The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 1258: Forgiveness of the Bone Picker

Chapter 1258: Forgiveness of the Bone Picker
"Worm or twilight."

Annan whispered: "It doesn't matter what you call it. It doesn't matter what that kind of thing is.

"I just need to know—you are my enemy. You are the world's enemy.

"but me……

"——will save the world and rewrite all misfortunes."

With Annan's declaration.

The sublime false body behind Annan attacked the dusk who had turned into a human form without hesitation.

Dusk did not dodge, nor did he fight back.

He just looked at Annan indifferently, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

The infinite power of "Kornunos" and the inexhaustible flame of the heart of justice made Annan's first strike be all-out.

This is the sword of radiance that can cut morning and evening, and divide day and night.

That sword passed, as if burning out the light of this world——

When the sword light fell, the starry sky outside, the neon lights on the street, and the fire of the whole world were all wiped out.The whole world became pitch black.

The dusk was pierced by a sword, and it was completely divided into two halves.

The two halves of his body, one part was infected by light, the other half was swallowed by darkness, and instantly turned into nothingness.

But Annan frowned instead.

The great enemy of this could he be defeated so easily?

"—It's useless, Skycart."

Sure enough, the voice of Dusk sounded from the other end: "There are always mirrors in this world.

"Every mirror, glass, pottery, precious stone... the moon in the sky and the clear pupil of every child on the ground.

"I'm everywhere."

Twilight's body takes shape again.

Below him, a dim yellow light gathered.Except that he doesn't have a sublime false body, it is the same as Annan's body at the moment... Even the power of the elements that Annan has mastered, he also has the power that is symmetrically opposite to it.

Without hesitation, Annan slashed out with his sword again.

But this time the dusk did not die again.

A dim yellow beam pierced from the back of his right hand, and struck Annan, knocking Annan's attack away.

"You and I have exactly the same strength."

Dusk replied slowly: "As strong as you are, I am as strong as you are. You have obtained an infinite source of energy, so it is the same for me who is opposite you.

"But I can be reborn on any mirror, how about you?"

"I can be resurrected too."

Without hesitation, Annan attacked the dusk again.

Dusk did not parry this time.

Instead of retreating, he advanced—the blade in his hand pierced Annan's body.

The rainbow-colored and twilight-colored lights overlapped, distorted, and contracted crazily.

Darryl on the side suddenly changed his face.

"Protect all beings..."

He chanted loudly.

There was no loud explosion.

The invisible darkness erupts from the intersection of light and light when no one is aware of it.

Huge banks were swallowed whole.With the last of his strength, Darryl pushed all the mortals out of it, and fell far away himself.

The high-rise building seemed to be sucked in by some vortex-shaped invisible thing, completely annihilated and disappeared.

There was still a dark, crackling electric light in the air.

Annan remained silent, standing in the air.

Just now, he actually died once.It was only through the power of the Righteous Heart that he was brought back to life.

He originally wanted to use all his strength to fight against the dusk.

But he soon realized... As long as he continues to inject power, the two beings with infinite power will collide with full force and synchronization, and eventually even destroy the entire world.

So Annan gave up resistance immediately.

But it was just the momentary converging power of the two, which also caused the giant building that reached the sky to be annihilated silently.

When he was reborn again, Annan became silent.

Dusk was smiling triumphantly.

"It seems that you finally understand the root of the problem."

He spread his hands and said leisurely: "There is no need for any form of fighting between us. Because we can't distinguish the winner from the loser.

"And if we fight... I don't care."

The dusk floating in the sky said so, and glanced down at the ant-like mortal: "What do you think will happen to them?
"What about the city?
"—What will happen to this world?"

"……I understand."

Annan narrowed his eyes: "Everyone in this era is your hostage."

"You're right."

Dusk spread his hands: "If you think that when you go back to the past, your fate will change. These people will disappear... Then you can also fight with me meaninglessly and destroy this world into ruins. How about it? Want to try it?"

"I understand."

Annan took a deep breath: "The reason why you did not intervene in any form in this era is to let them develop.

"Let them take the fire in my hand, let them inherit the path of light. Let them be my children...

"Then, use them to block my blade at this point."

"You guessed right."

Dusk smiled and replied: "So what? Do you want to cut off all the people who are in the way first?

"It's just the future anyway, isn't it. A future that doesn't matter...a future that can be changed.

"Anyway, when you go back to the past, the future will go in another direction. In that case, they are equivalent to dead, right? Since they will die sooner or later, they might as well die by your hands... Let them die More valuable, right?"

Using Annan's voice, Dusk seduced Annan carefully.

Whispering like a little devil in my heart.

But Annan did not hesitate at all.

"No need to say more."

He replied: "Victory won by hurting people who trust me, love me, and respect me-that is by no means a perfect victory. At that time, I can't laugh and say 'I won' Such words."

"Oh, it seems that you can't bear it."

Dusk sighed.

So he raised his right hand, and the infinite brilliance condensed on a point on the tip of the sword, continuously compressing it.

"So, if I came to attack them—what would you do?"

Dusk Torture asked: "Since you didn't come to hurt them yourself, can you turn a blind eye to it? In this way, after you kill me later, you can say things like 'I have avenged you' with peace of mind?"

"If it was me before, I might really do it."

Annan replied: "But now I reject all dirty victories."

"Then take this blow—"

As Dusk said so, he casually flung out the blade.

In the blink of an eye, the arc moon-shaped brilliant slash that expanded to dozens of kilometers.

There is no doubt that it was Annan's full blow.

Without any hesitation, Annan turned the "Kornunos" to the limit - blocking the slash.

Right now.

A bright flame burst out from Annan's chest.

Following his instinct, he pulled out a beam of bright light from his chest.

That is [Holy Sword of Salvation]!
The ultimate weapon that can transform into any form and can only be used when fighting for the salvation of the world!

Although it is said to be a holy sword, Annan turned it into a huge holy shield at this moment:
In front of Annan, the densely packed stars are connected into a line and gathered into a plane.

The curtain like the stars above the sky condensed in front of Annan, blocking the same attack as "Annan".

——The slash that was enough to cut off the morning and evening was blocked by the stars.

[Sacred Sword of Salvation] shattered in an instant.

This means that it absorbed enough damage to kill Annan completely.

But Annan immediately launched the "Light of Salvation" and reshaped it with the power of the future.

Even with unlimited power, Annan still felt tired.He has not yet completed his ascension, and is still just a mortal body... Even with infinite power, the wear and tear of his body has gradually weakened him.

"Heart of justice..."

Dusk clicked his tongue.

Annan laughed lightly: "Sure enough."

"Surely what?"

"Although you are a copy of me at this moment...but you have no heart of justice and no hand of hope."

"Do you think I still need that kind of thing?"

Worm spread his hands: "No need. Because I am infinite."

"you are not."

Annan replied very positively.

next moment.

Annan raised his right hand.

Transform the "Holy Sword of Salvation" into a brand new posture:
It was a double-barreled shotgun with pure white wings and inlaid with golden runes.

A golden spell named [Bone Picker's Forgiveness].

Because it has the label of "weapon", even if Annan can't bring it, it can be copied by the Holy Sword of Salvation that "can become any weapon".

"You should know about the existence of this gun."

Annan asked.


Dusk frowned slightly, but still answered calmly: "Yes, those killed by this gun will be forgotten by the world. There is only one bullet, and you must have enough determination to fire it.

"So, are you going to use it to kill me? It's not impossible...Do you think it can kill me?"

"you are wrong."

Annan replied.

A cheerful smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, Annan flicked the gun in a gorgeous shot.

——Then, he aimed the gun at his temple.

The smile on Dusk's face suddenly froze.

"I didn't say I was going to kill you with it."

Annan replied: "If there is no dawn, how can there be dusk?

"Why don't you kill me? What are you waiting for? What are you afraid of?
"After the fight, I realized something was wrong... You are not as scary as I imagined. You must complete the sublimation and become a god to fight. But I have not sublimated now, and I will fight you without using a great spell. It can be [-]-[-].

"Why are weak?"

The answer is already self-evident.

"Now you have no entity at all."

Annan replied: "From the very beginning, you have been the shadow of the Crane.

"You're nothing but my reflection—my mirror image."

The cup held by the cup-bearer was filled with the blood of Tianche.

It was the blood of snakes, and it was also the blood of worms.

In other words-

Worms have been part of the Crane from the very beginning.

"Stop, Dusk. Or I'm going to shoot."

(End of this chapter)

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