The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 892: Falling Star Prison is mine

"That being said, but..." Ling Xingye looked around, "Where is the enemy?"

Feeling that he had almost found out the details of the enemy, Ling Xingye decided to take action to resolve the battle. But the problem is, in the huge "Falling Star Prison", there is no second figure to be found!

Ling Xingye came to the edge of the land again, poked his head out and looked down, only the endless abyss. Looking up at the sky again, there is also a boundless black curtain, only meteorites and meteorites passing by continuously illuminate this small world.

Ling Xingye couldn't help being speechless, his fingers twitched, and the silk thread danced beside him, waiting for the opportunity to move. But unfortunately, there is no goal.

Suddenly, the sky flashed with light again.

Ling Xingye, who was used to the environment here, didn't care at first, thinking it was just another round of meteorite rain.

But he realized right away—the color of the light was wrong!

The light emitted by meteors and meteorites when they fall is mainly orange-red, but what is flashing at this time is indeed a cool blue color.

This is not the flame produced by the meteorite rubbing against the air, but... electric light!

Sure enough, there was another thunderclap in the air!

Thunder resounded, and the impact sound of the falling meteorite was suppressed for a while and disappeared.

But soon, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and "Falling Star Prison" returned to normal, as if what happened just now was just an illusion.

Naturally, this lightning and thunder cannot be a normal phenomenon of "Falling Star Prison", because it does not fit the theme of "Falling Star Prison".

So it's not hard to guess—an external force has intervened.

And this "external force", without thinking about it, is Misaka Mikoto from outside.

"Too bad, there is no concept of time in Fangcun Mountain, Meiqin must be waiting outside!"

The image of Misaka Mikoto holding the electric light in Ling Xingye's mind, bombarding Fangcun Mountain like a **** of thunder has appeared in Ling Xingye's mind.

Superpowers and automatic puppets are two different systems, and under normal circumstances there should be no intersection between the two.

So even though she knew that Misaka Miqin was powerful and reliable as a level 5, Ling Xingye still instinctively didn't want her to confront Yanshi head-on.

"Now is not the time to be idle," Ling Xingye reminded himself, "You have to find a way to get out!"

But now he is trapped in the enemy's square inch mountain, how easy is it to escape?

In a personal domain like Fangcunshan or Huzhongjie, unless the owner of the domain is not hostile and lets you out, there is almost no possibility of escape!

After all, no matter Yanshi or Baiyin, their domain exists as a combat skill, and its main function is to kill the enemy!

Under this premise, there are only two ways for Ling Xingye to break through Yanshi's Fangcun Mountain and return to the real world.

One is to defeat Yanshi, the master of Fangcun Mountain.

In the words of Academy City, whether Yanshi's "Fangcun Mountain" or Baiyin's "Pot Zhongjie", the essence is their "personal reality". Therefore, the domain and the master are essentially two sides of the same body. As long as the domain master is defeated, the domain will naturally be self-defeating.

But the problem is that the greatest value of Fangcun Mountain is to extremely strengthen Yanshi's ability. In his Fangcunshan domain, Yanshi is like a god, supreme!

It is as difficult as heaven to defeat an enemy in this state.

What's more, the main problem Ling Xingye faces now is that he can't find Yanshi himself. If Yanshi could not be found, his plan would be out of the question.

It is too easy for the enemy Yanshi to hide in Fangcun Mountain, because this world is his other body.

The tactic of "Falling Star Prison" seems to be to consume the enemy through endless meteorite rain. As for Yanshi himself, it seems that he has no plans to end the battle himself.

Ling Xingye had no choice but to choose the second method—that is, brute force cracking, forcibly demolishing this field!

But it is undoubtedly more difficult to do this. After all, looking at it from another angle, this is almost equivalent to a "destruction of the world", a "destruction of the world" that only exists in fairy tales!

No matter Yanshi or Baiyin puppet master, one counts as one, but in fact, they are still used to one-on-one duels, or small-scale team battles.

They really lack skills like "Adversary Noble Phantasm".

Ling Xingye actually doesn't have such exaggerated skills, but he has a way to do similar things.

"Yanshi Falling Star," Ling Xingye said loudly while walking back to the center of the land, "If you can't hide, it will be your biggest failure."


The meteorite rain in the air seemed to be controlled by some kind of will, and suddenly adjusted its falling trajectory, focusing on the location where Ling Xingye was.

Ling Xingye sketched with his ten fingers, weaved a dense knife net with flying blades, chopped up all the meteorites and bounced them away.

"Even with such a small trick, you still refuse to come out?" Ling Xingye continued to mock.

But the enemy still didn't show his face as if he really couldn't hear it. On the contrary, it further increased the density of meteorite rain bombing.

This is the tactic of "Falling Star Prison". Regardless of the number of enemies and their strength, as long as they persist in bombing, they will be killed by the endless meteorite rain sooner or later.

Unless the opponent also owns a domain like Fangcun Mountain or Pot Middle Realm, there will be a small probability of escaping the "Falling Star Prison".

Although Ling Xingye once owned the pot in the world, according to the latest rumors, he has lost this right.

What's more, even if he still has the realm of the pot, it is difficult to expand in his own field-Yanshi. Falling Star relied on this surprise attack, and once solved a silver puppet master!

It is precisely because of such a record that he was selected as the killer who came to attack Ling Xingye this time.

At this moment, he was hiding in the dark of "Falling Star Prison" and waited patiently.

It's hard to live up to the reputation, but Ling Xingye's strength is really extraordinary. Luo Xing felt that if he went out in person, he might not be his opponent—even if Ling Xingye didn't have a suitable puppet at this time!

But even the most powerful silver has its moments of negligence and fatigue. Under the bombardment of the endless meteorite rain, as long as he shows a slight flaw, it means he is doomed.

So, so, just like waiting for a rabbit, all I need is a little patience...

Just as Luoxing calmed down and continued to observe, the whole field suddenly trembled violently again.


Lightning and thunder came to the "Falling Star Prison" again.

"Oops, what should I do with that crazy girl outside?" Luo Xing suddenly felt bad.

One time can be said to be accidental, but this is the second time, which means that Misaka Mikoto has the strength to break through Fangcunshan from the outside!

"She must be imprisoned!" Luo Xing made a decision.

"Who do you want to lock in?" A voice suddenly came from beside him.

Falling Star is no stranger to this voice—it is Ling Xingye!

Looking up, he found that Ling Xingye was beside him.

Looking down again, the figure standing there had been replaced by a substitute puppet at some point.


"When—what do you want to ask is when did I change my or when did I find you?" Ling Xingye said, "There is no comment for the former, and for the latter, it was just the second time I found you." When lightning strikes and thunder."

Ling Xingye stood beside Luoxing casually, and didn't take any more measures, as if overlooking the scenery below with him.

"I'm going out later, thanks to that girl Meiqin for her assist."

"You..." Luo Xing forced himself to calm down, "Do you think you are sure to win? So confident?"

"I'm just stating the facts." Ling Xingye said, "As the master of the domain, you haven't discovered it yet, have you?"

Luo Xing's expression suddenly changed: "You... my Falling Star Prison!"

"It's already mine." Ling Xingye raised his hand, and the thread of his fingertips stretched out, sinking into the endless void in front of him, "If it wasn't like this, how could I have the heart to chat with you here?"

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