The protagonist robbed my fiancée, but I stole his house back.

Chapter 348 The immortal version of radio is ready!

While Zhao Yi was talking, Master Miaoyin was also staring at the red-hot iron pot.

After confirming that the iron pot was only burning red but showed no signs of melting or deformation, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems to be okay for the time being."

Master Miaoyin said with a smile: "When I rolled the iron pot by hand, I added several special ores in it. The iron is too soft, so it is very troublesome to cast a larger pot."

"And those ores are very hard in texture, and when added to molten iron, they can hold up a very large iron pot."

"I originally just wanted to try it, but I didn't expect it to work. The newly cast iron pot is not only large enough, but its fire resistance and sealing performance are also much stronger than those of pure iron pots."

When Zhao Yi heard what she did, his eyelids suddenly twitched and he frowned: "You are taking too much risk. You sent it directly to the formation without testing. What if it explodes?"

Master Miaoyin already had a complete understanding of Blue Star's technology system, and it was easy to understand what Zhao Yi meant by exploding the chamber.

She waved her hand nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter if it explodes. At most, it's only as powerful as the fourth-level clutch realm. It can be suppressed casually."

Zhao Yi was immediately speechless.

Hearing Master Miaoyin say this, he suddenly realized that he had been ignoring a question.

That means people in the world of cultivating immortals are all superhuman beings on Blue Star!

The almost fatal safety production regulations on Blue Star are nothing more than low-level explosions in the eyes of practitioners in the world of cultivating immortals.

They can suppress it at will, so there is no need to do any stress test.

Zhao Yi couldn't help but feel emotional again.

Compared to the fragile humans of Blue Star, the world of immortals is the holy land for the industrial revolution.

Not only are the products and resources here rich, but the human resources are also extremely strong.

Industrial workers are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or poison. They all have unique skills and are simply born to drive screws.

Zhao Yi thought of something and asked Master Miaoyin: "Is the iron pot energy-producing?"

Because they had been busy clearing wasteland for farming, there was almost no progress in agriculture in the New World.

So far, the pots used for eating in many people's homes are paper-burning pottery.

Some who cannot make pottery even eat raw food every day.

Although corn is very delicious when eaten raw, and the spiritual energy contained in it is also richer.

But the taste of raw food is not as good as that of cooked food.

Those people are used to eating hot meals. Eating raw corn a day or two is fine, but eating it for a month or two is unbearable.

Therefore, Zhao Yi planned to build a workshop for refining ironware.

Even if the integration of the people cannot take shape for the time being, it can give those who eat raw corn every day a full meal.

Master Miaoyin quickly understood what Zhao Yi meant.

She said without thinking: "It's easy to make an iron pot. You just need to build a fire array, then throw the iron ore into it, and then pour the molten iron into the mold prepared in advance."

"The iron pot does not need to be so big, so there is no need to add these special ores. As long as the mold is made, the iron pot can be continuously cast day and night."

"And it is not difficult to make a fire formation. You can cast iron pots in multiple formations around the imperial city at the same time, and the iron pots can be put into the hands of all farmers in the shortest time."

Zhao Yi nodded: "Then let's do it like this, let the people under me speed up the progress as much as possible. It's not a problem to keep eating raw corn."

Master Miaoyin agreed, wrote down the matter, and then said: "The steam iron pot should be almost heated. Let's go to the front and take a look to confirm whether the blue glue can heat the Che Girl's gaseous state."

Zhao Yi nodded and came to the compression mold with Master Miaoyin.

Taoist Chenyang and several Taoist priests were checking in front of the mold. When they saw Zhao Yi and Master Miaoyin coming over, they quickly put down their work and came to report.

Master Miaoyin asked: "How is the situation? Can the blue glue be heated to a steam state?"

Taoist Chenyang nodded excitedly: "Yes, there is no problem at all! The experiment was very successful. It surpassed the crystal state in one go and directly cooked the blue glue to the gaseous state. The gaseous blue glue is condensing in the silent chamber, and it can be tested after cooling. Finished product.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yi looked at each other with Master Miaoyin, and then both of them looked at the cooling mold aside.

The airtightness of the mold is not very tight, and light blue crystals can be vaguely seen condensing.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yi asked thoughtfully: "Can we add an ice attribute formation to the cooling mold? Wouldn't this speed up the crystal condensation?"

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone around him lit up at the same time.

Taoist Chenyang immediately said: "I'll get ready right now!"

After saying that, he took a few Taoist priests and hurriedly prepared to lay out the ice formation diagram.

The new array diagram was quickly produced.

Once put in, the speed of blue gel coagulation accelerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, a strange crystal with a shape similar to a brick, crystal clear and shining with a light blue luster appeared in front of everyone.

Taoist Chenyang carefully took off the brick and respectfully presented it to Zhao Yi and Master Miaoyin.

Master Miaoyin took the blue crystal and checked it to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, and then handed it over to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi took the blue crystal and his first feeling was that it was light.

The previous new radios made of peach gum were already very light.

But compared with this blue crystal, the peach gum is still bulky.

And unlike peach gum, blue crystal looks more beautiful. Due to the transparent nature of crystal, the sound transmission pattern imprinted inside is also clearly visible.

If the peach gum radio is an industrial product, then this blue crystal radio can be called a handicraft.


Although there are burrs on the blue crystal radio left from the mold casting, the overall appearance is flawless.

Zhao Yi held this new radio and liked it more and more.

"Test the effect."

Zhao Yi handed the blue crystal radio to Taoist Chenyang.

The appearance of this new radio looks fine, I'm just waiting to check the final performance.

If there are no problems in the performance test, then mass production can begin.

With radio, the integration of the new world was bound to accelerate even further.

Taoist Chenyang respectfully took the blue crystal radio from Zhao Yi, then took out a spiritual stone from his sleeve and carefully placed it directly above the radio.

The next moment, a dazzling blue light flashed, and brilliant formation inscriptions rippled on the surface of the radio in hand.

Then, the voice of Little Poison was heard coming from inside.

"...Taoist Hongjun saw the six people sitting on the futon, nodded slightly, and said: 'We will use this as a seat in the future.'"

Master Miaoyin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he turned to look at Zhao Yi: "What is Xiaoxiao talking about is "The Romance of the Gods"?"

Zhao Yi nodded.

"The Romance of the Gods" was written by Linglong and he was very familiar with it.

The section Little Poison talks about is exactly the plot of Hongjun’s first lecture.

Zhao Yi remembers that he seemed to have written up to this point at that time.

After finishing talking about Little Poison, we may have to stop updating.

But it's not a big problem.

Zhao Yi looked at the blue crystal radio with a look of surprise in his eyes.

It's at least two days' journey from here to the Imperial City, but the broadcast of Little Poison can be clearly transmitted here. It seems that the leisure version of radio is complete!

ps: Please finish reading, please continue reading!

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