Making an inflatable robot like Dabai is difficult in terms of hardware. In addition to the troublesome high polyethylene skin that is scratch-resistant and dirt-resistant on the surface, the skeleton inside must not only be strong enough, but also be foldable at any time. There is no problem, after all, all the joints of the robot are replaced by servo motors, and it has enough travel to be completely folded.

Hey, if you think about it, it doesn't seem that difficult. All the movable joints of Dabai are directly integrated, and the other parts are connected by bones, and the outside is covered with inflatable skin. When folded in this way, although it is not as small as the Dabai in the movie , but can also be packed in a small suitcase.

Inflatable robots obviously have higher requirements for control software, but there is Xiao Ai in his home, and Xiao Ai's avatar can drive any robot, including Dabai obviously.

It can be said that the Dabai produced in this way may perform much worse than the movie in terms of hardware, such as battery life, but the software is definitely better than it.

Of course, those external tools such as medical treatment also need the support of a database to be realized, but it is not absolutely impossible.

Yang Qing's brain was thinking quickly, although it seems that the conditions for producing Dabai are now in place, but what is he doing to produce it?

Dabai's positioning is a family nanny robot, but at least the titanium alloy skeleton, a large number of servo motors, high-precision sensors, and the most important special chip, and even the high-polyethylene skin are expensive, and the selling price will naturally not be low.

There are many rich people in Huaguo. Even if the price of Dabai is more than 200,000, there will not be a small number of people who buy it. Besides, there is a whole world. The demand for such sci-fi toys is actually quite high, so he may earn in the future. earned a lot.

The hardware of the Dabai robot is just like that, and it does not exist beyond the understanding of the Blue Stars. As long as Yang Qing makes it and sells it, then even if Dabai is dissected, someone can make exactly the same thing.

The important thing is the software instead. The operating system that allows a civilian robot to run can naturally make military robots with more expensive hardware feel like a fish in water.

We must know that the reason why military robots are unable to appear on the battlefield is due to the accident of battery life, and the lack of artificial intelligence algorithms.

The reason why the robot dog of Boston Robot in the United States is amazing is that there is a whole team behind it and the support of supercomputers.

But once it is placed in an environment where communication is interfered, it is doubtful whether it can still perform like this. On the battlefield, it is simply too common to encounter electromagnetic interference.

But if Dabai is placed in an environment of electromagnetic interference, its reaction may be a little slower than usual, but it will definitely not be able to distinguish obstacles or walk, and it has a certain ability to act autonomously.

That's what true artificial intelligence does, even if it's just a clone, and this is especially true in military robots.

May I ask, would Yang Qing dare to release such a thing? Let him use the normal way to drive the robot just like Boston. Without a lot of data training, his effect may not be comparable to others.

Although Yang Qing can also set it so that Dabai will be turned off directly when the signal is lost, so as to avoid other people's coveting.

But why bother? Yang Qing will no longer be short of money, and he doesn't have much to spend money on, and he has passed the time of desperately accumulating original capital, so why bother to do these unnecessary things and put himself under the spotlight again.

Yang Qing must create robots in the future, but not the current ones. What he wants are all kinds of warriors and puppets that he refined in the prehistoric times.

The flexibility of Lux puppets is not comparable to that of ordinary robots.

Because what drives it to work is the various artificial muscles on their bodies.

The puppet is driven by spiritual energy. Under the action of various talisman arrays, the artificial muscles on the puppet contract in various ways, thus forming a series of actions such as walking, running, jumping, or fighting. Yang Qing does not use them to fight for the time being, but They are still good assistants at work.

On Blue Star, there is also this kind of artificial muscle, but it uses electro-shrinkage, and the principle is similar. Yang Qing also knows the formula of this electro-muscle, which directly saves countless servo motors.

However, Honghuang's puppet uses something called a soul crystal to act as a central processing unit.

Inside the soul crystal are the souls of various animals, even humans, and even monks. After being processed, they are cleaned into blank souls.

Ordinary puppets, of course, use the souls of animals. Although they become blank, after some simple operations, such as soul recording, ordinary puppets can learn some simple tasks, such as walking. Biological instinct does not need to be learned at all.

A high-level puppet can not only serve as a test assistant, but also be proficient in martial arts and even spells, which can be equivalent to a powerful combat force.

Soul crystals are sold in many chambers of commerce in Honghuang, and Yang Qing's soul crystals are also purchased from chambers of commerce.

Harvesting souls, especially human souls, is a very cruel thing. Yang Qing suddenly heard that in the ancient times of the prehistoric world, it was forbidden to harvest the souls of mortals. The act of harvesting human souls can be called a demon , almost everyone yelled and beat them.

But in modern times, the society of mortal practitioners has become more and more divided. Many monks have regarded mortals and monks as two species, and the demand for human souls used as puppets has become more and more strong. Therefore, unknowingly, harvesting souls, It has become more and more common, and soul crystals have also changed from being sneaky to something that is put on the table in an open and honest manner.

However, except for those frenzied demonic monks, no one dared to really kill. After all, there is a heavenly way in the prehistoric wilderness. If you kill too much, you will be punished by heaven.

But they will stir up the mortal kingdoms and kill each other. The souls collected on the battlefield are called soldier souls, which are more suitable for making puppets for fighting.

This is the mainstream of the prehistoric era, not like Yang Qing, who regards high-level puppets as the main force of production and rarely uses them in battle.

But in the environment of Blue Star, there is no way for the soul to survive. Once a person dies, the soul is basically scattered, and Yang Qing's cultivation base can't reach the level of harvesting the soul in a short time, so his substitute is the soul on the Blue Star. Develop unique chips.

It's just that if Yang Qing wants to have the wisdom of a puppet, he must not be able to use general-purpose chips on the market, so designing a processor with similar soul characteristics has become one of Yang Qing's goals.

Making puppets in the Great Desolation is assisted by spells, but on Blue Star, the power of spells is almost zero, so the puppets on Blue Star have to be produced like robots.

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