The rise of nanometers

Chapter 130 Press Conference

One week after the sci-fi short film came out, the production license for Lilong 1 and supporting equipment, as well as other related procedures, were finally completed.

Just after the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the approval announcement, Time Information and Dragon Totem, which had been ready for a long time, immediately released two announcements.

The first announcement was released by Shiguang Information. The content is about an industrial plan in the next three years, which plans to build 30 data centers for the development of domestic cloud disk business.

It is estimated that a single data center will have a storage capacity of 10,000 to 50,000 EP, resulting in a total storage capacity of approximately 900,000 EP across the country.

[Note: 1EP=1024PB, 1PB=1024TB]

The scale of this business plan obviously scares all cloud disk companies, because the current total storage capacity of domestic cloud disks is less than 1,000 EB.

As soon as Time Information opened its mouth, it was 900,000 EB. It seemed like bragging, but judging from the style of Suiren, it didn't look like the kind of company that was just talking about running the gamut.

This doubt was soon solved by the announcement from Dragon Totem Company.

The announcement released by Dragon Totem Company invites industry insiders, relevant companies, institutions, and news media to come to Shanmei to participate in Dragon Totem's new product launch conference on August 12. The product released is Lilong 1 and its supporting equipment.

This incident was like a depth bomb that instantly detonated the entire domestic network.

Also paying close attention to this matter are Huawei and 115 Netdisk, which own the cloud disk business, as well as IBM, Oracle, Quantum, Spectrum Logic, Micron, Samsung, Hynix, and LG, which occupy the world's storage market. They also discovered the sudden Rising Dragon Totem.

There is still more than a week before the press conference, and many related companies are investigating what Dragon Totem's Lilong 1 memory is.

Soon they saw the approved production of Lilong 1 glass discs and related supporting equipment on the approval announcement page of the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

In the attachment of product quality, there are relevant product parameters. When you see the storage capacity of 92GB in a single core (area 1 square centimeter), 100 cores are integrated into a single chip, achieving 8.98TB in an area of ​​1 square decimeter. Storage capacity.

Although many companies were surprised, they were not too worried.

Just looking further, these professional engineers or related companies found that things are not that simple.

In terms of other performance parameters of Glass Dragon 1, the burning speed is 0.55~0.63GB per second, the reading speed is 22~35TB per second, the single-chip retrieval speed is 0.2~0.3 microseconds, and the retrieval speed of combined storage disks (100 pieces) The retrieval speed of the storage cabinet (10,000 pieces) is 0.02 to 7.5 seconds.

The storage life is 1000 years +. There are no strict requirements on the temperature, humidity, air dust particles, and light intensity of the storage environment. It can be stored for thousands of years in a normal environment.

Within a thousand years, the data loss rate is less than one part per million. In addition, in terms of strength, due to the presence of silicon nano-coating on the surface, the glass disc will not be damaged by bumps and bumps unless it is deliberately damaged.

Even if it is broken, as long as it is kept intact, it can be repaired. The data loss will not be higher than 5%, and the loss rate is usually around 1%.

The only disadvantage of glass discs at present is that they are not erasable. Basically, after burning, the data will always be fixed on the glass disc.

After seeing this information, practitioners and companies in the industry were collectively silent.

August 12th.

The headquarters of Time Information, Dragon Totem Company's new product launch conference was held in a small square on one side. At the entrance of the temporary steel structure venue, many people and companies who signed up to participate in the new product launch conference were queuing up to enter the venue.

Zheng Shixin, the vice president of 115 Netdisk, and Duan Dongsheng, the head of Huawei's cloud disk business, happened to meet each other.

"Mr. Duan, you're fine."

"Mr. Zheng, here too."

As they walked, Zheng Shixin asked with a smile: "Mr. Duan, what do you think of this glass disc?"

"We are guessing here to no avail. We will soon find out." Duan Dongsheng smiled and shook his head slightly.

Enter the venue.

The positions of Dragon Totem and Time Information have been arranged, and a live broadcast room has been set up to conduct a formal test of the live broadcast technology of Time Blog.

Zheng Shixin suddenly saw many familiar figures, such as Bernard, President of IBM's Greater China Region, Li Bozhi, President of Spectrum Logic's China Branch, and Lawrence, President of Quantum's China Branch.

In addition, other electronic hardware companies at home and abroad, such as Liangxiang, ZTE, Inspur, Dell, Intel, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Nokia, and Motorola.

As well as Internet companies Penguin, Qiandu, Alibaba, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and YouTube, they all sent people to participate in this conference.

The three major domestic operators also sent relevant managers.

Basically, relevant companies at home and abroad came to participate in this new product launch. After all, large-capacity data storage and every technological innovation will bring progress and industry reshuffle to the industry.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Weixin, the president of Long Totem, appeared in the middle of the venue.

"I am very happy to meet you all. On behalf of Dragon Totem Company, I welcome everyone to participate in this new product launch conference."

The online live broadcast camera at the scene began to broadcast live. Many interested netizens watched the scene through the Time Live Broadcast of Time Blog.

After a burst of warm applause, Zhang Weixin waved sideways: "Let's get into the theme. Lilong 1 is invited to appear."

The staff behind him pushed out the Lilong CD Library. This glass cabinet was 6.4 meters long, 0.64 meters wide, and 1.8 meters high. It was filled with glass disc display trays.

"This optical disk library is a combined optical disk library launched by our company, which can store up to 87.6PB of data."

After that, technicians were arranged to test the Lilong optical disc library, and five practitioners on site were invited to experience the power of the Lilong optical disc library on the spot.

The tape manufacturers in the venue felt very nervous at this time.

Although Spectrum Logic plans to launch a tape library with a capacity of up to 180PB, the problem is the impressive reading speed of the tape. If it were not for the storage stability and long service life, coupled with the low price, no one would be willing to use it.

Now they can only pray that the price of glass optical disc libraries will not be too low. If the price is similar to that of tapes, then tapes will definitely be cooler.

It's just that Zhang Weixin above has been whetting his appetite, introducing optical disc libraries, optical discs, readers, recorders, and directory management systems, but has yet to announce specific prices.

The attendees at the scene were like cats resting on salted fish, anxious and tormented in their hearts.

After the interactive session, everyone had a clear understanding of Lilong CD.

Netizens watching the live broadcast even called Niu B and 666. For the first time, they discovered that science fiction is so close to reality.

It turns out that the science fiction short film half a month ago was to preview the Glass Dragon Disc. Many people watched the science fiction short film carefully again and found that the glass disc in the short film was named Glass Dragon Disc.

This is the first time that the barrage in the live broadcast room has appeared. Many netizens immediately felt novel after trying to post some barrages.

Soon Zhang Weixin finally spoke: "I believe that everyone is very concerned about the price of the Lilong CD library. Let the answer be revealed now..."

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