Probably Qiao Qiao herself did not expect that she had sung diligently for two years before no one cared about her, and now she has become a small Internet celebrity with a set makeup photo. Seeing that she had only a few dozen zombie fans, she had gained thousands of fans overnight, and she couldn't help crying and laughing.

Still small at ease. She retweeted and followed @tv drama YizhangQueen, so she switched to the trumpet @Xie Yuanyi's little dumplings.

The homepage is immediately more lively. Seeing the enthusiastic fans cheering for the goddess, Qiao Qiao immediately felt the warmth of the big family.

The star power list will be released tomorrow, and Xie Yuanyi's votes topped the list, leaving the second place with more than one million votes. Qiao Qiao's collective sense of honor was instantly attached to her, she rolled up her sleeves and tore off a few thorns in the black powder.

Qiao Qiao, who started the storm, is not as gentle as she looks, but she forced the other party to delete her blog. Qiao Qiao snorted coldly, so that you will know that you are black my goddess when you have nothing to do.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed. Now that she doesn't have as much time as she used to, it's time to go to bed at this point, otherwise it will affect her skin condition and spirit tomorrow.

Before going to bed, Qiao Qiao posted a Weibo with a picture.

@Xie Yuanyi's Xiao Tangyuan: Let me be your maid @徐元一V! Goddess's new drama competition high ~ [Picture]

That picture is the lock screen of Qiao Qiao's mobile phone, Xie Yuanyi laughed. When she posted on Weibo, she edited it and added a few words on it: Queen の laughs.

In the eyes of others, this is a fan's support for the idol's new drama, but only Qiao Qiao knows what this "maid" means. She watched more and more forwarded comments and likes, and the satisfaction in her chest was so much that it overflowed.

As soon as it was dawn, Qiao Qiao took her assistant to the set. Although it was still early in the morning, it was very lively inside, and the first scene was already filming. Qiao Qiao entered the dressing room under the leadership of the assistant and started putting on makeup and changing clothes.

The first scene is starring Xie Yuanyi. At this time, there was already a rift between Empress Yizhang and the emperor. In addition, the empress' father, General Yang, was killed in battle, and the emperor did nothing. The empress gradually became chilled and drank suffocatingly in the palace alone.

Xie Yuanyi was in the studio, and Qiao Qiao could only look at her from a distance.

Worthy of being a movie queen, Xie Yuanyi's performance skills trained by almost strict high-resolution cameras during the filming process for so many years are absolutely excellent.

From the serenity that was concealed when he summoned everyone around him, to the tears when he had a drink, to the crying when he was drunk.

She is the queen, she can't make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

She is the queen and can only submit to the emperor forever.

She is the queen, and her family has become an outsider.

After a scene, it was hearty, and many staff were infected by the sad atmosphere created by Xie Yuanyi, and their eyes were red.

"Ka!" Excellent actors are deeply involved in the play and come out quickly. Xie Yuanyi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and got up to thank the staff.

Qiao Qiao was almost crazy.

The goddess is so beautiful when she laughs and cries.

Seemingly aware of the too strong gaze behind him, Xie Yuanyi turned around and successfully captured Qiao Qiao's lunatic gaze.

Ugh, oops, got caught! And...she came over!

Qiao Qiao suddenly blushed and felt her heart beating, like a child who had done something wrong. The script in her hand clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched.

Xie Yuanyi felt more and more interesting about this little girl. She always stared at herself when she thought she wasn't paying attention, and huddled like a little turtle when she was spotted.

Qiao Qiao blushed and stood obediently in the corner, with a double bun on her head and a palace dress on her body. She refused to look up at Xie Yuanyi who was gradually walking in, and she couldn't move and ran away.

Ouch, how can you be so cute.

"Do I look like a monster?" An elegant and low voice sounded above his head, and Qiao Qiao's fan-like eyelashes trembled slightly.

"No! Of course not, I'm just...too indulged in the masterful acting skills of my predecessors, and I was fascinated for a while, so I would be so impolite..."

Really flattering. However, appearance is justice, Xie Yuanyi said that he was satisfied with being photographed.

"Acting skills are honed little by little. The hero doesn't show his identity, you have a lot of aura, I hope you can continue to work hard."

Qiao Qiao's brain crashed for two seconds. Is this...a compliment to her? She quickly reacted, the goddess is supporting her in disguise!

"Thank you senior for your guidance, I will try my best!"

"What are you holding in your hand, why are you **** it all the time, be careful you screw it up."

"Ah..." Qiao Qiao shyly took back the hands hidden behind her back, her eyes erratic.

is the script.

"Can I see it?" Qiao Qiao's shy and shy look is really cute, Xie Yuanyi couldn't help but want to tease her when she saw this little milk cat.

"Uh, of course, of course." Qiao Qiao quickly smoothed out the folds she twisted out of the script, held it with both hands, and handed it over to Xie Yuanyi like a tribute.

Suddenly I feel like a parent is checking homework. With such a close communication with the goddess, Qiao Qiao felt like she had poured a big glass of lemonade into her heart.

Qiao Qiao is only a supporting role, and her script is much thinner than Xie Yuanyi's, about the thickness of dozens of sheets of paper.

Xie Yuanyi gently opened the cover, and every page inside was marked with fluorescent markers and gel pens. Almost every page was sandwiched with a few pieces of kraft paper, which recorded some information that he had consulted or his perception of each scene.

A thin script was literally written by her.

"Your words are beautiful." Xie Yuanyi praised her sincerely.

"No, no..." Qiao Qiao was overjoyed, but her face was red with blood.

What a simple and timid little kitten. "If someone praises you, you should say thank you."

"Thank you senior." Okay, you are the goddess and you have the final say.

Xie Yuanyi returned the script to Qiao Qiao. "You can ask me if you don't understand anything in the future."

Alas! Goddess, this is, is this taking the initiative to show her kindness? Qiao Qiao was fed into a trance by this giant Skittles.

"Well, then, senior, can I play with you in the next scene?"

The next scene is Yanliu serving Queen Yizhang for a bath, and then being dragged to bed by the drunk queen.

Focus on focus. Take a bath! Share bed together!

Qiao Qiao looked at Xie Yuanyi with her big eyes that were eager for knowledge.

The innocent and cute appearance of the little milk cat made the actress very useful.


The author has something to say: This is a story about a small milk cat who thought it took advantage of the big bad wolf, but was actually eaten by the big bad wolf. QVQ

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