Hearing Zhao Yi's words, Zijin Shenlong was shocked.

"The real dragon is still alive?"

The real dragon's previous decisiveness really frightened this "little dragon" that had just transformed.

Who can bear it if he immediately blows himself up when he realizes something is wrong?

The Purple Gold Dragon thought that the real dragon was dead, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, but it turned out to be an explosion.

The heart that had just dropped suddenly rose again.

Zhao Yi knew how Zijin Snake Dragon was feeling, but it had already happened. Even if he pretended not to see it, it was too late.

Zhao Yi said: "The restrictions on the barrier did not disappear naturally, but were opened from the outside. Moreover, I also saw traces of dragon claws outside the winter snow. It is obvious that the real dragon took away those avenue rules. "


The Purple Gold Dragon sighed: "This dragon should have thought of it a long time ago. How could a fierce dragon like a real dragon, which has not given up even if it has been seriously injured for hundreds of thousands of years, explode itself just because of a momentary setback? This is not in line with its dragon nature!"

Zhao Yi nodded in agreement.

The character of the real dragon is exactly the same as the historical heroes he saw in his previous life.

They are all ruthless people who will do anything to achieve their goals.

This kind of person will commit suicide, regardless of whether others can do it or not, Zhao Yi doesn't believe it anyway!

Zhao Yi had previously speculated that the real dragon might have another purpose. Now that the truth was revealed, he felt relieved.

The Purple Gold Dragon said again: "The true dragon has already made a plan and prepared a clone near the cave in advance! The reason why it has not taken any action is actually because it is reluctant to part with the dragon body that has been refined for countless thousands of years! The previous one The poison forced the dragon ball to self-destruct, which helped it make up its mind! The real dragon, which cannot be broken or established, and is not affected by injuries, will definitely be more terrifying than before! "

After hearing what Zijin Shenlong said, Zhao Yi didn't feel too worried.

On the one hand, a doppelgänger is a doppelgänger. No matter how powerful the real dragon is, the clones it creates cannot perfectly replicate all the abilities of the real dragon. Otherwise, the real dragon wouldn't have been able to carry on with its heavily injured and broken body for hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, even if the real dragon is still alive, even if it integrates other avenue rules, its strength will never be able to return to its former glory, and the threat to Zhao Yi will also plummet.

On the other hand, the Nether Tree crisis is right around the corner.

Zhao Yi had received the news in the secret realm of the pagoda that Mingshu would conquer the entire spiritual world and the three thousand small worlds in three years.

Now more than a year has passed, and there is only more than a year left before the disaster breaks out in all the worlds.

No matter how talented a true dragon is, it is impossible for him to return to the realm of a great sage within a year.

Therefore, Crisis of the True Dragon will be filmed after Crisis of the Nether Tree.

If the spiritual world and the three thousand small worlds do not survive the crisis of the Nether Tree, then the real dragon will inevitably die, and it will not be able to pose any threat to the new world far away in the endless chaos.

Even if the Nether Tree crisis is resolved, if True Dragon wants to deal with Zhao Yi, it must first find a new world in the vast chaos.

Therefore, Zhao Yi is not that concerned about the life and death of the real dragon.

"One last question."

Zhao Yi was still holding a pile of bones in his hand, which was uncomfortable to hold, and he was going to go back and play with building blocks after asking a question.

Zhao Yi asked: "Is there any medicine that can cure your injury? Do you need my help?"

"Need not."

Zijin Shenlong said: "Unless you can find the complete Dragon Road again, you can't help me with this."

To Zijin Shenlong's surprise, when Zhao Yi heard this, he didn't rush to refute, but held up a pile of bones in his hand and said: "Then I'll try it, and if I can handle it, I'll come and save you. If I really can't handle it, I'll come and save you." , you just lie here and heal slowly."

After walking a few steps, Zhao Yi suddenly thought of something and turned around to ask: "Do you want to eat? The food in the New World tastes very good, especially the rice. After it is cooked, the whole house will be filled with fragrance. I will have someone cook it for you." How many pots will be delivered?"

The Purple Gold Snake Dragon refused: "This dragon can't open his mouth and can't eat. The wine he drank before was quite good. Please ask someone to bring me some to pass the time."

Can you drink if you can’t eat?

Zhao Yi shook his head, wondering what kind of temper Zijin Shenlong had.

However, he did not refuse. He nodded and said: "Now there is only one monkey master who knows how to make wine. I will send you a few jars to satisfy your greed. When more people learn how to make wine, I will supply you in large quantities. Even if I can just soak you in wine!"

The New World produced a lot of food, and brewing wine was one of the fastest ways to consume food.

It is foreseeable that a wave of brewers will soon appear in the new world.

Correspondingly, a group of alcoholic lunatics may emerge, which will inevitably lead to a series of conflicts and disputes.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

It is difficult to express the anxiety and panic in the hearts of those people who suddenly came to this new world with nothing from a familiar place.

Especially since the New World is so vast and sparsely populated, in some places there is only one household within a radius of dozens of miles.

Humans are social animals, and if they are separated from the group for a long time, various psychological problems will inevitably occur.

Zhao Yi heard reports from people at Xuanzhen Temple that some people had begun to gather together.

It won't be long before primitive tribes appear.

At this time, not only is alcohol not a bad thing, but it can also become an additive that induces the release of those negative emotions.

If a person has something on his mind, problems will definitely arise if he holds it in for a long time.

Let's have a jar of wine. After we get drunk, we can vent to each other, and our mood will definitely be much better.

If not cured, various mental problems can at least be alleviated and alleviated.

At the same time, there may be some increase in population!

After saying goodbye to the Purple Gold Dragon, Zhao Yi carried a pile of bones and walked towards his palace.

Just halfway through, I suddenly heard someone shouting.

"It's raining!"


Zhao Yi paused and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

The next moment, a drop of cold rain fell on Zhao Yi's forehead.

Zhao Yi stretched out his hand, touched it, and tasted it again. He was sure that it was really rainwater, and his mood immediately improved.

Before the new world was connected to the void, neither spiritual energy nor heat could be preserved, and there were no such things as wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Now that rain has appeared, it means that the world barrier has taken shape, and the new world has begun the internal cycle of the ecosystem.

From then on, people could finally live here for a long time.

Soon, cheers gradually sounded from everywhere.

That's how people are.

In a strange place, suddenly discovering something familiar to you will directly improve your mood.

Zhao Yi thought for a moment, turned around, and walked towards Xuanzhen Temple.

This wave of rain is not small, and it is very likely that rivers will form in the new world. People must keep an eye on the situation in various places. If there is a big river converging, surrounding farmers must be relocated quickly. If something happens, it will be bad.

Fortunately, it rained late and not on the day of the Dragon Ball explosion.

At that time, farmers in the New World experienced several waves of chaotic storms, and their houses were all torn apart by the expanding land. In those days, everyone could only sleep on the ground.

In the past half month, many people have repaired their houses. Although they are not as comfortable as in the world of cultivating immortals, they can at least provide shelter from wind and rain.

ps: Please finish reading, please continue reading!

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