The rise of nanometers

Chapter 175 Expo

Huang Xiuyuan, Qin Lizhang and Zhang Rongji discussed for a long time, and currently they can only have an idea for developing the plan to develop Tuocheng into the recycling capital of the world.

Only when Zhang Rongji completes the transformation of the local area can the plan of recycling the city be promoted, otherwise entering will be in vain.

Not only will the people not benefit, but it will also cause environmental pollution and affect their health. All the benefits will be taken away by local snakes.

This is also the reason why the Blue Age is tepid in Tuocheng. Only those items that are difficult to recycle will be taken away by the comprehensive recycling factory.

After Qin Lizhang and others left, Huang Xiuyuan took another look at the recent company situation.

He and Lin Baijie talked on the phone many times to discuss thermoelectric power generation, solar panels, and thermoelectric refrigeration.

Three days later.

Huang Xiuyuan went to Quancheng to participate in the Cloud Inspection Expo.

The Cloud Inspection Expo is the first this year, and it is also an event organized by Time Blog and the Cloud Inspection Quality Association to further promote products and allow various partner manufacturers to strengthen cooperation.

Although the weather is cold, it cannot stop the enthusiasm of people and businesses.

There are many manufacturers participating in this cloud inspection expo, including Gree, Midea, Haier, Joyoung, etc. in the electrical appliance industry, and Wandashan, Deyi, Sanyuan, etc. from the Agricultural Reclamation Alliance.

In other industries, as long as they have joined the Cloud Inspection Quality Association or have business cooperation with Suiren, such as Luoyang Bearing, Lu Province Pharmaceutical Glass, Dongfeng Group, Weichai Power, Shengdong Group, Huawei, ZTE, Ziguang, etc., They all more or less send people over to participate.

Among them, Dongfeng Group and various communication equipment companies have a strong lineup of exhibitors.

Jiuyang, who is near the water and the first to get the moon, also occupies a large exhibition area.

at the opening ceremony.

Lin Baijie, on behalf of Suiren Company, delivered a speech to all attendees.

Huang Xiuyuan was down below, chatting with several company bosses, among whom Zhu Fu from Dongfeng Group was the most enthusiastic.

"Mr. Huang, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. We will launch several improved vehicles in the second half of this year. Please take care of your business then." Zhu Fu smiled broadly.

After he returned from Texas, he quickly convinced the group's senior management and reached a strategic cooperation memorandum with Snail Industry and Dragon Totem the day before yesterday.

"Mr. Zhu is too polite. We are all mutually beneficial partners. You will give us a discount when the time comes!" Huang Xiuyuan said half-jokingly.


On the sidelines, Wang Xuning, the boss of Joyoung, and Ms. Dong from Gree were confused.

Wang Xuning asked curiously: "Mr. Huang, I heard that your company is launching a new product today. What product is it?"

"It will come out in a moment." Huang Xiuyuan did not give any spoilers.

Ten minutes later, a remodeled Dongfeng pickup truck parked quietly on the large exhibition stand in the main exhibition area.

Chang Fuguo, Zhang Weixin and Zhu Fu appeared in front of the pickup truck, and all eyes on the scene immediately turned to this side.

Wang Xuning was now even more confused. He scratched his head and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Huang, does your new product have something to do with cars?"

"Mr. Wang is making such a fuss. Suiren Company's products have always been fantastic. Let's wait and see!" Ms. Dong said with a smile.

Huang Xiuyuan smiled and said nothing.

On the large exhibition stage, Zhu Fu took the microphone and said with high spirits: "Dear viewers, I would like to introduce to you the new energy vehicles jointly created by Dongfeng Group, Snail Industry, Dragon Totem Company, and Time Information."

"This is a hybrid truck. It has been tested. The characteristic of this truck is energy saving and environmental protection. We have adopted Snail Industrial's temperature difference power generation system, Dragon Totem's solar panels, and Time Information's vehicle intelligent management system. It saves 60 to 90% of fuel than the same type of fuel vehicle."


The audience present was okay, they just lamented that the technology was awesome.

The knowledgeable people from Weichai Power, Sany Heavy Industry, Xugong Machinery, Shengdong Group and other companies were dumbfounded.

Xiang Wenbo from Sany Heavy Industry turned around and asked the vice president on the side: "Lao He, how much did you hear?"

"It saves 60 to 90% of fuel. This cowhide is not afraid of breaking the sky?" Vice President He Jianshe said with a look of disbelief.

Xiang Wenbo also doesn’t believe it. Volkswagen, BMW, and General Motors have all used thermoelectric power generation, saving up to about 10% of fuel.

But now Dongfeng actually comes directly to save 60 to 90%. The first reaction of professionals is to question the authenticity of the data.

"I believe that the first reaction of many people in the industry is disbelief. It is human nature to question. We are not afraid of fire. This system has been tested within Suiren Company. Our data are all based on actual measurements. Come."

"Dongfeng Group plans to launch 5 to 6 improved hybrid vehicles for sale in the second half of this year."

At this time, the industry insiders at the scene were whispering among themselves. Some were in disbelief, some were dubious, and most of them were disbelief.

Next, Chang Fuguo picked up the microphone and pulled away the red cloth on the side, revealing a silver-gray "aluminum alloy plate."

"Everyone doubts the data of hybrid vehicles, so let me introduce the new generation of thermoelectric materials developed by our chairman himself. The thermoelectric figure of merit is..."

The projector of the large exhibition stand projected the number 11.37 on the wall behind it.

"11.37 is the thermoelectric figure of merit of this thermoelectric material. The waste heat utilization efficiency of the thermoelectric power generation system manufactured using this thermoelectric material reaches about 24%."

Under the exhibition stand.

Ms. Dong, who was not far away from Huang Xiuyuan, was no longer calm now. The strong lady turned her head in shock: "Mr. Huang, is this true?"

"It's just a small invention, but it's still not as good as 40% of the power of a steam turbine." Huang Xiuyuan waved his hand indifferently.

Wang Xuning on the side, his whole body was as sour as a lemon.

"Mr. Huang is so humble." Ms. Dong also had a dry smile on her face, but she quickly reacted. Although she wanted to complain about Huang Xiuyuan's Versailles behavior, making money was more important: "Mr. Huang, this material is ready for use. In thermoelectric refrigeration How’s the test data on it?”

Huang Xiuyuan did not hide anything: "Compared to chemical refrigeration, the energy consumption of thermoelectric refrigeration is still higher."

Gree makes air conditioners, so it has naturally researched thermoelectric refrigeration using thermoelectric materials. Thermoelectric refrigeration is also called semiconductor refrigeration and is often used for refrigeration in special scenarios, such as the refrigeration of tiny electrical equipment and precision instruments.

Compared with compressor refrigeration, the energy efficiency ratio of thermoelectric refrigeration is too low, usually only about 0.5 to 0.6; while the energy efficiency ratio of compressor refrigeration is usually 2 to 3.4.

Ms. Dong then asked: "What's the energy efficiency ratio?"

"The maximum is 2.2~2.4, which is comparable to ordinary compressor refrigeration." Huang Xiuyuan explained.

"It seems that Gree needs to cooperate with you in depth. There are so many good things in your laboratory. Can this thermoelectric material be mass-produced?"

Huang Xiuyuan smiled: "Of course, if it cannot be produced, Dongfeng will not launch a concept car."

"You don't have anything better to offer, do you?" Ms. Dong suddenly asked.

"Haha..." Huang Xiuyuan smiled but said nothing. Their laboratory naturally had better thermoelectric materials, but the problem was that the cost performance was not high.

Seeing Huang Xiuyuan's expression, Ms. Dong knew that Suiren Company had something at the bottom of the box: "What is the energy efficiency ratio of the thermoelectric materials in the laboratory?"

Huang Xiuyuan spread his hands: "Around 2.5 to 2.7, the price/performance ratio is not high, so it has not been launched."

Thank you for your support, and I would like to thank book friends "Sunny Day One", "Cold Words and Cold Feelings", "Yu Ming Taoist", "丶Taozhuo", and "Damon is cute" for their rewards (ω`)

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