The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 641: Guardian Success

At this moment, the girl in the blue shirt fell into silence. She calmly summoned another shield to protect her safety after the shield was destroyed before, but the situation is different now.

Because the green shirt girl's skill will increase as the number of uses increases, and the cooldown time will also increase accordingly. At this time, the girl in green shirt slightly raised her head to look at Lin Mo and the doomsday swords around him...

Seeing that the green-clothed girl failed to summon the shield again, Lin Mo, who happened to change the target of the attack, smiled slightly, and shot all the Doomsday Swords around him towards the green-clothed girl.

The girl in the green shirt calmly watched the swords of doom hit her body like this, and then the girl in the green shirt was hit hard by the swords of doom.

With the super destructive power of the Doomsday Sword itself coupled with the "Doomsday" effect, the girl in blue has no chance of surviving. So Lin Mo nodded after being silent for a long time.

At this time, the swords of doom have been annihilated one by one, but their mission has also been completed. They successfully completed an attack on the green-clothed girl, and also successfully killed her.

At this time, the girl in green shirt and her own blue clothes gradually faded, and then turned into a translucent color. Although it is translucent, the internal organs and bones of her body cannot be seen.

At this time, the girl in green shirt didn't show any expression of hatred towards Lin Mo, or a provocative smile.

After a few seconds passed, she said in a flat tone: "I can make good use of such a force. Congratulations on successfully breaking through the test..." After saying this, Qing Shan The girl has been completely reduced to nothingness.

Although Lin Mo was relatively far away from the girl in the green shirt, he still heard clearly what the girl in the green shirt said word for word. Lin Mo said: "Use this power well, do you need to remind me?" His voice was very soft, after all, the girl in green shirt had completely disappeared at this time, and the target he wanted to confide in was no longer there.

Lin Mo shook his head, then reached out and pressed the mage hat on his head. In this way, Lin Mo could slightly conceal his downcast eyes.

At this time, Lin Mo heard an old voice, and only heard him say: "Congratulations on successfully completing all the tests along the way. Congratulations on successfully guarding the power of doom."

"Successful protection means that if I fail to successfully destroy all kinds of wild monsters and the last girl in green shirt, then my identity and power as a doomsday magician will be taken back, is that true?" Lin Mo So said.

The old voice said without any hesitation: "Isn't this obvious?"

Lin Mo fell into silence. In this way, neither Lin Mo nor the old voice spoke first, and it was Lin Mo who broke the deadlock first. At this time, Lin Mo sighed and said, "How do I get out now? There are no teleportation arrays or portals here."

When saying this, Lin Mo looked around. In fact, just as he said, there is no object with teleportation function in this environment. After confirming the completion, Lin Mo shrugged.

The old and vicissitudes of life sighed softly at this time. Then he said: "Look, isn't this all there?"

A white portal suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mo. There are pure white flames floating around this portal, and these pure white flames disperse into flames. And at the top of these pure white flames, there are some crimson flames faintly. And they are more like an embellishment...

If you look carefully, you can see that this crimson color seems to be exactly the same as the color embellishment that appeared after Lin Mo activated his skills.

But now Lin Mo, who was thinking of leaving this area, did not stop to observe the changes of these flames patiently. At this time, Lin Mo has already left such an area in a hurry, and left by teleportation.

At this time, Lin Mo had already arrived in the world of Tianyu Lord. At this time, the sky was slightly dim, and then there were also tick-tock drops of water falling from the sky.

Lin Mo stretched out his palm to catch the falling rainwater. At this time, the rain is still falling sparsely, but it is a little bit bigger. However, the touch of the rain is slightly cool. At this moment, Lin Mo slightly raised his head and looked at the sky.

After a while, Lin Mo suddenly noticed that the rain was getting heavier. He smiled slightly, and then used the effect of the teleportation crystal, making himself return to the marked position in Sun Moon City, which is near the location of the large teleportation array.

At this time, Lin Mo raised his head and looked at the sky above Sun Moon City, and saw the cold raindrops still falling in the weather. Lin Mo sighed slightly, and then said, "In this situation, I think I need a drink."

After speaking, he walked to the commercial center of the city, went to the Baiyue Tea Bar and ordered double the normal temperature juice. Holding the bottle of pink juice in his hand, he came to the seat by the window. At this moment, it began to rain heavily in the sky. In an instant, Lin Mo's glass by the window began to receive the rainstorm.

I saw that there were no water marks on the glass at this time, but it was like a bucket of water was splashed on the glass. Lin Mo was bored watching the crazy rain outside the window, and gradually couldn't help but yawned.

His eyelids were also fighting, and at this moment Lin Mo saw that he had received an email.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, then yawned again at this moment, and then unhurriedly stretched out a finger to poke open the mail.

His expression gradually changed from casual to dignified. After reading this short email, Lin Mo let out a slight breath. "It still happens," he said.

Then he picked up the drink in his hand again, took a deep sip and said, "This strawberry flavor... is really realistic enough." After saying this, Lin Mo stood up and looked at the drink. Heavy rain outside. He said: "It's a pity that the umbrella in this world is a reward for a version of the mission... so I can only go through the rain."

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