The Rise of Australia

Chapter 268 Obtaining the right to host

"The group of athletes who participated in the Olympic Games last year are also handed over to you. With their help, it should be easier to establish the sports department. New 𝟼𝟿Book →𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖" Arthur thought for a while and continued to add.

Minister Grant also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. After all, it is not easy to build a sports system out of thin air in two years, not to mention it has to be directly displayed on a world stage like the Olympic Games.

With the foundation of athletes who participated in the Olympic Games in Australasia last year, at least it can train athletes more quickly and quickly. First, support the number and scale of athletes.

As for sports medals, these athletes who have trained for four more years should be able to gain something, right?

"If the sports construction in Australasia is doing well, then the government should consider building a sports department. Minister Grant, I allow you to recommend a candidate for sports minister in the future, but only if the sports construction in Australasia is Get up and at least achieve certain results in the future Olympic Games, do you understand?" Arthur looked at Grant Bu with a deep look and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Minister Grant immediately nodded and said with assurance: "I understand, Your Majesty. Please rest assured that before the Olympic Games are held, I will try my best to train at least hundreds of athletes for the country to participate in the Olympic Games, so that our Olympic Games The scale is no less than that of the previous London Olympics.”

Arthur nodded and motioned to Secretary Grant to go ahead and do it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs acted very quickly, perhaps because of its good relationship with Australasia. Germany did not hide its attitude, and bluntly stated that Germany would give up the right to host the next Olympics, as Minister Andrew said.

Minister Andrew also made a request. In view of the good relations between Germany and Australasia, after asking William II for instructions, the German government and sports department agreed to Australasia's request, and made it public a few days before Christmas. It was claimed that Germany would give up the right to host the next Olympic Games, and it was stated openly and secretly that Australasia was suitable to become the host country of the Games. new

I have to say that the great powers do have a lot of face.

The day before Christmas, the International Olympic Committee sent a telegram to the Australasian government asking if Australasia could build a stadium with a capacity of at least 40,000 people and fully promote the Olympics and invite more countries. Participation, the International Olympic Committee is willing to transfer the hosting rights of the German Olympic Games to Australasia.

Because Australasia does not have a sports department, the IOC's inquiry telegram was sent directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As soon as Foreign Secretary Andrew received the telegram, he consulted Arthur non-stop.

Arthur agreed to the International Olympic Committee's conditions without thinking.

After all, sports have been valued by countries around the world, and the development of sports in Australasia is also a general trend.

Regardless of whether the Olympics can be held or not, it is necessary to build a large stadium that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

After all, for some European immigrants who like sports, the popularity of various sports may also be one of the reasons why they choose to immigrate.

As for the remaining vigorous promotion and conditions for inviting other countries, this is what any country hosting the Olympic Games will do, and it will definitely do its best.

After all, any country hosting the Olympics is definitely not for public welfare. Politicians and nobles in this era do not have this ideological consciousness.

In addition to the strong demands of the people, the country's hosting of the Olympic Games is actually more about the expansion of national interests and external influence.

After spending a wonderful Christmas with my family, the reply telegram from the International Olympic Committee was sent the day after Christmas.

They congratulated Australasia on winning the right to host the Games, and said that after the announcement, the International Olympic Committee will send teams to Australasia to help Australasia with venue construction and preparations. The Olympic Games will be held in two and a half years. Secondly, they will also supervise the construction of venues in Australasia. After all, the hosting of the Olympic Games is also related to the reputation and status of the International Olympic Committee. new

A successful Olympic Games can not only greatly improve the prestige and status of the host country, but also greatly improve the influence and status of the International Olympic Committee.

This is also equivalent to the fact that Australasia and the International Olympic Committee are currently in the same boat. If this Olympics is not held well, not only will Australasia's reputation suffer, but countries around the world will also gradually look down on the Olympics.

But if this Olympics is held well, not only will Australasia's external influence and international status be improved to a certain extent, but the influence of the International Olympic Committee will also be greatly improved.

Of course, the arrival of the International Olympic Committee actually has a more important purpose, which is to discuss specific projects for the next Olympics with the host country.


Even in later Olympic Games, the host country will receive some privileges and can decide whether to host a small number of sports events.

This also means that future host countries can host some projects that their own country is better at and cancel some projects that other countries are better at.

Of course, this privilege is even more obvious in this era. For example, in the past few years, sports including boxing, free wrestling, weightlifting, hockey, archery, etc. were cancelled. The reason was that these sports were harmful to health, prone to injury, and were not practiced widely enough.

Although the reason seems very formal, the specific reason for the cancellation may only be known by the host country and the International Olympic Committee at the time.

However, this rule is basically the default. After all, a country spends a lot of money, manpower and material resources to host an Olympic Games. If the national committee does not make some concessions, who would be willing to waste time?

Arthur's ambitions are not big either. Among the dozens of Olympic events, he can, as appropriate, cancel five events that Australasia is not good at, and then replace them with events that domestic athletes are better at.

As for the remaining regulations for hosting the Olympics, it will be up to the officials to discuss them with the State Council.

As long as the interests of Australasia are not harmed, some appropriate concessions are also possible.

After all, Arthur's main purpose is to use this Olympic Games to increase the influence of Australasia.

If many countries are unwilling to participate because the changes are too big, then the gains outweigh the losses.

According to Arthur's memory, historically, 1 used auxiliary electronic timing and end-point cameras in many events, which greatly improved the accuracy of time and resolved some disputes over end-point rankings.

These improvements are very meaningful for sports, and if conditions permit, it is not unreasonable for such improvements to occur in the Australasian Olympic Games.

Because the telegraph could only allow for brief communication, Minister Grant and the International Olympic Committee agreed to wait until the other party arrived in Australasia before conducting detailed communication.

However, it is still necessary to publicly announce the change of hosting rights. Minister Grant has even made preparations to warm up for the Olympics now.

At the end of December, just after Christmas, the International Olympic Committee publicly announced that because of Germany's voluntary cancellation of the right to host the Olympic Games, after the Olympic Committee's study and decision, coupled with Germany's strong recommendation, in compliance with Germany's wishes, Transfer of Germany's hosting rights to Australasia.

The fifth Olympic Games will be held as scheduled in Australasia, around January, in Sydney, the capital of Australasia.

At this time, the International Olympic Committee's influence is already considerable, so after the International Olympic Committee issued a formal statement, many people, sports organizations, and countries have officially noticed the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games have now evolved into a way of peaceful struggle in some countries, and sports have gradually gained political influence.

In the simplest terms, if Britain and Germany participated in the Olympics together, the athletes from these two countries would automatically become competitors and enemies.

There is only one reason, and that is that their countries are in a state of competition, and the intensity of the competition is exaggerated.

Even if they are friendly to each other, they will be forced to go against each other under the pressure of domestic and foreign media and the expectations of the domestic people.

If they lose on such a big occasion, they will lose not only their people, but also the media and people who support them.

Peaceful competition in sports can also evolve into political struggles and struggles for national dignity.

After the International Olympic Committee made the public announcement, Arthur immediately convened the cabinet and asked the cabinet to come up with a construction plan for the stadium as soon as possible and asked the Ministry of Finance to prepare sufficient funds.

The construction of sports venues is destined to be not a small investment. Coupled with a large amount of publicity at home and abroad, as well as the reception of athletes and organizations from other countries, as well as the hosting of the Olympic Games, the awarding of medals, and the purchase of equipment, etc., it is destined that this time Hosting the Olympic Games is expensive.

Arthur also has certain requirements for the scale of this stadium construction. The construction of this stadium must meet the maximum capacity of at least 45,000 people, and must ensure that the stadium can be used for at least dozens or even hundreds of years.

Arthur didn't want the stadium he worked so hard to build to turn into a dangerous building in a short period of time, especially if it was related to national prestige.

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