The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 23 Infiltration

Compared to the other items in the box, the gloves looked like inferior items, with a bumpy surface and a bad shape, which Emily didn't like.

Luke explained, "Don't underestimate them, it's tailor-made for you, try it and you'll know."

Emily put on the gloves reluctantly and pressed the button on the palm of her hand as Luke ordered.


A flame emerges from the right hand, and frost condenses from the left hand.

One ice, one fire!

Emily was stunned immediately.

Luke said solemnly, "Your ability is element manipulation, you can control the three elements of water, ice, and fire, change the density and size of the elements, and also affect the spread of light to a certain extent. In places with water and fire, it is extremely lethal. It is strong and can cause huge damage, but once the three elements are not in the environment, the degree of danger will be greatly reduced."

"This pair of gloves is made out of this, and by wearing them, you can stay strong no matter what the circumstances are around you."

Emily frowned, "How do you know so much about my abilities."

Luke shrugged,

"God told me."


Emily rolled his eyes at him, her eyes fixed on her right hand, the flames condensed and turned into a flaming fireball. With a flick of her hand, the fireball burst out of the air and hit the wall on the right.


The hot air waves swayed around, and a scorch mark appeared in the middle of the wall.

The girl opened her left hand, and frost condensed on the palm of her hand, turning into an ice spear that shone with light blue light. The blue light flashed, and the ice spear was nailed to the wall, motionless.

One ice and one fire completely made up for the lack of ability, and it was tailor-made for her.

"How is it, are you satisfied?"

Emily resisted the joy in her heart and raised her head in a reserved manner,


"If you don't feel right, return the gloves to me."

"No need, let's do it!"

With her hands behind her back, the girl walked gracefully to the armored box and asked casually while watching Luke sorting out his equipment,

"These equipments are all designed by you."

"What do you say?"

Luke asked rhetorically, put the selected weapon into the belt slot,

"By the way, there is another thing to remind you that the uniform on your body is made of special materials, which are fireproof, waterproof, anti-electric, and anti-virus, but not bullet-proof. Please remember that you cannot be hit directly by live-fire weapons. "

"Understood, when are we going?"


The black Lamborghini rushed out of the underground garage like a beast and disappeared into the night with a roaring roar.


Gotham City, Bay Area.

Under the night, Gotham was as silent as ever, and even the sound of the tide in the distance could not break the silence.

Driving in the dark, the black Lamborghini approached Ocean Park as silently as a viper.

According to Ibn's testimony, Adusan was in a building west of Ocean Park.

After getting close, Luke turned off the lights, put on a mask and glasses, and got out of the car with Emily.

At this time, the time has come to one o'clock in the morning, the street is quiet, and there is no one.

The two walked along the roadside grass and found the four-story building at Ocean Park West No. 78, which was somewhat dilapidated, just as Iben described.

Emily lowered her voice and said,

"It should be here, what to do next."

Luke took out an instrument from his backpack and put it on the ground,

"what is this?"

"Signal jammer, with a shielding range of 300 meters for one hour."

The girl exclaimed, "You are so well prepared."

Luke just smiled and didn't speak.

Some people say: life is precious, love is more expensive, if you are free, you can throw both.

In Luke's view, this sentence is pure fart. Only those who have really died know how beautiful life is. Those years of closed facial features and imprisoned in the dark abyss like puppets have only been experienced once and never want to experience the second. Second-rate.

Luke cherishes his life now, so no matter what he does, he will be foolproof.

A dark barrel poked out of the grass.

With a puff, the guard at the door fell to the ground.

Emily drags the guard into the woods, and a frost flower emerges from her fingertips, imprinted on the guard's forehead.

The coldness that went deep into the bone marrow came, and the guard suddenly woke up. When he noticed the sharp blade on his neck, his face instantly became ugly.

"I'm a member of the Razor Gang, how dare you provoke me and seek death!"

"Hurry up and let me go, or else..."


The tip of the knife pierced into the flesh, Luke twisted the dagger and smiled lightly,

"Why not?"

The guard gritted his teeth, struggling to sit up, but the weakness from his limbs made him powerless, he could only lie on the ground in despair, and said hoarsely,

"You... what are you going to do?"

"I ask, you answer, dare to say one wrong word, and the next knife will stab you in the neck."

"Is Adusan in this building?"

The guard shook his head frantically, "No...not here."


Cold light flashed, blood overflowed, flowing down the neck, the guard's eyes widened, pupils shrank into needles, and endless fear flashed in his eyes.

His throat was cut!

Luke played with the dagger and said flatly,

"I have cut the blood vessels in your neck. If you don't treat it, you will be in shock due to excessive blood loss for at most half an hour."

"This way of dying is painful."

"I'll ask again, where is Adusan?"

The guard said shiveringly, "Just... in the building."

"How many floors, which room."

"The third floor, the most... easternmost bedroom."

Luke and Emily looked at each other, Eben wasn't lying, and the latter asked,

"Did you sell drugs?"

The guard didn't look over his head, his eyes flickered.

Luke raised his dagger, "Answer his question!"

"No...No, they all did it. I'm only responsible for the gatekeeper. I've never dealt with drugs. Please, save me. I don't want to die."

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Luke stunned the guard, bandaged him, and then went into the yard with Emily along the debris in the corner, observed the surrounding situation, and quickly approached the main entrance after confirming that no one was there.

The door is unlocked, open the door to the living room, there is no guard, and there is no alarm device.

Luke turned on the life detector on his goggles, and five heat sources showed up, four close together, in the same room, and the other farther apart.

The two moved separately, Luke pushed open the door, and threw the white metal ball prepared in advance along the crack of the door.

Two seconds later, the metal ball cracked, and a large piece of gas spread around, and the soundly sleeping person slept even more deeply.

On the other side, Emily tackles one too.

The two converged and walked along the central staircase to the second floor. At this moment, a low growl suddenly came from the corridor, and a Dogo Argentine rushed up with a growl, and was kicked back by the quick-eyed Luke.

Emily raised her pistol,

puff puff!

Blood flowers appeared, and the hound lay on the ground and did not move.

This accident broke the quiet atmosphere in the corridor. A drug dealer opened the door and saw the Dogo dog lying on the ground. Just as he was about to make a sound, he was shot in the head by the girl.

Luke gave her a surprised look.

Emily said blankly, "On the first day I joined the Alien Division, the captain told me that the first thing to consider when performing a dangerous mission is to protect yourself, and the best way to protect yourself is to destroy the enemy."

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