The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 679 Inside Story

Wu Wu took a look at Qi San, suspecting that he was the one who was armed with general talent and guarding the yard, so he was a little more cautious, he thought about it, bent slightly and said: "Scared the princess and the little prince, don't you?" The matter in the courtyard was a misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Qi San snorted coldly: "Knowing that our princess is coming to pay respects to the Buddha, since Baiyun Temple and Jingshui Temple have been cleared, how can there be such a dangerous person in the east courtyard of Jingshui Temple? I don't think this is a misunderstanding." , but you harbor evil intentions."

Wu Wu was about to explain, but Mu Yangling asked: "The master and the teacher haven't told me who the people in the east courtyard are."

Wu Wu was silent for a moment, Jingxin sighed slightly, looked up and was about to speak, but Wu Wu said before her: "Let's talk about this poor monk, Jingshui nunnery is only entrusted by our Baiyun Temple, and I don't know much about it."

Jingxin looked at Sawu gratefully.

Realization directly looked at Mu Yangling and said, "Our Baiyun Temple has been built for more than two hundred years, which is not a long time among all the temples, but it can become one of the three major temples in southern Guizhou, all because we still have the main temple. help."

"Oh? Baiyun Temple is a branch? I don't know which branch of Baiyun Temple it is." There are many temples called Baiyun Temple in the world, both big and small.

"Nanjian Baiyun Temple." Lu Wu slightly bent over and said.

Mu Yangling raised his eyebrows, "In Dali?"

Wu Wu smiled, "I didn't expect the princess to know that Nanjian County is in Dali. More than two hundred years ago, there was no Dali Kingdom, and the world was unified. There was only Dali County. He had deep feelings for him. He heard that the people in Qiannan were tough and the Miao people refused to be educated, so the two discussed Buddhism. Same, so it's confusing."

Realization said: "Although Dali is also difficult and barren, the people live and work in peace and contentment. It is all because of Buddhism. Therefore, Liu Huazhi, the governor of southern Qiannan at that time, started to build a temple to educate the people. However, this temple is easy to build. Monks and nuns are rare, so Liu Huazhi asked Duan, and Duan came forward to persuade Baiyun Temple in Nanjian and Jingshui Temple at the foot of the mountain to send 180 monks and nuns to settle in southern Guizhou. Water Temple."

Mu Yangling raised his eyebrows, realizing that his words sounded nice, but it was just Buddhism trying to win believers, while Liu Huazhi and Duan's were cooperating for their own interests. If you really want to educate the people, then you should teach them to read and write, among other things, A book of "The Analects of Confucius" can wash your brain.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were still a hundred schools of thought contending. At that time, Confucianism was not prominent. In the Qin Dynasty, Jurisprudence flourished, and Taoism in the Han Dynasty was far superior to Confucianism. Doctrines are gradually declining, and Confucianism has long since become a national study. Don’t you see that Confucianism is mostly cited in the current imperial examinations?

Liu Huazhi's abandonment of Confucianism and Buddhism was definitely not for the purpose of educating the people. Although Mu Yangling didn't know what the purpose was, there is no doubt that the Baiyun Temple and Jingshui Temple in southern Guizhou may become the eyeliner of Dali Kingdom.

Naturally, Dali was only separated in the past 20 or 30 years, and they may not be able to count what happened two hundred years ago.

Mu Yangling knocked on the table and asked, "Have you always been in contact with Dali Kingdom?"

Wu Wu was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, there is still contact. I'm afraid the princess doesn't know that Dali and Dazhou haven't completely closed the discussion room, and the discussion room has been open since the founding of Daqi..."

"You guys don't always rely on the market to connect, do you?" Mu Yangling sneered, "As far as I know, there is only one market between Dali and Qiannan, and there are only dozens of households living around it. It’s extremely high, and the debate field has long existed in name only, and you dare to hold your bare heads in front of the officials?”

Wu Wu said with a smile: "My lord, although the public affairs are in decline compared to before, they are not as bleak as you said. There are a lot of vehicles and pedestrians passing by every day. It is really not eye-catching to see one or two monks there."

"Oh? Is it not noticeable to appear at a fixed time?" Mu Yangling put the teacup heavily on the table, and sneered: "Did Master Wu regard this princess as an ignorant woman and child? Dali has a channel for private transactions, and the Han people trade more and more with the Han people in the central part. Tell me, who will go to the market? There is a customs account book for last year’s tax market in the prince’s study. Master Wu Wu wants to tell me that the market The officials are so corrupt that they swallowed all the customs duties?"

Wu Wu's face changed slightly, and Liao Ji hurriedly said: "Princess, please calm down. I'm afraid Junior Brother Wu Wu didn't make it very clear. We did meet at the temple, but we appeared in the temple. There is a small temple near the temple. We We often meet there, so the officials stationed in the market will not find us, and we seldom go to the market, we only see the bustle and bustle there, so we naturally feel that the business is very good.”

Mu Yangling sneered, although he didn't believe it in his heart, he didn't refute anymore, he just motioned for them to continue, "So you can pass the news of Daqi to Dali, and you can also receive people from Dali?"

Wu Wu hurriedly argued: "My lord, our Buddhist family does not participate in state affairs, and most of our contacts are exchanged and transcribed scriptures, and we don't pass on news that is not good for Da Qi. As for this time, alas, it's a long story."

"Three days ago, a monk from Baiyun Temple in Nanjian suddenly came to the temple with a girl and her entourage, saying that she was the daughter of Wang Ping, the right-wing guard of the Dali Kingdom." She was framed and imprisoned, and the entire Wang family was imprisoned. Ms. Wang escaped because she was not at home, but she was hunted down all the time. I just tried to escort her to Qiannan, the purpose is to let her live a safe life, at least I can leave a drop of blood for the Wang family."

Seeing that Mu Yangling's face was pale, I didn't know what she was thinking, so I could only continue: "Because she is a female guest, so the poor monk entrusted Jingshui Temple to take care of her. An just received the news that the princess is coming to pay respects to the Buddha. We wanted to move the person down the mountain, but Miss Wang was seriously injured before, so she dared not move any more, so we had to arrange the person into the east courtyard."

Wu Wu looked at Jing Xin, and said helplessly: "As for why what happened tonight, the poor monk has no way of knowing. The poor monk was resting in the temple at that time."

Jing Xin hastily said: "Go back to Madam Wangfei, Miss Wang is really hurt too badly, she suddenly developed a high fever tonight, the hermitage was short of medicinal materials, her maid panicked and alarmed the people in the East courtyard."

Jingxin said helplessly: "Although the poor nun left Miss Wang in the nunnery, not many people in the nunnery knew about it, so two women suddenly appeared in the east courtyard, which caused the commotion, and the concubine sent guards After investigation, those dead men who were secretly protecting Miss Wang mistakenly thought that the guards were the ones who came to kill them, so they handed over without saying a word, this is really a misunderstanding, not aimed at the princess and the little prince."

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