The rise of nanometers

Chapter 106 Agricultural Reclamation Alliance

Not only Xiao Yuan, the president of Fengmin Agriculture, but also Zhao Xiaojun, Meng Jianye and others who were busy with the water pipeline project also hurriedly took the time to come over to greet the chairman.

Suiren Company's various subsidiaries, headquarters and branches in various cities will gather in one area as much as possible.

The various branches and subsidiaries of Quancheng are naturally no exception. Except for the dangerous gas storage and the breeding farms that require large areas of land, the others are gathered in the southwest suburbs of Quancheng.

Gathering together not only facilitates management, but also allows people to stay together for warmth. Communication, cooperation and shared infrastructure also reduce waste.

The local Deyi Dairy Industry and the Beidahuang Group in Heilongjiang Province both arrived earlier than Huang Xiuyuan.

As soon as Huang Xiuyuan arrived, the meeting started immediately.

"Mr. Wang, I'm very happy to meet you."

Wang Shoujiang, the general manager of Beidahuang, also smiled and replied: "Mr. Huang is too polite. Chengye and I are both ashamed. Please stop standing around and sit down and chat."

The boss Wang Chengye who benefited from it also exchanged a few words.

After entering the topic, Huang Xiuyuan, as the host, first came up with some of his own ideas:

"Both Wandashan and Deyi are important partners of our company. I think we should talk openly and honestly about the issue of domestic dairy products."

"Mr. Huang, please speak." Wang Shoujiang said while holding a pen.

Huang Xiuyuan gave Xiao Yingnan a look, and the other party immediately called up relevant information and projected it on the multimedia screen nearby.

"Currently there is a voice in China that the national standards for dairy products are too high, which has led to dairy farmers and milk stations illegally adding melamine and urea. They hope that the standards can be lowered."

"It does happen. The new standard formulation committee also asked us for opinions." Wang Chengye nodded.

"Can lowering standards ensure safety?" Huang Xiuyuan smiled: "I don't think Fengmin Agriculture's fresh milk does not meet the standards. Benefits are also using our raw milk. I have the confidence to provide European standards implemented by Wandashan to the whole country. The people are supplied with adequate and healthy milk.”

Wang Chengye, who has watched the rise of Fengmin Agriculture, knows the potential of Fengmin Agriculture. Thanks to his own milk breeding base in Dongying, Fengmin Agriculture's saline-alkali land transformation plan is currently expanding rapidly.

Once the transformation of more than three million acres of saline-alkali land in Shandong Province is completed, one-third of which will be planted with pasture, that is, more than one million acres. Coupled with its own water supply and fertilizer, the unit cost of pasture will be equal to that of the United States and Australia. .

As a result, the transportation advantages of local forage will overwhelm imported forage.

According to Deyi's own assessment, even if an average of 8 tons of forage is produced per mu per year, more than 1 million acres can produce more than 8 million tons of fresh forage every year.

On average, a cow eats about 30 kilograms of forage every day, and eats about 10 tons of forage a year.

More than 8 million tons of fodder can feed more than 800,000 cattle.

What's more, among the forage varieties promoted by Fengmin Agriculture, many varieties have a yield of more than 10 tons per mu, and the production volume is expected to be even higher.

Moreover, Wang Chengye does not believe that Fengmin Agriculture will always stay in Shandong Province. For example, the water transfer plan that has made a lot of noise recently means that Suiren Company has officially entered Hebei and Henan Provinces.

There is also the Northeast region of Beidahuang Group, which is expected to follow suit.

The saline-alkali wasteland in the Northeast reaches more than 30 million acres. If one-third is used to grow pasture, it is estimated that tens of millions of cattle can be raised.

To a certain extent, Suiren Company can already determine the future of China's livestock industry. It is difficult for other dairy companies to stop this model.

"Mr. Huang, how do you plan to cooperate?" Wang Shoujiang asked.

Huang Xiuyuan revealed his plan: "I plan to form an agricultural reclamation alliance and establish high standards for the dairy industry. The agricultural reclamation alliance not only requires high standards, but also develops scientific and safe feed..."

In terms of feed, Fengmin Agriculture will cooperate with Beidahuang Group and Deyi Dairy to form Huaguo Farm Feed Group to develop saline-alkali lands in North China, Northeast China, Northwest China, and Guanzhong to ensure sufficient supply of domestic feed and meet the needs of its own breeding industry.

Wang Shoujiang discussed with the two vice presidents and felt that this plan could be advanced. For the Beidahuang Group, which was stuck in a development bottleneck, this might be an opportunity to rise.

The three parties discussed the framework and shares of Nongken Feed Group, and Huang Xiuyuan made concessions.

Beidahuang Group invested 5 billion, accounting for 15% of the shares, and solved related problems in the Northeast region; Deyi Dairy invested 500 million, accounting for 1% of the shares.

Huang Xiuyuan promised that in the next ten years, he would reduce his stake in Nongken Group and introduce other local dairy companies. In the end, Fengmin Agriculture only held 20% of Nongken Group's shares.

Of course, reducing the shareholding does not mean that Fengmin Agriculture gives up control. In the company's basic law of the Nongken Group, Fengmin Agriculture's absolute control over the Nongken Group is determined.

Unless Fengmin Agriculture has suffered losses for 10 consecutive years during its management period, and shareholders holding more than 75% of the shares unanimously initiate a proposal to reorganize management rights, Fengmin Agriculture's controlling stake in Nongken Group can be lifted.

In fact, Huang Xiuyuan's framework design for the Farm Reclamation Group included some back-ups, such as water supply, fertilizers, saline-alkali land transformation technology, etc., and set up some countermeasures to ensure that Fengmin Agriculture could paralyze the Farm Reclamation Group at any time.

In terms of human nature, he always thinks and prepares with the greatest malice, and must be on guard against others. No matter how close a partner is, he still has to be wary of things that should be guarded against.

Wang Shoujiang and Wang Chengye, who are experienced in youtiao, saw some of Huang Xiuyuan's back tricks, but they all tacitly understood that after all, Suiren Company had made such a big cake and gave everyone a piece of it. If they even lose control, then they can't I blame the other party for flipping the table.

Especially Wang Chengye, he felt that Huang Xiuyuan was already very kind. If it were another company, he would definitely take it all for himself or impose more stringent cooperation conditions.

From the perspective of the development model of the Nongken Group, it also brings everyone common prosperity. If successfully promoted in North China, Northeast China, Guanzhong, and Northwest China, it will increase the income of more than tens of millions of farmers.

Because the total saline-alkali land in China is about 500 million acres, minus about one-third of the lightly saline-alkali cultivated land, one-third is in the uninhabited northwest inland, and the remaining one-third has the potential for transformation. of.

In particular, Northeast China, North China, Guanzhong, along the Huaihe River, central and eastern Mongolian areas, the Hexi Corridor, and the Hetao Plain are all within the scope suitable for transformation.

Once more than 150 million acres of saline-alkali land is turned into fertile land suitable for growing pasture and crops, even 5 acres per capita will affect the income of 30 million people.

Although under this model, the profits of the Farm Reclamation Group will not be too high, the economic scale and driving effects created will be extensive and far-reaching.

Huang Xiuyuan, Jiang Hailin, Xiao Yuan and others, representing the Sui people, discussed and formulated the details of the agricultural reclamation alliance with Wang Shoujiang, Wang Chengye and others.

In this closed-door meeting, the three parties discussed for more than a week before finalizing the terms and formally holding a press conference in Quancheng to announce the establishment of the Farm Reclamation Group and the Farm Reclamation Alliance.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is Suiren Company's response to the poisoning incident. To enter the Agricultural Reclamation Alliance, you must go through Fengmin Agriculture.

It is estimated that those who are suspected will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Thank you for your support, and I would like to thank book friends "Niu B's Loneliness", "The Master of Wit", "Liu Bailiu", "Meng Shizhi" and "Crazy Demon Abyss" for their rewards (ω`)

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