The rise of nanometers

Chapter 194 Broken Mirror

The wind in April turns from warm to cold.

The vast land blowing up and down the river brings lush vitality and is also mixed with pervasive microorganisms.

Texas Semiconductor Base.

Huang Xiuyuan read the summary report of the Herborist incident. Suiren is his own company. Under strict defense, it is basically difficult for those conspiracies to succeed. However, other companies in the Yunqin Quality Association still have many loopholes.

For example, in this incident, there were a lot of manual links in the quality inspection process on the production line of Modujiahua. Where there are people, loopholes can easily be created.

Even for the factory-based supervision team of the Locust Ant Company, there are many manual operations during the random inspection process. Once the rules and routines are figured out, especially if there are internal personnel working inside and outside, it can be easily cracked.

He thought for a moment and wrote some improvement plans.

For example, single-person operation is not allowed, and at least two people must be present at the same time during the quality inspection process.

A product name responsibility system is implemented. Which employee is responsible for each link on the production line must be recorded in the production data of the product. Which link has a problem to facilitate direct traceability investigation.

In addition to accelerating the advancement of Internet of Things technology, Huang Xiuyuan communicated with Lin Baijie and others and planned to have the Precision Instrument Alliance develop comprehensive automated quality inspection equipment, using Dragon Totem's chip technology, Time Information's software design and big data, to create a system with no dead ends. Intelligent quality control system.

On the production line, automated quality inspection systems are used to replace manual quality inspections and random inspections, and to comprehensively monitor every aspect of production to plug loopholes that may be exploited by humans.

Finally, Huang Xiuyuan also approved a cloud inspection reporting award, allowing all companies participating in the cloud inspection quality platform to allocate a sum of funds to establish a special reward project.

This project encourages employees of various companies to report problematic products and personnel. As long as the report is finally verified, a one-time reward of 500,000 will be given.

A multi-pronged approach can prevent most conspiracies.

"Yingnan, fax this document to Baijie." Huang Xiuyuan handed the plan he wrote to Xiao Yingnan.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

He looked at the Great Plains in the distance. Large areas of winter wheat were already growing lushly. This year, the supply of desalinated pure water in Shandong Province increased from 1.4 billion cubic meters last year to 2.7 billion cubic meters. Production will continue to increase in the second half of the year.

The huge supply of pure water has made the agricultural development of Shandong Province even more rapid.

Huang Xiuyuan stared quietly for more than ten minutes to relieve the dryness of his eyes, and then came to his office.

Turning on his computer, his fingers were flying on the keyboard, and lines of code were jumping on the page.

The broilers and some servers he captured before, the ghosts hidden in the underlying programs of the operating system, changed from silent to active.

After being targeted so many times, I really thought that the Suiren system was easy to bully if I didn't give the other party any color.

Huang Xiuyuan planned to reciprocate the other party's courtesy.

In his memory, he retrieved the decrypted files one by one and then forged them on the computer. These files are top secret now, but in the future, they will be out of the public domain and basically the whole world will know them clearly.

Several civil society organizations in the United States have even conducted relevant declassification investigations and exposed many documents that have never been disclosed.

But at that time, nearly thirty years had passed since 2013, and many documents had no longer been necessary to be kept secret before they were unearthed by these civil society groups.

But in 2010, these data and documents were definitely a bombshell. Huang Xiuyuan, who had "real evidence" in his hand, even knew the list of all the people involved in the US-984XN program at that time, how many types of software were designed, and how many were deployed. Monitor the data center and how many Internet companies are involved.

He did not copy them all because there was too much data in the US-984XN plan. He selected a list of key personnel, participating Internet companies, backdoor programs installed in the computer system, and various supporting packages specifically for the other four gangsters. plan.

Then he concocted a CIA list of people operating in the Asia-Pacific region.

Some of the information on these people was discovered by China itself, and some was declassified by the United States over a long period of time.

It took Huang Xiuyuan three days to do all this.

At the end of the information package, he wrote a sentence in various languages: "I hope you like this gift——S"

Then he clicked send, and the data package was continuously jumped through hundreds of broilers, and then sent to the mailboxes of the Western Continent Alliance, Lucia, China, and major news media in the world.


The heart of the United Kingdom - London.

Edward, who had just gone to work in the morning, made a cup of black coffee and turned on his computer. He is a submission reviewer for the British Guardian.

After reading more than a dozen submissions, he yawned and took another sip of coffee to refresh himself. Suddenly he was stunned. He quickly put down the coffee and started reading carefully.

"US-984XN plan? Surveillance all over the world? Oh, yes!" The more Edward looked at him, the more energetic he became.

Based on the content disclosed in the document and a fool-like operation, he entered a series of codes on his laptop and was able to access the networked computer data within the Guardian.

Seeing that he could access internal information unimpeded, Edward suddenly felt a chill running down his back: " turned out to be true!"

He immediately called the newspaper editor and reported the incident.

Guardian editor-in-chief Louis Brown, after reading the submission, asked Edward to demonstrate again. Not only the Guardian's system, but also other computers connected to the Internet can easily enter, because the system has a backdoor specifically for them, so it naturally appears smooth. Unobstructed.

The contributor codenamed "S" stated that he has submitted articles to various news media around the world, and hopes that they will cherish the opportunity of the news being published first.

Britain, one of the world's worst troublemakers, wished that the upstarts of the New World would explode on the spot. Louis Brown shouted loudly: "Let's take action. Today's newspaper will be reprinted immediately, and the home page of the website will be changed immediately."


"I'm going to kick Uncle Sam's ass."

"These damn nouveau riche!"

In less than an hour, news about the US-984XN project was posted on the homepage of The Guardian’s website, and they also made a very UC headline.

[Shock! Everyone's life seems to be running naked...]

The Great Onmyoji BBC followed closely, and then the major newspapers and news websites of the Western Continent Alliance all reported on the US-984XN project.

This incident quickly spread around the world and instantly attracted worldwide attention.

If we say that various news media are reporting overwhelmingly, criticizing the US-984XN plan and the masterminds behind the scenes.

The other four gangsters were extremely busy because they discovered that the people on the list were actually real. This gift surprised and delighted them.

at the same time.

As the subject of exposure, the beacon of mankind, their domestic media was also furious. The CIA, who looked confused, was also overwhelmed by the sudden exposure.

Their personnel in other areas have been affected to varying degrees.

Hundreds of hyenas were directly buried under the cold Siberian permafrost. Basically, the layout of many places was uprooted overnight.

This loss caused their decades of arrangements to go to waste.

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