The male protagonist was stunned when he heard that the world in front of him was a magical world.

"Why did you come here?"

The male protagonist looked around curiously and asked curiously: "Are the magical world and the spiritual world next to each other?"

Hearing this, the pagoda weapon spirit explained: "The underworld tree has been banished to the endless void by us. Whether it is the tree roots that entered the world of cultivating immortals before or the tree roots that just pierced the land of the end, they all extend from the endless void. In the past! In this way, there is a layer of space turbulence outside the broken barrier of the End. Theoretically, it is possible for us to appear in any small world!"

The male protagonist didn’t know much about the way of space, and he was confused by the explanation from the pagoda weapon spirit.

But one thing the male protagonist understands is that it is normal for him to appear in the magical world, and it is not a problem when traveling through space.

"It's no problem!"

The male protagonist thought of another question: "Do you know how to block the Mingshu's induction of me?"

"This is simple."

The pagoda weapon spirit had obviously thought about this problem for a long time, and immediately said: "The original body of the Mingshu is the Buddha, and the only connection between you and the Buddha is the Buddha's avenue. The Mingshu is now in the void with the secret realm of the pagoda. Wandering, the sensitivity to the spirit world and the three thousand small worlds can be said to be weakened to the extreme. As long as you no longer use the Buddha's Way, the Mingshu will basically be unable to sense your location."

The male protagonist was stunned for a moment: "Is it that simple?"

Then he remembered.

Whether it was in the world of cultivating immortals before, or later in the spiritual world when he was expelled into the land of the end, the Mingshu did not appear until he made extensive use of the rules of the Buddha's Way.

"I see!"

The male protagonist nodded, taking this matter to heart, and then prepared to leave the valley and go out for a walk.

This is the second different world the male protagonist has entered after the world of cultivating immortals.

Although I had been to the spirit world twice before, I was hunted down each time and had no chance to appreciate the customs and customs of the spirit world.

Now that he has come to the magical world, the male protagonist feels new and naturally wants to look around.

The pagoda device sensed it for a moment, and then pointed in a direction.

"Go over there, there are spatial fluctuations over there, it seems like someone is fighting."

The male protagonist raised his head and glanced up, then moved his body and flew directly across the void in the direction of the pagoda weapon spirit's finger.

The male protagonist is at the tenth level of returning to the virtual realm.

Even without the Buddha's Way, he is still a top master.

Soon, the male protagonist came to the place where the space fluctuations were mentioned by the pagoda weapon spirit.

There was a valley where two waves of people were confronting each other. There were about four to five hundred people in total.

The male protagonist came out of the void, stood behind a big stone, and looked into the valley.

The battle in the valley was very fierce. When the male protagonist looked over, he saw bursts of explosive roars from various attack methods that he had never seen before.

The hero has seen the Sage of Time use necromancy before.

Whether it is a zombie dragon or a skeleton, it may look very powerful, but when it comes to appearance, those undead creatures are far less colorful than the magic in front of them.

The hero observed for a while and roughly recognized the factions on both sides of the war.

One party was wearing a red robe. When the magic was activated, mostly fireballs were mixed with fire walls and fire prisons. It looked like he should be a fire magician.

The other person wears an earth-yellow magic robe. The magic is mainly thrusts, earth walls, and stone arrows. At first glance, he is an earth magician.

Fire magic is good at attacking, and earth magic is good at defense.

When the two faced each other, it was a collision between a spear and a shield. The scene was extremely intense and exciting.

The male protagonist watched for a while, and eventually the fire magician gradually gained the upper hand.

Fire magic has a natural advantage in attack.

Those magicians in red robes acted like magic was free of charge. Fireballs as big as basins came down one after another, exploding sparks all over the ground.

Although the earth magicians tried their best to resist, they would still be hit by the flying sparks. From time to time, you could hear the screams of the earth magicians whose robes were on fire, as well as the shrill screams of their skin being burned by the fire. .

Although the earth magicians were at a disadvantage, it was not easy for the fire magicians to deal with them in a short time.

The earth magicians saw that the fire magicians were attacking fiercely, and their thrusts and stone arrows could hardly hurt the opponent, so they quickly changed their strategy and simply gave up counterattack and turned to defense.

As the stone walls pile up layer by layer, it becomes difficult to use ordinary fireballs, so you can only use high-level fire magic to blast the opponent's stone walls.

However, the stone wall is a low-level magic of the earth system. It consumes very little magic power to use. Even if it is blown up, it can be repaired quickly.

But the high-level magic of the fire system is different, each one consumes a lot of magic power.

At first, the fire element's attack was very fast, but as time passed, when many magicians had consumed more than half of their magic power, the balance of victory began to shift to the earth magicians.

The fire magician soon realized this, slowly slowed down his attack speed, and began taking turns to allow other magicians to recover their magic power.

Although the earth magicians noticed an abnormality, their low-level magic has limited means of large-scale attacks, and high-level magic consumes more magic power than the opposite fire magic.

If the enemy cannot be defeated, they will become fat sheep for others to slaughter.

Both sides were afraid of the other's strength and worried that the other would take advantage of them if they took action, so they did not dare to take action with all their strength.

Gradually, the war reached a stalemate.

The male protagonist saw this scene from the side, with a look of interest on his face.

"The way of fighting in the magical world is really special. Magics restrain each other, which is completely different from the cultivation system in the world of cultivating immortals."

The pagoda weapon spirit nodded and said: "If you look at the three thousand small worlds, you will find that the cultivation system of the world of cultivating immortals is actually the most complete, the most efficient, and the strongest attack power!"

"Otherwise, after the final battle, the sages in the spiritual world would rather pay the price of six artifacts to completely ban the world of immortality."

"Because according to the speed of cultivation in the world of cultivating immortals, if the world of cultivating immortals is not banned, in hundreds of thousands of years, the spiritual world will probably be renamed the world of cultivating immortals!"

The male protagonist gradually formed a confrontational posture in the valley. From the fierce fighting at the beginning to the two forces that boiled the eagle, he finally recognized the pagoda weapon spirit's statement in his heart.

If there were monks from the world of cultivating immortals below, the winner would have been decided long ago.

As soon as the immortal cultivator thought, the magical weapon and skills came out to attack, unlike those magicians who had to recite a spell before releasing magic.

If their enemies were immortal cultivators, they would have died at least a dozen times during the time they were chanting the incantation.

The male protagonist shook his head and turned to leave.

At this moment, many magicians in the valley looked towards where he was hiding.

A fire magician in red robe shouted loudly:

"Where does this thief come from? He dares to peek in the dark. Does he want to become an enemy of the Hera family?"

Hearing the man's shouting, the male protagonist was stunned.

These magicians discovered him?

ps: Please finish reading, please continue reading!

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