The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 674 Playmate

Mu Yangling held Xiaoxiong's little hand and wrote "Qi Wenjin" at the end of the letter. Xiaoxiong pursed his lips when he saw it, satisfied, and found a piece of letter paper to give Xiaobao a small paw print as usual.

Because Mu Yangling wanted to leave traces of Little Bear's growth when he was very young, so he printed his little hands and paws on paper every other month and made a picture album. Li Jinghua thought this idea was good, so he gave Little Treasure did the same thing. Who knew that these two little ones gradually became more sensible, and they would take the initiative to print their little paw prints every month and every day if their mother didn't mention it. Later, after the two little friends separated, they contacted each other through letters from their parents. , Every time I will print my own little paws as a souvenir.

When Mu Yangling waited for the ink to dry, he stuffed it into an envelope and handed it to Zhu Liang to send. He hugged the little bear and said, "In two days, let's go to the temple to worship the Bodhisattva, shall we?"

"Yeah," Little Bear pushed away his mother's face, not very interested, pointed to the yard and asked his mother to take him out to play.

Mu Yangling took his little hand and walked out. Gu Yu came in and reported, "Princess, you want the housekeeper to find some obedient boys, and they have already brought them."

"Oh? Bring someone in and let me have a look."

A group of four or five-year-old children were led in and stood in a row, looking at Mu Yangling and the little bear at her feet with some restraint.

Little Bear tilted his head to look at them.

Mu Yangling didn't expect that they were all such young children. Gu Yu whispered in her ear: "The children on the left are all sent by the tenants below. The oldest is six years old and the youngest is four years old. Because they are thin and weak, they look at the little ones. , and the ones on the right are all the children of servants in the mansion, in fact there are not many of them, they are all around four or five years old."

Their family did not bring many servants to Qiannan, and even fewer servants brought children, and there were very few children between the ages of four and six, so the princess wanted to find playmates for the little prince in their house. It was not enough to find only three children, so Zhu Liang had to go to the tenants to choose.

The tenants knew that they were choosing playmates for the young princes of the palace, so they cleaned up the children at home, put them on in the best clothes, and prayed to God and Buddha, hoping to be selected.

You know, choosing Xiao Shizi’s playmate will not only reduce the ration of one person in the family, but also new clothes every season, such a small child will still have monthly money, if you don’t make mistakes, you don’t have to worry about your future future .

Therefore, there are still people who want to bribe the stewards of the palace, and send the older children in the family, but when it comes to the younger sons, how can the stewards dare to accept benefits?

Those over six years old will not be accepted.

Mu Yangling doesn't want children who are too big because he is afraid that the older children will think too much and will plot to hurt the little bear, while five or six-year-old children are more sensible than the little bear, and with adults following them all the way, they can play well.

Mu Yangling asked a row of children carefully, then picked out three, and asked, "Would you like to stay and play with Xiao Shizi?"

There are three children, one is a servant of the mansion, named Gui Ge'er. Coincidentally, his father, Qian Zhong, is a deputy manager of Fan Zijin's shop. Not enough manpower, Fan Zijin gave his whole family to Mu Yangling, and now he is in charge of the grain shop in Qiannan. When he heard that the palace wanted to choose playmates for the young prince, he sent his son here.

Brother Gui is four years old this year, he is very clever, his eyes are rolling around, very energetic.

The other two children are the children of Zhuangzi's tenants. One is six years old, named Zhuzi, and the other is three years old, named Dan'er.

Although the three children were timid, they all remembered their parents' instructions before they came, and when they heard the question, they all nodded fiercely, expressing their willingness.

Gu Yu laughed and said, "Your Majesty, please change their names."

Mu Yangling thought about it for a while and said, "Let's wait until they grow up a bit before getting a big name. Let's make these nicknames first."

Mu Yangling patted his son and asked with a smile, "Little bear, do you want to play with the little brothers?"

Little Xiong tilted his head to look at the three people standing in front of him in a row, his eyes were eager to try. Children like to play with children. Before, Little Bear had Xiaobao as his companion, but since he came to Qiannan, he has no friends. Now he sees three A child who is about the same age as me, naturally willing.

Little Xiong watched the three of them for a while, then ran up to grab Dan'er's hand, and dragged him into the garden.

As for why Dan'er was chosen, because he is as tall and as big as him.

Life is difficult for the farmer's family. The six-year-old Zhuzi looks like a five-year-old, the three-year-old Dan'er looks smaller than the two-year-old bear, and only Gui Ge'er looks like a four-year-old.

Seeing the little bear running away with the egg, Zhuzi and Brother Gui looked at Mu Yangling anxiously, and Mu Yangling said with a smile: "Go and play, the little prince is waiting for you in front."

Zhu Zi and Gui Geer ran to follow, Little Bear was taking out his collection of toys to share with Dan'er, seeing Zhu Zi and Gui Geer approaching, he hesitated for a moment before handing over the two wooden horses reluctantly. Brother Bao gave it to him, and he babbled and said that he would keep it for him after playing.

Although the three children didn’t understand, it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to develop their friendship. The four children squatted together to play with the toys collected by Little Bear. Grab a wooden horse and run after him...

Mu Yangling stood in the yard watching, and when he was tired from playing in the afternoon, Mu Yangling clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go home and have dinner."

Little Bear was about to put away his toys, Zhu Zi hurriedly helped put them away in the basket, Dan'er reluctantly hugged the wooden horse in his arms, and finally handed it over to Little Bear. In the end, he reluctantly chose a Trojan horse that he didn't like very much, and Dan'er smiled happily, showing his white teeth.

Brother Gui also wanted it very much. He looked at the little bear helplessly, but the little bear didn't give it to Brother Gui. He dragged the bamboo basket to Mu Yangling's feet, and Mu Yangling smiled and said, "I haven't said goodbye to my friends yet." Woolen cloth."

The little bear waved to them as before, and dragged a bamboo basket of toys back to the house.

Mu Yangling couldn't help but burst out laughing. In the past, this child would share everything with Xiaobao, but he didn't know how to protect food. He didn't expect to be like this when playing with other children.

The servants at the bottom understood that Xiao Shizi's favorite was Dan'er, who was about his age, but Dan'er was indeed the most well-behaved of the three. Brother Gui was smart, Zhu Zi was steady and cared for others, and the three of them complemented each other perfectly.

Little Xiong probably went crazy playing during the day, and fell asleep on the couch after having dinner and playing for a while. Mu Yangling covered him with a small blanket, and said to Gu Yu, "Leave these three children, call me down!" People take good care of them, and you should take care of them too, don’t let the people below do things that push you up and step down, no matter who the little bear likes the most, I don’t want the behavior of the servants to affect their attitude towards the little bear.”

"Yes." Gu Yu bowed his head in response.

"What about the other kids?"

"They're all still living in the west courtyard." This afternoon was just a test, so it wasn't certain that those children in the west courtyard would be eliminated, so they stayed.

"Send them back tomorrow and give each of them five taels of silver. It's always tiring for them."

Grain rain should fall.

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