The Queen is Coming To the Bowl

Chapter 42: Jinjiang original debut

Qiao Qiao spread out the "Diary of the Goddess Raiders", which had already written and painted the contents of the small half of the book.

"Kissing a goddess for the first time."

Qiao Qiao's breathing accelerated, and she couldn't help pressing her cool palm to her hot cheek. Closing his eyes, he gripped the pen with some weak wrists, and then finished writing.

"I don't know why a shallow kiss developed into... The goddess didn't answer my question directly. Does she like me a little too?"

The tip of Qiao Qiao's pen trembled slightly, hesitating for a long time whether to erase the last sentence.

His eyes flickered, and he finally put the pen down gently.

If you have a desire in your heart, you don't want to let yourself despair.

Qiao Qiao picked out a red pencil and drew on the paper, stroke by stroke, the beauty that had been sketched and engraved countless times in her mind.

Fireflies are chirping outside the window, and the interior lights are warm yellow. In front of the long desk, the girl's eyes were almost pious, and the tip of her pen rubbed against the surface of the paper, making a rustling sound.

It seems to be sketching out the dreams that have been buried in my heart for many years.

It was late at night when I stopped writing. Qiao Qiao rubbed her stiff shoulders and stared down at the beautiful woman in a fiery red wedding veil.

Her slender, jade-like fingers gently caressed those touching eyes. Xie Yuanyi's eyes were slender and charming, and there was an indescribable aura about her joy, anger, and anger.

Fingers all the way down, caressing the tall and round nose.

Qiao Qiao involuntarily touched the tip of her nose with her other hand. She remembered that when the two were kissing, Xie Yuanyi and her nose were facing each other, and the tip of the nose just touched.

For the first time, Qiao Qiao observed Xie Yuanyi from such a close distance. Her skin is so good that she can't even find any pores on her nose. Under the bridge of the right height is a round and small nose tip.

When Qiao Qiao was a child, she heard people say that the atrium occupies half of the fate, and a good nose is enough.

The slightly cold noses quickly became hot when they were pressed together, and I don't know who was sweating a thin layer first, which made the place between the two sticky.

The hot and humid breath was intertwined, interspersed and exchanged along the corridor near the breath, and entered the lungs, and the entire chest cavity seemed to burn.

At that time, Qiao Qiao was almost unable to breathe. She was afraid that as soon as she breathed in, the scorching heat would melt into her blood, cutting off her entire pulse.

Qiao Qiao's fingers covered the delicate lips.

Flat paper is still unable to fully draw the full and soft lips of the goddess. The lips were covered with nectar, and Qiao Qiao hesitantly rubbed against the petals for a long time before daring to look inside.

The flowers were in full bloom. For a while, the fragrance of flowers lingers, and the brows and eyes are soaked in spring, as if in paradise.

But eventually it will come back to the world.

Feeling tired, Qiao Qiao's eyelids became heavier and heavier. After yawning, she reluctantly flipped through her books again, closed the book, and put it on the bookshelf.

Tomorrow I will go to Hokkaido to record the show. From now on, everyone will go directly to the airport to gather. Qiao Qiao squinted his eyes. With Peng Cheng and Xu Tao, the two grandfathers, it must be another pleasant trip.

Speaking of which, this is Qiao Qiao's first time abroad. Whether it is culture or scenic spots, there must be many memorable places in Hokkaido.

She put a diary in the box. Qiao Qiao has always felt that a diary can only have a sense of ritual to record life through handwriting.

A blank book slowly fills up, gradually turns yellow when it is put away, and then re-opens the book with the kind of heaviness and satisfaction that a light electronic manuscript cannot replace.

Pack up, it's past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Qiao Qiao was lying on the bed with her eyes half-squinted, her eyes looking out the window, and the stars from the sky scattered into her pupils.

She leaned to one side, imagining the scene where she was in Xie Yuanyi's arms that night, and slowly closed her eyes.

Tonight she will surely dream of the goddess.

"What kind of thing is this, it's dark or not, I don't like to drink it." Peng Cheng frowned slightly, looking at the Starbucks handed over by Xu Tao with disgust.

"Accept more new things." Peng Cheng's reaction was as expected by Xu Tao, he was not angry, and sat in the waiting seat with a smile, "Drink coffee in moderation to refresh your mind."

Peng Cheng just took a sip, his eyebrows furrowed even deeper.

"Why is it so painful!"

"Classic Americano, no sugar added, especially for the three-high crowd."

Peng Cheng finally swallowed the dark and bitter stuff. Seeing Xu Tao's leisurely expression, he felt even more aggrieved.

"Aren't you too bitter?"

"Well, I'm used to this smell." Xu Tao took a sip of his coffee and leaned back comfortably, as if he was on a park bench with falling autumn leaves.

Peng Cheng was even more aggrieved.

He was really not used to drinking such a bitter and strange thing, but it was given to him by Xu Tao, so he couldn't throw it away.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and closed his heart, and drank it all.

"Cough cough..." Fortunately, it was the medium cup with the least weight, otherwise he might have explained it here on the spot.

Xu Tao held back his laughter and handed him a xylitol.

Peng Cheng sat down with his stomach on his back, grabbed xylitol and stuffed it into his mouth, squinting at Xu Tao with a displeased expression: "Are you kidding me?"

Xu Tao glanced at the "Caramel Macchiato" label on his coffee cup and smiled slyly.

When the show was broadcast later, the audience saw this scene, and they covered their mouths and laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha, why is Mr. Peng so cute and so funny! Grandpa Xu's deliberate appearance is really cute!"

"If you love him, buy him classic American coffee."

"I like it!"

"Why is it you upstairs! Don't empty your gloves and dog food, it doesn't exist!"

"My God, even the second old man is so sweet. When Xie Yuanyi and Qiao Qiao come, don't they have to fill them with dog food until they faint!"

Two fresh and beautiful figures quietly walked out from the corner of the airport.

Xie Yuanyi walked steadily, staring straight ahead, her face covered with sunglasses, and her windbreaker wide open. The heels of the high-heeled shoes slammed on the ground in an orderly manner, making a crisp sound looming in the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

Qiao Qiao saw her at a glance.

But it seemed to be emotional, Xie Yuanyi tilted his head slightly, and found the petite and soft figure in the crowd.

The face that had been noble and calm in the last second suddenly opened, revealing a happy smile. For a time Yushu Yinhua, Tao Liu microwave.

Qiao Qiao saw Xie Yuanyi walking through the layers of people, striding towards her, her eyes trembling slightly, her lips twitching, and she kept walking towards her, but compared to Xie Yuanyi's calm and stable, she obviously It looks a bit messy.

In the later editing, the brain hole was opened, and Xie Yuanyi and Qiao Qiao were respectively P became Cowherd and Weaver Girl, a magpie bridge was placed between the two, and the "Huangmei Opera" was played very wickedly, causing fans to applaud and call .

"It is said that the two of them just finished filming a magazine together, and they thought it would be like this after not seeing each other for two days. It seems that this show is poisonous, and the single dogs can be retired."

"Even if you give out dog food, if you get tired of it, I will lose. This single dog expresses no fear."

"Add one upstairs!"

"Add 10086!"

The four of them gathered, got their tickets and boarded the plane together, packed their luggage, waited for the plane to take off, and then landed in Hokkaido, thousands of miles away.

The peak tourist season in Hokkaido is in winter. In the cold winter, the corners of the eaves and buildings, and the treetops beside the road are covered with pure white snow.

The sky is blue and white, and there are snowflakes of various patterns floating in the rustling. The sea breeze shakes the snowflakes together, connecting them into goose feather-like snowflakes, falling slowly, filtering out a quiet, peaceful, clear and transparent air. .

Hokkaido in winter is quiet but not cold. Hot springs, food streets, tea houses... People cut and chiseled nature with their skillful hands, casting nature into exquisite works of art, and enjoying them with pleasure.

Hokkaido in summer also has its own style.

Because of its latitude and geographical location, the highest temperature in Hokkaido is only 256 degrees.

When the four of them arrived in Furano, it was already dusk, and the soft warm sun shone on them very comfortably.

The program team has already booked a homestay. I will take a rest tonight and go to the sea of ​​​​flowers tomorrow.

"This house is nice and warm. I will come here to retire in the future." Xu Tao was very satisfied with the simple and beautiful scenery here.

"Look at what you said, it's just over thirty this year, right?" Peng Cheng dismantled the platform quickly.

"In terms of mental age, I may be less than thirty years old."

"Come on." Peng Cheng slumped again, and he didn't take advantage of his mouth, so he led into the room very upset.

The remaining three snickered softly.

After Xie Yuanyi moved her luggage in, she turned around to help the show team move the machine together.

"It's okay, it's okay, thank you, teacher, go in and rest."

"When you travel together, you should take care of each other. Come and help me."

Seeing this, Qiao Qiao also hurriedly placed her luggage, and then went out to help together.

The move of the two moved many viewers, and they shouted "Road to Fan".

"This is the heart that a real actress should have, I've become a fan!"

"Ah, ah, my old Xie really wants to cry me warmly. Even if you do good deeds, you have to bring your daughter-in-law with you."

Qiao Qiao walked into this traditional Japanese hut with everyone. She looked around. The house was small but very warm, with sunny dolls hanging from the eaves, three doors from the outer hall to the inner room, and the smell of fish faintly wafted in the air.

I don't know how many rooms there are in this house.

Qiao Qiao glanced at Xie Yuanyi quietly.

Xie Yuanyi stood on the inconspicuous windowsill and pretended to pick up the exquisite and ancient wine glasses in the wine cabinet to enjoy and play with them.

The eyes of the two met, and their eyes met.

The author has something to say: there is another update around seven o'clock tonight!

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