But even if he built the entire moon into his own cave, so what?

The reason why human beings can survive and establish great achievements over the past hundreds of thousands of years in the past two hundred years is not achieved overnight.

It is also based on the accumulation of all the knowledge from the Neolithic Age to the Industrial Revolution period.

Human beings have civilization records, thousands of years of inheritance, and only in the period of the industrial revolution, the most brilliant flowers bloomed.

There has never been anything that can last forever, even the burning sun and the eternal universe have their lifespan, and Yang Qing dare not compare with such an existence.

In Yang Qing's view, compared with Blue Star's technology, it is the prehistoric rune technology, which is closer to the origin of the entire universe. Of course, it may be because Blue Star's technology has not yet developed to a certain extent.

He didn't know if those myths and legends in ancient times had anything to do with the prehistoric times, but these ancient gods and gods were gone forever, and they didn't leave much inheritance for the current world.

But he knew that maybe he was the only one in this world who possessed this seemingly absurd, but actually profound knowledge of runes.

If this knowledge cannot be passed on, then he is the biggest sinner on Blue Star.

But the place where he can impart this knowledge is destined not to be on the blue star, because his various abilities are leaked, regardless of his safety, he is destined to fight a big battle.

However, if there is a real fight on Blue Star, it will be too dangerous, and it is really possible to send Blue Star into the last days.

It's just that entering the universe is not that simple. The physical requirements for the human body are extremely high, which is why astronauts are one in a million.

Even so, they cannot survive in the universe for a long time, and they will suffer from various cosmic diseases.

But if the people who enter the universe are several times stronger than they are now, and then cooperate with Yang Qing's magical rune technology to survive in the universe for a long time, it will no longer be a myth.

Yang Qingdu gave Zhao Yuxi a bit of real energy, and the circulation in her body gave Yang Qing an inspiration. How about letting the person he chooses strengthen his physique through the circulation of inner energy?

Among other things, as long as they can meet the standards of acquired warriors, they can quickly adapt to the low-gravity environment of the moon.

Yang Qing's brain quickly transferred a lot of information,

But without stopping, he walked towards the office on the second floor.

It is not very likely that the Blue Star people can practice martial arts by themselves and reach the postnatal level, and most of the people who get it in this way are martial arts fighters who are good at fighting and ruthless, which is far from the researchers he imagined.

However, as a high-level cultivator who transformed himself into a god, he quickly remembered such a case in his mind.

A high-ranking member of the Fuling Sect, probably a Yuanying cultivator, gave birth to a child with a Taoist companion, but this child did not have any spirituality for cultivating immortals.

According to the general practice of the descendants of monks, such children will be sent to towns outside the sect to practice martial arts. If one day, they can enter the innate, they will be able to re-enter.

However, such a person is doomed to not have much future, and foundation building is already the limit.

However, the Taoist couple had an accident later and could not continue to have children, so this child became the top priority.

They are also proficient in talismans. When the child was just two years old, he designed a talisman to guide the movement of energy outside. When he was less than ten years old, he piled up resources and piled people into innate, and later even Compared with some monks with high spirituality, he has gone further.

Yang Qing once studied this talisman array. Although it would consume an astronomical amount of resources to pile people up to innateness, but to cultivate people to the acquired state of self-generated inner qi, all they need is aura.

Thinking of this talisman array, Yang Qing couldn't help being excited, which meant that he could quickly make many people build his own space base.

Thinking of this, an indescribably bewildered smile appeared on his face, and before he knew it, he had already sat on the swivel chair behind the desk.

Zhao Yuxi, who came in following Yang Qing's footsteps, saw Yang Qing's smile at a glance. Although she also admitted that good-looking people are so good-looking even if they smile lewdly, she was still upset.

"Mr. Yang, the people from Weihua are here, what are the specifications?" Zhao Yuxi asked, throwing his handbag on the table.

"Then what are the specifications? Here we go, let's visit the lithography line, that's all. I don't think they might be interested in eating here!"

Yang Qing was awakened from the fantasy and replied.

"We don't care if others eat or not, but we still need to make necessary preparations. Let's book a restaurant."

Yang Qing thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it when they arrive. Weihua may not be a guest in the gold market. As long as we master the technology well, it's much better than eating."

Before Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi had a cup of coffee, Yang Qing's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Yang, hello, I'm Xu Hai!"

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"We have arrived in Jinshi and are on our way to the comprehensive laboratory. Is it convenient for Mr. Yang?"

"Convenient, I can visit here anytime!"

After the two people hung up the phone, Yang Qing put aside all his thoughts and sorted out his technology about Xinlan No. 1 in his brain, and he was relieved to make sure that there were no extra elements.

To be honest, Yang Qing was most afraid of explaining to others, and suddenly found that what he said had one more chip than the chip on the drawing, and that would be embarrassing.

This means that Yang Qing not only designed and taped the Xinlan No. 1 that shocked them, but also designed another, more complex chip.

At that time, in the eyes of others, he was not a human being, but a god.

For humans, there is still a possibility for everyone to understand, but for gods, there is only one end, which is to put them on the altar.

Apparently when Xu Hai called, they were already walking on the road, hung up the phone, and less than ten minutes later, the horn of the bus came from outside the laboratory gate, indicating that Weihua's people had arrived.

Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi went out to meet her, followed by Zhao Manqing who was almost transparent.

From the car, Xu Hai was the first to get off. He was not special at all among Weihua's employees, so he got off first.

Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi rushed forward to meet them and shook hands warmly.

"Warmly welcome Mr. Xu!"

"I haven't seen you in a few months, Mr. Yang is still so radiant!"

The next ones were the technical directors of Weihua, especially the main technicians of HiSilicon who hadn't seen last time.

The people who came to Weihua this time were actually not many, there were only more than 30 people. They probably chose to keep it secret, but they were obviously experts in the industry.

Lead the group to a conference room on the second floor, and only here can accommodate so many people.

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