The Righteous Player(s)

1265. Finish this testimonial

Finish this testimonial
——We are born to pursue the glory, flying upward like sparks.


25 months, 310 million words.The story belonging to Annan came to an end here.

I promised at the time that this would be a story of hope and love.

But now, I hope it is still a heart-warming enough story.

In the beginning, it was only a moment of kind thoughts, words and deeds, and the initial fire was so weak.

But as long as you never fall, never despair, and never forget.

In this way, the light will be transmitted.

Why is the title of this book "Player Super Justice"?
Because in my opinion, the group of "players" is a chaotic and destructive definition of the world view of the character.It's like when the players just came into this world, and it's like when Bai Annan just woke up.

But as the journey progressed, the collection of mirrors strengthened the original determination of these confused young people.

——If I don't know yet, what kind of person I hope to be.Well, at least I don't want to be someone like you.

This is the so-called "light from the mirror".

And as the players gradually realize what they can do; as they are gradually infiltrated by the kindness from others, they gradually change from destroyers and explorers to guardians spontaneously.

Nobody asked them to.

They want to do this from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, they are no longer "players", but "stars" watching the world.

I have always believed that there is nothing in this world that is greater and more powerful than the kindness in the human heart.Hope that others will become better, hope that the world will become better, and hope that future generations will become better... The "goodness" passed down from generation to generation constitutes our civilization and everything we should cherish.

Needless to say, this is the story I wish I could tell.

The theme of the next book is "Heroes".The protagonist must have been known to is Russell.

My body is on the verge of collapse and I must rest for a few months.As for the new book, the outline has almost been written, and it has been read by the editor and other authors.

The specific time for publishing the book is February [-], the second day of the Lantern Festival.

Everyone, I'll see you when the new book arrives.Hope to see you again.

In the end, I still have to end with that sentence——

——May you always be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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