The gate guard just watched Mu Yangling drive a flock of sheep out of the city gate, and then handed over the paperwork to the guard for a pretentious check before passing the checkpoint.

He twisted his neck stiffly and asked the colleagues around him, "Is that a relative of the guard's family?"

Do you want people to live? The big merchants passing by have backgrounds. They can’t afford to mess with them, so they can only eat and reward them. They usually search and search these hawkers. As a result, the hawkers disappeared immediately after the city gate was under martial law, and the medium-sized merchants also disappeared. For the most part, the income has plummeted, and I finally waited for one today. Is there still a background?

The yamen servant felt that he had to find out. In their line of work, the profit could be reduced, but he could not offend people who should not be offended, so the yamen servant went to the guard for a drink when he was changing shifts at night.

The ones who were sent to guard the gate were only battalion commanders of the first and sixth ranks. There were two of them, and they were replaced by day and night. Because they were the largest on this checkpoint and the city gate, they were called guards.

The guard was also unambiguous, and told him directly that he was a good friend of their little general, and even the Invalids division in front of the general would be courteous to him.

The guard knows that this girl often goes in and out of the Fifth Battalion, and she is not stage frightened when she gets along with the young general, Mr. Fan. She fights and fights. Father is only one hundred households now, but the future is definitely brighter than him.

He had been a soldier for nearly ten years before he joined the battalion commander, and Mu Shi had only been a soldier for a year before he got mixed up with a hundred households. This is the speed of the wind.

Mu Yangling didn't know what happened behind her. She drove the sheep to get out of the checkpoint, and Zhang Wu and Qin Butcher Hua Butcher came up to meet her.

Butcher Qin was taken aback when he saw the amount. It seems that their money can't buy so much, right?

"Let's find a place to rest first, and we'll talk later at night." Mu Yangling was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, and he didn't want to discuss business in this situation.

Butcher Qin nodded and led them to the tent where they were camped.

There is a large open space outside the checkpoint, which is now occupied by tents, horse-drawn carts, mule carts, donkey carts, and various vehicles.

Because Mu Yangling and the others came a day earlier, they took a good position.

Among a large group of goods such as silk, satin, tea, porcelain, spices, etc., Mu Yangling's goods were so extraordinary that everyone avoided her.

Zhang Wu lit a fire and began to get busy with dinner. Mu Yangling sat in front of the fire to warm up the fire. Then the butcher Qin had time to ask: "Miss Mu, there are too many sheep. You know, we don't have much money with us. I'm afraid I can't finish it."

Mu Yangling's face was full of exhaustion, "I know, I didn't want to buy so much at first, but you don't know how difficult the life of farmers in Hanzhong Mansion is now. Anyway, you also want to continue this business for a long time. On credit to you."

Butcher Qin opened his mouth, wanting to say that they only plan to do it this time, and not for a long time, but seeing Mu Yangling's exhausted expression, he swallowed the words, he was the one who pulled people in, no matter what Responsible to the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since Miss Mu trusts me, I will definitely return the money to you. How do you calculate the price?"

Mu Yangling sat up straight slightly, and said: "I buy goods from farmers on a whole basis, two taels of silver apiece, and now I sell them to you as a whole, just two taels of silver, and I earn five bucks for each." Money, I don't care how you sell it in Xingyuan Mansion, but there is one thing, you have to give me back the money."

Butcher Qin and Butcher Hua looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect Mu Yangling's bid to be so low. Qin Butcher was so excited that he forgot his identity, and said, "Miss Mu, the price is too low. You are at a disadvantage."

Butcher Hua tugged at his sleeve. Now they seem to be the target of negotiation, right? Why stand there and talk?

Mu Yangling also smiled, and said: "We all know whether we have suffered or not. I walked to Xingyuan Mansion from here. I know that the road is difficult, and now that the road is blocked by heavy snow, it will only be more difficult. I It is not easy to make money, and it is not easy for you to make money.”

In two days, each sheep can earn five renminbi, which is considered a huge profit for Mu Yangling. After all, she doesn't have to worry about sales, as long as she goes to buy and pull out the checkpoint and hand it over to Butcher Qin and the others.

Four hundred and thirty sheep, worth 1,075 taels of silver, the Qin butcher and the others paid 775 taels of silver at one time, and still owed 300 taels of silver, which will be brought to Mu Yangling when they come again superior.

Butcher Qin and Butcher Hua wrote and signed the paperwork, and Mu Yangling also signed his name and stamped his fingerprints, and the deal was considered a deal.

This trip, Mu Yangling earned two hundred and ten taels of silver. After eating and drinking, Mu Yangling went into the tent to sleep in a happy mood.

But Xiuhong tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Mu Yangling woke up in the middle of the night and asked, "What are you thinking? You have insomnia at such a young age."

"Cousin, why don't you accept the sheep of the third family today? I think his wife is very pitiful. Do you think she will be beaten later? I think their life is not easy. I glanced at their kitchen. Inside It's chopped bark mixed with a few grains of rice."

"You don't need to worry about it. All the sheep in their village have been sold except his family. They are all from the villagers. Wouldn't they lend money to their family? The third daughter-in-law of Lai is pitiful, but if I accept their family's sheep under such circumstances Sheep, she will only be more pitiful in the future. When Lai San sees whether he beats his wife or not, I will accept their sheep, and even more. In the future, he will use his wife to force others to soften their hearts to achieve his own. Purpose."

"But now he has paid the price for beating his wife. The sheep have not been sold. In order to survive, he will borrow foreign debts. The peasant's temper of guarding the city makes him dare not borrow too much, so he will probably still have to eat bark mixed with rice grains in the future. The porridge that was originally in good condition has become the worst in the village, this gap will make him afraid to hit his wife again, at least he will think more when he beats his wife next time."

"As for Lai San's daughter-in-law, did you see that when we left, did she scratch Lai San? She will be tougher in the future, Xiuhong. The reason why I didn't buy his sheep is to force her to be tougher. , women, the only one you can rely on is yourself."

Mu Yangling taught her in a low voice, "For her mother's family, the daughter who married off splashed water, and the daughter who returned home is a guest. Although she was angry at her husband's family, her mother's family can support her, but this is only once in a while. , do you think the natal family can stand up for the married daughter in everything?"

Xiuhong shook her head.

"In the husband's family, the son belongs to the family, the grandson belongs to the family, only the daughter-in-law has a foreign surname, and the only person who is not related by blood is the daughter-in-law. So I said that the only thing a woman can rely on is herself. Of course, the cousin is not trying to teach you to be indifferent. Ruthless, there are many examples of daughter-in-law completely integrating into her husband's family, my cousin just hopes that you will be more self-reliant and self-loving in the future."

Xiuhong opened her eyes and looked at the tent, but she was thinking about her cousin's words in her heart. When Mu Yangling thought she had fallen asleep, Xiuhong suddenly said: "Cousin, I understand. Don't worry, I will definitely improve myself."

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