The rise of nanometers

Chapter 217 Precision Strike

to warm applause.

Huang Xiuyuan walked onto the podium calmly.

I didn’t bring any manuscripts or anything like that. I adjusted the microphone casually, glanced at everyone with a sharp look, and then said:

"It's a great honor to stand here and deliver a speech. There are three topics I want to speak on today, namely:"

The staff brought up relevant text and pictures on the large LED screen behind them.

“The Internet and Antitrust.”

“The importance of autonomous systems.”

"How to develop domestic semiconductors and systems."

Internet and antitrust? The CEOs and business representatives of Internet companies suddenly felt something bad in their hearts.

Huang Xiuyuan's expression was still calm and calm: "Why should I start with the Internet and antitrust as the topic today? Because this matter is very important."

Many people below were disapproving, some were thoughtful, and more were just watching from the sidelines.

"When one day, you suddenly feel uncomfortable, so you open your browser and search for related issues on a search engine. However, he doesn't know that he has become someone else's prey..."

On the large LED screen behind, it was demonstrated how to recommend some "famous" hospitals to "need" users through search engines.

"Or, when you use a navigation map, the company behind the navigation map will take you to the advertised hospital or store."

Huang Xiuyuan's words are like a sharp blade, bloody analysis of profit-seeking push advertising, especially on issues related to people's health.

Li Hong, the president of Qiandu Group, looked ugly.

Because of this question, there is no need to name anyone, everyone knows who they are talking about.

"If one day, your social software requires you to choose between two other software, how would you choose?"

"If one day, a payment software pushes their loans to the entire society through so-called packaging, and their loans can continue to increase the leverage, thereby coercing huge users..."

"What if one day, an Internet company uses its big data advantage to promote low-priced vegetables and fruits to users through centralized procurement at low prices from the origin..."

"Suppose one day, an Internet company requires users to hand over their identity information before they can use the functions of the software..."

Most of the domestic Internet companies were pulled out and whipped by Huang Xiuyuan. The CEOs of the Internet companies below were so angry that they were shaking all over and their faces were green and white.

"The Internet is a double-edged sword. If these behaviors cannot be restricted from the beginning, once they form a huge user market, they will coerce users and become a time bomb that is too big to fail."

Suddenly a vice president of Qiandu stood up and retorted in a loud voice: "Then I would like to ask if Time Information is also monopolizing? Is Suiren Company also monopolizing?"

Huang Xiuyuan angrily said unceremoniously: "That's why outside the Blue Era, there are United Group and Beijing Enterprises Group; that's why Fengmin Agriculture also competes with COFCO and Beidahuang; that's why Dragon Totem authorizes Huawei, Unisplendour, and ZTE... …”

"Can Qiandu support several competitors? Can Penguin open its own social software interface and allow other social software to communicate across software? Will Alibaba allow merchants to operate on multiple platforms?"

All Internet companies suddenly fell silent.

"I have always been very curious, why are venture capital investors willing to spend crazy money on Internet companies, and how can the Internet make money? After thinking about it day and night, I discovered that in order for Internet companies to make money, they must form a monopoly."

"When they form a complete monopoly, they can coerce users and eat it at home, and then eat it at home again. Free is the biggest scam."

This bloody reality made everyone present drip with cold sweat. Even the two people in Ziguang Pavilion felt threatened by Internet companies.

The subtle influence of public opinion, the too-big-to-fail nature of companies, the potential for financial leverage, and the massive devouring of ordinary people’s living space. When Huang Xiuyuan throws out the logic and profit model, this is almost a foreseeable future.

"This is an inhumane devil that will either devour the entire society or wait to be hung on a street lamp. What do you think?"

Huang Xiuyuan stared at everyone in the venue with sharp eyes. Everyone was a little frightened and sweating coldly.

"The Internet needs a cage. This kind of barbaric growth is now time for governance and seriousness. I will drink some water and move on to the next topic of my speech in ten minutes."

In the dead silence of the venue, it took more than ten seconds for everyone to wake up, and then started discussing in a low voice.

When he came backstage, Qin Lizhang came over with a bitter smile: "Xiuyuan, your words this time are too fierce. I guess those guys are yelling curses in their hearts."

Huang Xiuyuan spread his hands indifferently: "So what? We are not from the same group in the first place. There is no need to be too polite. Do you really think that without them, the domestic system will not be able to get off the ground?"

An old voice sounded behind the two of them.

"It seems you are very confident!"

Qin Lizhang immediately stepped forward, and the old man waved his hand: "Xiu Yuan and I will talk about some issues on the Internet."

Qin Lizhang, who knew what was going on, immediately led someone to look out for the three of them.

No one knew what the three people were talking about, but judging from the expressions of the two old men leaving, they were already highly wary of these Internet companies.

Ten minutes later, Huang Xiuyuan appeared on the podium again, looking at everyone with calm eyes:

"The second theme is the importance of independent systems. Some people may think that there is no need to develop domestic substitutes when there are similar products on the market."

"Then let me assume a background. If the international supplier of this product is unable to supply products to your company due to force majeure, how will you face it?"

"Take Huawei as an example. If Huawei's international suppliers are unable to supply spare parts, how can Mr. Ren solve the problem?"

Mr. Ren below took the microphone and replied in a very serious tone: "Huawei may have most of its business stoppage in a short period of time. Even if we find domestic suppliers to replace it, it will take half a year to more than three years. Some parts, Or even just weakening the performance."

Huang Xiuyuan asked with a smile: "Are you thinking that this is just your scaremongering, Huang Xiuyuan, but you'd better think about what Suiren Company experienced last year, and don't think that you are safe."

"The butcher has a knife in his hand and a bunch of fat pigs are waiting to be slaughtered. As long as the pigs are too fat and wild, the butcher will naturally cut the meat and bleed it without hesitation."

At the end, Huang Xiuyuan clenched his fists: "I will put my words here today. Domestic semiconductors and operating systems. Suiren and I will not make any retreat. I have finished speaking. Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Looking at Huang Xiuyuan's calm gaze, there was a suffocating sense of oppression.

Everyone knows that standing up to oppose at this time will result in a head-on confrontation with the Suiren Department, and the official attitude is also very obvious.

If someone is deliberately targeted by the Suiren Group, just thinking about the 1.68 trillion in funds will make people shudder involuntarily.

Even the Internet companies that had previously discussed and planned to launch a collective attack are now looking at each other, hoping that someone will take the lead.

The problem is that these old foxes are not fools. At this time, they can only be used as cannon fodder for Wang Xianqu.

Thank you for your support (ω`)

Fifth update!

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