The Rise of Australia

Chapter 281 Talent Plan

Things happened just as Arthur expected. All the words Arthur said were published by newspapers and media in a short period of time and sold throughout the British Empire. New 🅇.🄲🄾🄼

Of course, the first response was naturally from London itself. As the capital of the British Empire, London's population has naturally exceeded one million, even reaching a terrifying 7.256 million people.

In other words, the population of London is already more than half of the total population of Australasia, which is enough to show how developed and huge the capital of the most powerful country in the world is.

Given that London has such a large population, it is understandable that Arthur's words in front of the Royal Mausoleum caused a sensation in London.

Especially in that sentence, there are my father and grandmother, and now there are my uncles. In an instant, Arthur, who is in a high position, is classified as a vulnerable group.

In addition, Arthur deliberately let the media have a deeper impression of the poverty gap between the United Kingdom and Australasia. As a result, under the extensive reports of these media, many British people believed that Arthur still lived in a relatively poor country.

Although many more rational people have begun to explain that after ten years of development, Australasia is no longer so poor, and even various construction projects have developed.

But after all, those media reports have become preliminary impressions. Some British people learned that the per capita income in Australasia is only 47 Australian dollars, which is only a little over 23 pounds, which is completely less than half of the current British per capita income.

This also made many British people more sympathetic to the impression of poverty in Australasia, and began to sympathize with Arthur.

Even starting from the next day, many British people who got the news began to march on the streets of London, demanding that the government increase its support for Australasia and not let Queen Victoria's favorite grandson be wronged in Australasia. .

The good impression Arthur has always brought to the British, coupled with Arthur's previous words, completely detonated the public opinion of the entire British public.

Demonstrations have also begun around London, demanding that the government not be stingy and increase support for Australasia. new

Seeing that the momentum of this public opinion was very good, Arthur nodded with satisfaction and ordered the media controlled by Australasia to stop their actions.

Next, let British public opinion ferment on its own. More guidance will make this public opinion suspicious.

The public opinion and demonstrations that broke out among the British people quickly attracted the attention of the British authorities and reactionary forces.

In addition to the self-interests of the British people, there are not many people who let the British people spontaneously march for them. Before it was Queen Victoria, and not long ago it was Edward VII.

I didn't expect Arthur to be one of them, and Arthur only said a few words.

But the British government has no time experience, because if they do not handle this matter properly, it will also become a reason for the Conservative Party to attack the Liberal Party.

After all, this is an incident that affects hundreds of thousands of British people in London and surrounding areas. If allowed to ferment, the number of marchers may expand to hundreds or even millions.

After all, people follow the herd at all times. If public opinion is allowed to ferment, even if there are not many people who really want to do something for Arthur, the parade will continue to expand.

George V, who was in Buckingham Palace, naturally heard about the public opinion that had erupted in Britain in recent times.

George V was very surprised by Arthur's popularity in Britain. If Arthur had not become King of Australasia, George V would have worried about whether his status would be affected.

Arthur does not need to come forward for the next negotiation. The task can be left to Prime Minister Walter and Foreign Minister Andrew.

Arthur only needs to listen to Prime Minister Walter and Foreign Secretary Andrew's daily reports on the progress of the negotiations, and then express his opinions.

Of course, this does not mean that Arthur will be idle. In fact, after David, the manager of European royal affairs, asked to see Arthur, he gave Arthur a list of high-level British talents who could be recruited based on his investigations in the past few years.

There were many people on this list before, and Steward David won some of them for Australasia after many efforts.

Some have gone to the United States and other regions, while others are relatively loyal to Britain and are currently unwilling to leave the British Empire. new

The above people have naturally left the list, and the rest are either some new talents who have entered the list, or some who are more entrenched and need Arthur to personally come forward.

Arthur took a cursory glance at the list. Most of them were physicists and chemists, as well as medical scientists, botanists, historians, novel authors, artists and military scientists.

Basically, there are various types of talents, and the level of detailed information has even spread to the parents and children of talents.

Of course, there is basically information such as where they live, what they like to eat, and what they are interested in. This is enough to prove that Manager David has conducted a very detailed investigation of these people.

This is good news and can effectively increase the probability of winning over these people.

After some searching, Arthur found some familiar names among them.

Among them were the British microbiologist Wright, and his disciple Alexander Fleming.

Not many people may know Wright's name, but the name of his disciple, the famous Alexander Fleming, is very familiar to Arthur.

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For no other reason than Alexander Fleming, a famous British microbiologist, invented penicillin.

Needless to say, the role of penicillin is a drug that humans can find with powerful bactericidal effects. It even ended the era when infectious diseases were almost untreatable, and created a climax in the search for new antibiotic drugs.

It goes without saying that Alexander Fleming, who first discovered penicillin, made great contributions to mankind and human medicine.

As a drug that can significantly reduce casualties during war, penicillin is absolutely of strategic importance to any country.

Arthur made a prompt decision and decided to invite Dr. Wright first.

The reason why Dr. Wright was invited instead of inviting Alexander Fleming first, there is another story that has to be told.

Alexander Fleming's educational path was also quite bumpy. When he was 13 years old, he and his brother went to London to work. Then he unexpectedly received an inheritance from his uncle, and then he was able to study at St. Mary's Medical College, University of London.

1 Fleming stayed in the research laboratory of St. Mary's Medical College to help his teacher, Dr. Wright, conduct research on immunology.

As of now, Fleming still remains in Dr. Wright's research laboratory and is currently Dr. Wright's most capable assistant.

The real reason why Fleming chose to stay in Dr. Wright's laboratory was because with his current academic qualifications and reputation, it was simply impossible to obtain the right to use the laboratory without the help of Dr. Wright.

Dr. Wright was a relatively tolerant and gentle person. He allowed his assistant Fleming to independently conduct scientific research according to his own interests, of course, as long as it did not hinder his own research and work.

This gave Fleming greater space for independent research and allowed Fleming to experience more growth during this period.

As early as a year earlier, Fleming had independently begun research on trying to immunize acne and successfully improved the cumbersome search procedures for syphilis.

This also made Fleming one of the few doctors in this period who mastered the advanced technology of intravenous injection, and he was the only one who could inject the latest treatment drugs for syphilis patients in London.

It was precisely because of Fleming's achievements that he gained an initial reputation in the academic world. It also made Director David notice Fleming and add him to the list of talents to attract.

It is worth mentioning that even though Fleming independently obtained many research results, he did not deviate from the scope of Wright's research. Under Wright's guidance, he did a lot of research on phagocytes, opsonins, typhoid bacteria, etc. A series of research work has greatly increased my abilities and knowledge.

Naturally, Arthur would not let such a talent go.

While Minister Walter and Minister Andrew were negotiating with the British government, Arthur, led by Director David, visited Dr. Wright's laboratory, and easily made Dr. Wright and Alexander Fleming agree to come forward. Going to work in Australasia.

The reason why it went so smoothly was, of course, the result of Arthur using his position and a lot of money to invest in it.

With a personal invitation from the head of a country, coupled with more salary and more favorable conditions, it is normal for Dr. Wright to make a prompt decision.

Naturally, Alexander Fleming did not mind going to Australasia. After all, what he valued was his experimental environment and experimental funds, as well as the help that could be provided to him.

All of these Australasia can help him, and even help him far more than Dr. Wright can give him.

The first attempt to recruit talents was a complete success, which made Arthur feel very good.

After looking at the list, the next person to be attracted was Henry Moseley, a talent with outstanding talents but not an outstanding reputation.

Henry Moseley was a famous British physicist and chemist in original history, who discovered Moseley's law.

The real reason why Moseley is not so famous is because he joined the Royal Engineers in 1st.

But it was this decision that cost him his supposedly brilliant life.

1. As a technical officer, Moselay was shot and killed by a Turkish sniper while conveying orders on the phone. He was only 27 years old.

A famous American science writer once wrote this: "Judging from Moseley's scientific achievements, his sacrifice should be the most costly sacrifice for mankind."

Based on Moseley's research results, British physicist Charles Bakla won the 1st Physics Prize for his discovery of X-ray diffraction in various metallic elements.

Ernest Rutherford said of Moselet's achievements: "The first two years of his research career were enough to bring him the Nobel Prize." In the eyes of many scientists, his untimely death at the age of 27 If Moselet survives, he will make greater contributions to the study of atomic structure.

With the foundation of Moseley and Einstein, and the investment of a large number of physicists and chemists, Arthur believes that it is not impossible for Australasia to invent the atomic bomb earlier than the original history.

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