and thought for a while. From Hai Rui's appointment as governor of Yingtian to the layoff of redundant personnel in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Gao Gong seemed to be the most critical. He couldn't help but reach out and touch his chin with a stubble.

Normally there shouldn't be any conflict between Hai Rui and Gao Gong, but Gao Gong's actions seemed to be aimed at Hai Rui.

"You should pay attention to the news in the past two days to see what the outside world says about this matter, and also get a copy of Hai Rui's memorial."

Of course, he in the cabinet knows the inside story about some things, but people outside may not know.

"Yes, sir."

Lu Bu agreed and went down to make tea for Wei Guangde.

Not long after, Lu Bu came back with tea, and also brought the copied memorials of Hai Rui.

This is what later generations called Hai Rui's "Address to Recuperate from Sickness". Of course, Wei Guangde, who had little knowledge of history, had never heard of it.

The beginning of the memorial was okay. It followed the standard format of a memorial begging for leave, asking for "the song of gratitude to be returned to the fields." However, the memorial then pointed its finger at Dai Fengxiang and others, who had previously impeached him for "disrespecting his duties." man of.

The begging memorial was written directly into an impeachment memorial, or a self-reported defense.

But these had nothing to do with Wei Guangde. He had not offended Hai Qingtian, so Wei Guangde thought that there should be nothing wrong with him in this memorial. However, when he saw the last part, he became a little angry.

"All the officials in the dynasty are women. Your Majesty, please don't listen to me. But the clan is very lucky, and the foolish officials are very lucky."

Even if it is written like this, he actually emphasizes, "The poem goes: Don't listen to women."

"Hai Rui has cut off his own way back to the court. He is a lonely minister, haha."

After reading the last few sentences over and over, Wei Guangde couldn't help but laugh angrily.

Hai Rui was an outlier in the court, or a solitary minister.

As a lonely minister, if you are valued by the emperor, you can prosper because the emperor needs such people.

But the situation of Hai Rui was exactly the opposite. Both Emperor Jiajing and Emperor Longqing treated him with disdain. Emperor Jiajing even angrily denounced Hai Rui as "having no father and no king" after seeing the "Public Security Manual". , Abandoning country and home.”

Such people still want to be reused.

When this memorial reaches the emperor, it will definitely be rejected. However, if Hai Rui is ignorant and submits one memorial after another, it will definitely be gone forever.

This Hai Rui was so courageous that he knocked a whole boatload of people into the water with one stroke.

Such a memorial would not matter to Qingliu. They would think that the people mentioned in the memorial refer to Zhuoliu, that is, the people in power in the court.


Wei Guangde had no interest in continuing to read, so he crumpled the copied memorial into a ball and threw it aside, ignoring it.

The incident of Hai Rui becoming official spread from the official circles to the people on the same day.

Thanks to Qingliu's unremitting praise, Hai Qingtian's name was widely spread among the people.

The people didn't know what was going on, so they naturally thought that such an upright official must have been suppressed by traitorous ministers in the court, and chose to retire out of desperation.

Of course the officials in the capital didn't know why Hai Rui didn't go to the Ministry of Household Affairs, but directly requested to be promoted to an official position. They just had countless guesses.

In line with what Wei Guangde thought, Hai Rui was dismissed shortly after he was transferred to the Nanjing Grain Reserve. Although the Ministry of Civil Affairs did not wait for him to be rearranged like other officials to be dismissed, but gave him a fixed position from the beginning. There is no place to go, but it is precisely because of such special treatment that it makes people think about it.

As a result, various conspiracy theories appeared in teahouses, restaurants, and romantic places in the capital.

At the beginning, the focus of the discussion among the officials was naturally whether Hai Rui's continuous changes in such a short period of time were the work of Xu Jie, the original chief assistant.

After all, everyone knew that at the beginning of the year, Hai Rui had a tense relationship with Xu Jie because of the donation, and Xu Jie had a motive to mess with him.

At this time, no one cared about the last few words of Hai Rui's memorial.

Will the emperor listen to him?

They are all people who are destined not to return to the capital. Their influence on the government is extremely limited, so why don't they care about what they do.

He probably just wrote this memorandum to vent his dissatisfaction. When he entered the Nanjing Household Affairs Bureau, he would probably just sit on the bench and find it difficult to build a good relationship with his colleagues.

But when someone discovered that Gao Gong, the current deputy minister of the cabinet, was presiding over the layoffs and redundant staff, Xu Jie's methods could not have been tacitly approved by Gao Gong, so some people began to suspect that Xu Jie was not responsible for this matter. But Gao Gong did it.

But what everyone is scratching their heads and confused about is that Hai Rui doesn't seem to have offended Gao Gong.

If we say that in the first year of Longqing, Hai Rui issued a letter to support Xu Jie, thus offending Gao Gong, but there were many people who did so at that time, and Gao Gong would not be angry with Hai Rui because of this.

What's more, at that time, Hai Rui had also investigated Xu Jie, and the dignified Mr. Xu Ge was disgraced. He had to ask the capital for help, and asked the Ministry of Science and Technology to help impeach Hai Rui, in order to get him away first and then hurry up.

What Lu Bu could find out was the news circulating in the yamen and in the market. There were all kinds of rumors, and Wei Guangdequan was just having fun listening to them.

Wei Guangde also heard the news from the Ministry of Personnel. Originally, all the officials who had been dismissed were re-appointed to official positions after being evaluated by the Ministry of Personnel. It was Zhang Siwei, the minister, who was worried that Hai Rui's reputation would be too great and he would be idle. He was criticized, so he talked to Gao Gong alone and transferred the person directly to the household department.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a deliberate attempt to embarrass Hai Rui and deliberately make things difficult for Hai Rui in the eyes of the people. Who can reason with this?

But up to now, the person who feels most embarrassed is not Hai Rui, but Gao Gong, the deputy minister of the cabinet. After all, he is in the capital now.

Hai Rui's memorial to become an official was naturally not considered acceptable in the Palace of Qianqing, and Emperor Longqing did not allow it.

This is also a common practice. When an official becomes an official, the court, whether intentional or not, must retain him to show his dignity.

Only when an official who made a mistake was forced to take up an official position, in order to quickly solve the bad situation, the emperor would approve it at the first request.

Hai Rui's situation is of course not an exception, and the current situation is special, and Gao Gong is involved.

If he agreed straight away, I'm afraid Gao Gong and even the emperor's reputation would be ruined among the people.

After the emperor's approval came and everyone thought the matter was settled, an urgent report from Nanjing was also sent to the capital.

Hai Rui, a third-rank official in the imperial court, after submitting his resignation letter, did not wait for the capital's approval, but directly left with his crown and returned to Qiongzhou.

In fact, the official positions abolished by the Ministry of Civil Affairs this time are not the post of Governor of Nanjing Grain Reserve, but the redundant officials in Nanjing are to be abolished. There is one person in charge of the seal verification department of the Ministry of Personnel in Nanjing, and one member of the Yunnan and Jiangxi Divisions of the Ministry of Revenue. Member, one person in charge of the Ceremony Department of the Ministry of Etiquette, one person in charge of the Sichuan Department of the Ministry of Punishment, one member of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Camping and Maintenance Department of the Ministry of Works, one member of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, one Councilor of the General Affairs Department, the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, and the Doctor of the Imperial College , Xuezheng, Taipusi Sicheng and so on.

It can be said that, let alone other places, dozens of people have been dismissed from official positions in Nanjing. These people are now running to the civil service department, hoping to find a good job.

Hai Rui had a plan, so he just left if he didn't want it.

"Everyone is talking about Hai Rui, but no one talks about Datong?"

Wei Guangde sat in the duty room and asked Lu Bu in front of him.

Of all the different religions, a local snake like Lu Bu would be better off finding someone to pry for information.

"Sir, most people outside are talking about Hai Rui. Especially last night, the news came that Hai Rui ran back to Qiongzhou. Many people were surprised, and no one talked about Datong."

Lu Bu replied.

"Oh, surprised?"

Wei Guangde nodded slightly. He was also surprised when he heard the news. He thought Hai Rui was just losing his temper, but he didn't expect it to be serious.

It can be seen from this that most people should have the same thoughts as him.

"There were not many people talking about Datong last night, but there were still quite a lot of people talking about it in the past two days. Most of them talked about Hai Rui for a while and Datong for a while, and the word spread among the people."

Lu Bu continued.

"Folks? Haha"

Wei Guangde knew what the people were concerned about. It was definitely not how the court handled the Datong incident, but Anda Khan's affair.

"Go down and keep asking people to pay attention. If you have any news, tell me in time."

Wei Guangde waved his hand, indicating that Lu Bu could go out.

After the others left, Wei Guangde's expression darkened.

Previously, cabinet ministers were worried that courtiers would pay attention to Datong and would wantonly collude and impeach because of the cabinet's dissatisfaction with Datong's reply.

After the Hai Rui incident happened, it gave the cabinet ministers a chance to divert their attention. Although Gao Gong was very dissatisfied, everyone tacitly agreed to let the discussion continue.

Yes, none of the cabinet ministers believed that Gao Gong was deliberately targeting Hai Rui. They thought it was just an accidental incident.

Also, Hai Rui's matter is his personal problem, while Datong is a national matter, so the priority should be separated.

Wei Guangde also thought that it would be best if Hai Rui could write two more resignation letters to continue everyone's discussion, so that no one would pay attention to Datong.

Unexpectedly, Hai Rui immediately left with his crown. Even if this matter continued to be the focus of attention of the officials, it would not be able to maintain its popularity for long, and it was feared that the attention would soon shift to Datong.

But okay, it finally delayed some time.

While Wei Guangde was still thinking about it in the room, someone from the chief assistant came over and invited him to discuss matters.

Wei Guangde knew what to say, it was nothing more than two things. One was that Hai Rui ran away and whether the court should pursue it, and the other was the Datong matter. I was afraid that it would soon become the focus of attention of the officials, and they also had to remind each other. Next, make preparations early.

Wei Guangde got up and left the duty room, and walked towards Li Chunfang, calculating the time as he walked. Their documents should have been sent to Datong by this time. Even though there was no edict this time, it was not a formal order from the court, and Wang Chonggu did not know Do you dare to accept the move?

When Li Chunfang checked in, she really talked about this matter.

"Everyone should know about Hai Rui. Does the court want to pursue the case? After all, his name is clear."

Li Chunfang immediately said what she meant by calling everyone here today.

Whether or not to deal with such unorganized and undisciplined matters as officials leaving with their titles was actually up to the emperor's whim.

It is rude to leave without waiting for the emperor's approval. If the emperor wants, he can punish him in this way.

Moreover, the begging memorial he had submitted before was also full of resentment.

When Wei Guangde heard Li Chunfang's words, he immediately shook his head. Although he didn't speak, his attitude was already revealed.

However, Yin Shizhen and Zhang Juzheng hesitated for a while before persuading him: "Everyone has left, so let him leave. If your majesty intends to punish him, we should do our best to persuade him." ’

But at this time, everyone's eyes were turned to Gao Gong. After all, he had the greatest influence on the emperor and seemed to be one of the parties involved. His attitude was the key to deciding this matter.

"Let His Majesty make the decision regarding Hai Rui's matter. But we have to pay attention. Although everyone was paying attention to Hai Rui's matter a few days ago, but now that it's happened, I'm afraid Datong will become the focus. Maybe it will happen in the next two days. Someone will report this."

When Gao Gong opened his mouth, he really didn't talk about Hai Rui, but changed the topic to Datong.

Wei Guangde nodded, "What Brother Su Qing said is reasonable, but no matter what others say, since we had the same opinion at the beginning, it should be as written in the official document that day and not be confused by other people's opinions."

"If they object, let them speak out. We will also contact those who support this idea. If they object, we will support it."

Zhang Juzheng also said.

Shangzou is actually to create public opinion, hoping to attract more people to support their views.

It is difficult to convince the opponents, so you can only ignore them and only win the support of other neutrals.

"On the courtiers' side, we all need to take action and contact more people. Once they report this matter, we will also take action accordingly.

On the other hand, there is another force in the DPRK. I would like to ask Shandai to move around more and not let them stand there. "

Gao Gong looked at Wei Guangde at this time and said.


Wei Guangde hesitated for a moment, then nodded, indicating that he understood.

What Gao Gong is talking about is naturally the nobles in the court.

Although many of these people have lost their power, they still have great reputation with the emperor and still have the right to speak in the court.

And the most important thing is that some of the benefits of Jiubian have flowed into their pockets.

If Datong can really negotiate well this time and stop fighting and trade with the Mongols, it will have the greatest impact on them.

Xungui, although they are more or less related to the pavilion elders, they are not as influential as Wei Guangde, so it is up to Wei Guangde to persuade Xungui.

Wei Guangde also made up his mind to go to Dingguo Gong Xu Wenbi to discuss the matter today.

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