The Rebirth of 88s Begins with a Carpenter

Chapter 715: Complaints are smashed, scrambling to be the first

Ge Ling's uncle, Tao Dazhu, was very happy to help his niece.

So when he saw the unfolded blueprint, he directly boasted: "Tengda's blueprint is really good. Look at how straight the line is, and how straight the word is!"

Hearing this, Wu Yuan couldn't help laughing immediately.

It was just like when Wu Yuan praised Mr. Qiao Wu for his smooth sprinkling of lime lines when he built his own small building.

Fan Bingbing, as the keynote speaker, gently reminded: "Mr. Tao, our drawing is designed by computer, and the lines and fonts are all printed out by computer."

Tao Dazhu smiled awkwardly, feeling a little overwhelmed.

In the end, daughter-in-law Ding Haiyan grasped the key point and said, "Computer design? Has Tengda used that thing?"

Fan Bingbing opened a curtain in the conference room, and said in the direction of Sun Lei and Dong Jian: "Everyone, please look, those are the two computers and printers that our boss spent a lot of money on, and specially hired college students."

"One is a top student from Tongji, and the other is a top student from East China University of Technology."

Ge Ling's second aunt Tao Yahui immediately said: "Tongji is amazing!"

Ding Haiyan clicked his tongue and said: "East China University of Technology is not weak, Tengda is indeed the first-class in the industry, much more reliable than the decoration guerrillas."

The subsequent drawings and effect explanations were much smoother.

Fan Bingbing has long been a proficient trader in this respect, and basically compared with the drawings, he can quickly find several rendering schemes for customers to choose from.

Although it is not as convenient as later generations relying solely on computer rendering, using ready-made case materials as references is much more effective than empty-mouth communication.

Soon, an hour of communication confirmation will pass.

Wu Yuan didn't say a few words the whole time.

But when he opened his mouth, it was all about the same thing.

As the boss, as the design authority, he does not give the other party several choices like Fan Bingbing.

He directly gave the result, which plan was the most suitable and professional.

The unquestionable tone, under the cover of professionalism, made Ge Linger dazzled.

Such a domineering man.

After the design communication was confirmed, Police Officer Ge's aunt Ding Haiyan spoke.

"Boss Wu, as a big company, Tengda Company has seen the efficiency of its design. Then, can you arrange for us in advance for the start of the next project?"

"That's right, to be honest, we couldn't wait to see such a beautiful design." Second Aunt Tao Yahui echoed, winking at Ge Ling while talking.

Ge Ling was very embarrassed, she couldn't open her mouth at all, she could only show a pitiful cuteness to Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan doesn't like her.

Is it appropriate for you, a people's police officer, to use this trick against us ordinary people?

However, Wu Yuan did not directly refuse, but proposed: "Uncles and aunts, the decoration team of Tenda Company takes over the project in the form of a work shift team."

"Usually, they will move on to the next one after completing one renovation project. In this way, within two to three months, they can concentrate on making a good one."

"Uncles and aunts want to start work early, I can understand. But I disrupted the decoration rhythm of the work team, went to your home to start a job in advance, and then went back to continue to decorate other projects, which is meaningless."

"Not only is it meaningless, but it will also prolong the vacant time of your house and affect the use. Right?"

This is a trick commonly used by decoration companies in later generations, and Wu Yuan took the trouble to explain it first.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Wu Yuan changed the subject and said, "However, for the sake of Officer Ge's special care of Tengda Company, I can coordinate and form a work team to carry out the decoration of the homes of uncles and aunts. .”

"Then discuss it privately. Who will come first? Who will come later? Give me an order so that I can ask the people below to arrange it."

"That's great!" Ding Haiyan and Tao Yahui nodded.

As a result, when they turned around, the two families were on the fence.

"My house comes first."

"My family first."

"Why does your family come first? Why does your family come first?"


Hearing the noisy quarrel, Ge Ling, who hadn't had time to smile on her face, was immediately dumbfounded.

How could she have forgotten that her relatives are all quarrelsome?

Now, to fight over who's house will be renovated first, and whose house will be renovated later, Wu Yuan is really a joke.

Ge Ling was really angry and ashamed.

She suddenly regretted coming with her today.

I stood up to persuade a few words, just persuaded here, but not happy on the other side.

Really pressed the gourd and picked up the scoop. The situation seemed to be out of control.

Only then did Wu Yuan stand up and comfort him: "Everyone, uncles and aunts, listen to my advice?"

The row of elders on the opposite side all quieted down, as if they weren't the ones who had quarreled in the vegetable market just now.

After all, Wu Yuan is the boss, so speaking is useful.

As long as he agrees with a golden eloquence, no one else will quarrel.

"Actually," Wu Yuan paused as soon as he opened his mouth and said, "Tengda Company has quite a lot of work teams. It is true that there are many projects, but they are also rotated very quickly. You really don't need this. Fight first. If If you don’t fight, your projects can start almost at the same time.”

So Ding Haiyan was the first to suggest: "How about we start working together?"

Tao Yahui also took a step back: "Let's be together, I have no objection."

In this way, the dispute is eliminated.

The appeal has also been resolved, and the absence of the appeal is also a solution.

Simply perfect.

Ge Ling turned her head back, and looked at Wu Yuan with her beautiful eyes: "My first aunt, second aunt, and the others quarreled for a long time, but in the end none of their demands were met. Didn't this guy do it on purpose?"

But in front of the aunts and aunts, Ge Ling did not dismantle Wu Yuan.

After all, she couldn't clean up the chaotic situation caused by dismantling Wu Yuan's station, and the situation just now proved this point.

After seeing off Ge Ling's seven aunts and eight aunts, Wu Yuan returned to the office to continue working.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to get off work, and Wu Yuan had a rare time to socialize, and returned home early.

Passing by the melon stand at the gate of the community, I picked a watermelon and ordered two portions of stewed vegetables, planning to deal with it tonight and rest early.

For tomorrow's daughter-in-law, come and recuperate.

In the end, when he got downstairs from his house, he found Yang Luoyan's big Benz parked downstairs.

At first, Wu Yuan didn't realize that it was his wife's big run, he just thought it was a local tycoon's new car occupying the parking space downstairs.

Until Ma Mingchao confirmed the license plate number and said: "Boss, my lady is here today."

"Impossible, she said she will come tomorrow."

"Isn't that my lady's private car?"

Wu Yuan took a closer look, isn't it? Looking at the third floor through the car window, the one standing at the window and waving below is not the daughter-in-law Yang Luoyan, who else could it be?

Head a little dizzy, the state is not very good.

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