The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 400: : undead monster

Shirai Heizi and his party rushed to the hospital, but it was too late.

All they saw was an empty ward. From the scattered cables on the ground, it can be seen that not long ago, there were many medical facilities here.

The girls looked at the messy room in amazement, unable to imagine that this would be a scene in a hospital known for its cleanliness.

A doctor who looked like a frog walked over. I don't know if he was self-conscious about his appearance. On the work card on his chest, there was a cartoon image of Guatai instead of a photo sticker.

"My sis will definitely like this doctor..." Shirai Heizi muttered.

"Are you here to find those children?" said the frog doctor, Netherland Chasing Soul, "Investigation by the disciplinary committee?"

"That's right," Shirai Heizi admitted, "In the series of incidents we are investigating, those children are the key witnesses."

"Excuse me, where did they go?" Chuchun Zhuli then asked.

"You guys are one step late," Netherland Chasing Soul shrugged, "Not long ago, someone took them all away."

The two discipline committee members looked at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

"Is that the woman named Teristina?" Photon asked after marriage.

Nether Earth Chasing Soul nodded: "It's her."

"You just let her take the children away like this?" Chuchun Zhuli suddenly became anxious.

"I can't do anything about it," Mingtu Zhuishun said helplessly, "Although with my style, it is impossible for people to hurt my patients...but that woman rescued the captain of the team and the director of its affiliated research institute in an advanced condition. There is no reason for me to reject her because she is an important person with an official status, and the transfer procedures are complete."

"Damn it!" Shirai Heizi gasped, "Villains with an official background are the most troublesome!"

"What should I do now?" Chuchun Shili looked at the handheld computer in his hand, seemingly helpless, "The other party seems to have changed the car, and I can't find them anymore!"

Shirai Heizi turned on the phone: "At this time, it's time to ask Senior Yuan Shan for help."

"Is that the 'prophet' who sent us to the hospital in the first place?" After marriage, Guangzi was very interested in this.

"Well, judging from the effect of the ability, it is indeed so..."

Haruka Toyama has been "acting together" with Shirai Kuroko and the others with the help of remote video chat software, but just now they lost contact because they answered the call from Shokuhou Misaki.

On the campus of Shangji Academy, Toyama avoided the crowd and found a quiet corner to continue talking.

Now it's past twelve noon, and the morning test in the School of Machine Learning has ended—it should have been.

But at this moment, the entire campus was in a state of chaos.

All the students and teachers were mobilized, and even all other idle school staff, including campus security, were running around.

Everyone is looking for someone—Ling Xingye from Class 3, Grade 1.

There was no other reason, but when it was his turn to test his ability level in the morning, the students suddenly discovered that Ling Xingye was gone!

After the acting class leader Yishi Qianhui mobilized the whole class to search but found nothing, the incident became more and more troublesome. At noon, even the student union and the principal were alarmed.

So there is the scene where the whole school is mobilized now.

Mobilize the whole school to look for Ling Xingye - this is not the principal's fuss, but because Ling Xingye's ability level test today is really important. From the school's point of view, his determination must not be missed!

Contrary to people's general impression, in fact, in the entire Academy City, it is quite rare for an ability level to increase.

The ability level of each student, in fact, is basically fixed from the moment it is developed.

Even if there are indeed many cases of promotion from level 1, it is because they have that "potential"-in fact, in the records of the "library", the ability level of these people is the final level after promotion.

These things are not a secret among the high-level officials of Academy City—especially the top-level schools. That's why they cherish this case of natural promotion.

Because this can reflect the level of the school!

If it weren't for a level 5 Lily who suddenly transferred from another school, the real protagonist today would actually be Ling Xingye.

Unexpectedly, the main character is gone now...

Of course Yuan Shanyao knew that Ling Xingye had already left the school early, so no matter how long the teachers and students of the school searched on the campus, it would be useless.

But she couldn't tell the truth. And in order to avoid being caught and asked to use "foreseeing the future" to help find someone, Yuan Shanyao had no choice but to hide in a remote corner in a low-key manner, commanding Shirai Heizi and the others' actions remotely.

Soon, the commotion in the school was raised to a higher level.

Because people suddenly discovered that today's real protagonist—Lily, the transfer student who just became the eighth level 5, is also missing!

This aggravated the principal's worries, and he even notified the security department directly, asking for help in finding someone.

At this very moment, Lily Mezzas was still in the subsidiary workshop of the Mizuho Functional Research Institute, fighting desperately with the enemy who wanted to kill her.

Since the Mizuho Functional Research Institute is the site of "Kihara", it is semi-officially designated as a restricted area, so usually even the guards will not approach so that Lily and Uluft are in the There was an uproar in the unmanned factory, but it never attracted the attention of the outside world.

The two fought fiercely for a long time, and Lily's only conclusion was that the opponent's shooter was a monster with a human appearance!

Icicle piercing, high-temperature bombs, burning, freezing... These attacks are enough to kill any ordinary human hundreds of times, but they failed to defeat him after all.

At the beginning, Lily restrained her strength deliberately because she was unwilling to kill the other party, but now, she has completely let go of her hands and feet, showing off her strength wantonly.

Because the opposite of her is a monster that cannot be killed at all!

Lily's attack is effective, but the problem is that no matter how serious the injury is, Uluft can quickly heal itself, as if he has an immortal body!

After discovering this, Lily finally knew that the other party's claim to "punish" herself was definitely not a foolish talk.

No matter what kind of damage she caused, it would be useless, but the other party's bullets did leave scars on herself—if this dragged on, Lily knew that she would definitely be in danger.

The enemy is very strong, and because of last night's battle, his injuries are still not healed and he is not in the best condition, and he has not brought all the equipment, which leads to a hard fight for the superpower who just became level 5 today.

"I knew I wouldn't have come out to join in the fun today..." Lily was annoyed in her heart, "And, is the weapon in this monster's hand also a monster? Unlimited ammunition!"

It had been more than two hours since the battle started, and Lily hadn't seen Uluft do anything like reload—besides, after such a long period of firepower pouring down, the ammunition consumed had already exceeded the limit that a single soldier could carry!

This unscientific! Lily roared in her heart.

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