The days were spent in such a busy way. As the only monk on the island who could refine weapons, Yang Qing finally realized the blessing of Zero Zero Seven.

He seems to have returned to the prehistoric era. At that time, he was like this. Except for the necessary daily work, the rest of the time was spent in meditation and practice, until the limit of the meridians in the body, he had never been as lazy as others.

Now it seems to be more excessive than at that time. After all, it is a transformed body, and there is almost no limit to cultivation. Now after refining the talisman, he directly uses meditation instead of sleep, and then waits until the true energy is restored, and then re-training system.

In short, he spent the entire day in the refining room except for eating every day.

And because of the dense aura in the refining room, his appetite was also extremely small.

But he was completely absorbed in his work, and he hadn't seen the sun outside for several months.

However, in this kind of high-intensity training, his true essence is also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a short period of time, he has reached the level of complete foundation establishment.

This is of course because its body has already reached the limit of the main machine, and it is also the result of the continuous exhaustion of this period of time, and then the transformation of true essence.

On this day, Yang Qing was still busy in the refining room. Not only him, but even Bai Yibai Er, who was brought here from Jinshi, had a little evolution because of the rich concentration of aura here.

At this moment, Xiao Ai's voice suddenly came from his consciousness.

"Master, the Chinese New Year is only eight days away, won't you go back?"

Xiao Ai's words seemed to unlock Yang Qing's long-sealed memory. It turned out that she had been out for almost four months.

It is now January 13, 2023, which is the coldest season in the north, but in the southern hemisphere, the islands near the equator are at the hottest time. shadow.

go back? Yang Qing came out of the quiet room and looked at the spaceship, which was still a frame a few months ago, now it was wrapped in a titanium alloy shell with a thickness of ten centimeters, and the shell was divided into one piece by bright weld seams. block look.

Looking at the past from here, a very oppressive behemoth shines brightly in the hot tropical sun.

Now the entire hull of the spaceship has started interior decoration, and the partitions and stairs between the floors are being erected at the same time under the busyness of hundreds of robots.

Wait until these are done,

The spaceship should be sealed as a whole, dehumidified, dust-removed, and even most of the air inside should be pumped out to carry out various rune carvings to achieve the effect of isolating gravity and increasing gravity, which naturally includes the repulsive force refined by Yang Qing Rune installation.

Although the requirements for engraving and drawing runes are not as high as imagined, even in the prehistoric, the flying boats used have never entered space, so the requirements are not too high, right?

"What's going on in the country?"

Yang Qing connected to Xiao Ai's spiritual consciousness and asked.

"The master has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and now the double is attending the award ceremony in Beijing."

For almost several months, Yang Qing was isolated from the world, and Yang Qing did not expect to win an award!

In fact, this is what it should be. Huaguo has entered the new century, especially after the financial crisis in the United States, a large amount of funds have entered the real estate industry. Although part of it is to make up for the previous history, more of it is to stimulate economy.

Therefore, under such circumstances, under the guidance of Huaguo's steel, cement, and various building materials industries, it has started rapid growth for more than ten consecutive years.

However, this also allows the vast majority of private hot money to enter the real estate industry, resulting in insufficient investment in basic research.

So in these years, not many innovative new technologies have been born. Yang Qing's new chip architecture is probably the only one that can be called a world-leading technology. If he doesn't get the special prize, what will others say?

What's more, Yang Qing still has a hidden trump card that he didn't show, and that is the super compression technology.

Although super compression technology is a pure software technology, the bandwidth of the Internet can be increased by a hundred times just by using software. Not only the algorithm, but also the way of software implementation are at the top level of technology.

If the spatial dimension algorithm and the super compression technology are announced at the same time, then both the Fields Award and the Turing Award will be in Yang Qing's pocket.

It's just that the country seems to want to keep this technology secret for a while, even if it's for compensation, he deserves this award.

According to Yang Qing's own estimate, by the time of the addition of national academicians next year, he can basically lock in the position of an academician of the two academies.

Whether it is for Yang Qing or the country, these basic honors are the only rewards that can be given.

"Then go back!"

Although leaving here, the refining business on the island immediately came to a standstill, but under Xiao Ai's command, there were too many tasks on the spaceship, and the progress could not be delayed.

In fact, it is very easy to go back. There are large cruise ships on the island, which can sail in the open sea and go directly to the capital of Nicaea.

Then he changed to a flight to the capital, and within two days, he could land at the airport in the capital.

The only regret is that no matter whether Huaguo goes to Nicaea or Nicaea goes to Huaguo, a visa is required. Yang Qing can only use another way, that is stealthy smuggling.

The biggest difficulty in stealthy smuggling is that Yang Qing needs to stay in the seven or eight hour flight without being discovered by others.

Of course, for monks like Yang Qing who have prepared a variety of spells, this process becomes much easier.

In Yang Qing's heart, the complex that belongs to the Chinese people has never given up. Just to go home for the Spring Festival, he has to endure the plane that he sees as dangerous, just for the reunion in just a few days.

Fortunately, there was a storage bag. Yang Qing didn't have any luggage at all. At noon that day, he, two robots, and one of the only two living people besides him, drove With the cruise ship, we headed towards Jakarta, the capital of Nicaea.

In an island country, boats may be the most common means of transportation. When the boat stopped at the busy and dirty pier in Nicaea, Yang Qing disappeared into the crowd of people at the pier.

Yang Qing naturally has a Nicaea ID card, which also saved him a lot of trouble.

After staying overnight in a tavern owned by a Chinese, Yang Qing rushed to Nicea's international airport.

Walking straight into the airport from under the eyes of the security check personnel, but the security check personnel turned a blind eye. This is still the power of the invisible talisman.

Then he used the same method to board the plane to the capital, and sat safely in the first-class seat while the flight attendants checked over and over again.

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