The rise of nanometers

Chapter 243 Looking to the future

Shanmei City District.

The headquarters of Suiren Company.

In the middle of the three office buildings of the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Scientific Research, and the Ministry of Safety is a 24,000-square-meter auditorium called "Qiusuo Hall."

Each subsidiary, laboratory, and supervision group under the Suiren Department has leaders and labor union representatives participating in this company annual meeting.

There are seven first-level subsidiaries under the Ministry of Industry: Blue Age, Time Information, Suiren Materials, Snail Industry, Fengmin Agriculture, Locust Ant, and Dragon Totem, as well as the core subsidiaries under these subsidiaries.

The Scientific Research Department consists of various research institutes, laboratories and scientific research projects.

The low-key Security Department is also an important core in the Suiren Department. Especially after the all-out conflict with North America last year, the Security Department is under tremendous pressure. Both internal and external parties need to be vigilant and investigate to protect the Suiren Department. .

Lin Baijie presided over the meeting, named the heads of each subsidiary, and took the stage to conduct an annual summary.

There were quite a lot of people attending the company's annual meeting this year. Huang Xiuyuan took a visual look and found that there were nearly 3,000 people.

He was sitting in the front row with Jiang Hailin, Lu Xuedong, Huang Weichang and others, discussing some things. The Suiren family has a big family and a big business, so many decisions must be made carefully, otherwise it will easily have a big impact.

The Blue Age subsidiary alone currently employs 730,000 sanitation employees. Adding in gas distribution, water services, recycling plants, mining, etc., the total number of employees reaches an astonishing 960,000.

It has established branches in 106 prefecture-level cities across the country, as well as mining branches in some areas.

In terms of employee wages, Blue Age spends 6.8 billion every month. Including other benefits, subsidies, and year-end bonuses, Blue Age spent 107.3 billion in 2010 alone.

In fact, the number of employees of United Group and Beijing Enterprises Group is not far behind. Even because their salary levels are lower, their number of employees exceeds one million.

Jiang Hailin flipped through a few pages of annual report details, turned around and said, "Chairman, the domestic market of Blue Era is basically saturated."

"The future strategy of the blue era is to gradually improve all links, find and fill in gaps as much as possible, integrate with the Internet of Things strategy, and at the same time be prepared to go overseas."

After hearing Huang Xiuyuan's thoughts, Jiang Hailin also felt the same. If the domestic basic market is grasped, the Blue Era will be invincible.

Moreover, the Blue Age is also one of the fundamentals of the Suiren system, playing a vital role in the entire industry chain.

Blue Age and Fengmin Agriculture can be called the twin cornerstones of the Suiren system. Fengmin’s breeding, planting, food processing, logistics and warehousing, soil management, and fertilizers and pesticides have now benefited millions of farmers.

Huang Xiuyuan looked at the company's total revenue. The annual turnover was close to 1.6 trillion, and the net profit reached 147.3 billion.

The reason why the net profit is so low, less than one-tenth of the turnover, is because the Suiren Department has invested a lot in infrastructure, machinery and equipment, precision instruments, scientific research funds and personnel benefits, as well as security supervision costs. Not a few.

In addition, the sale of Blue Star Mining's shares is a special transaction and is not included in the calculation of turnover and profit.

Huang Xiuyuan rubbed his temples and put down the ballpoint pen in his hand: "Long Totem's semiconductor research funds are borne by the sale of Blue Star Mining's shares. Next year, we will increase investment in scientific research funds for other projects."

"Xiuyuan, how much do you think the increase is appropriate?" Lu Xuedong is more concerned about this issue. Although he, as the general manager of the scientific research department, has left the specific administrative management to a few deputies, he cannot help but care about the issue of scientific research funding.

"The upper limit is 60 billion, of which our company will use 45 billion ourselves, and the other 15 billion will cooperate with domestic universities and scientific research institutions. We are also preparing to participate in large-scale scientific research projects during the 12th Five-Year Plan next year."

"Collaborate on large-scale scientific research projects?" Lu Xuedong then remembered that next year will be the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Huang Xiuyuan's eyes were somewhat meaningful: "There are still many outstanding talents and groups in domestic universities and scientific research institutions. During the cooperation process, your scientific research department can investigate and dig out those outstanding but underappreciated scientific researchers to increase their number. Domestic competition for scientific research talents.”

Regarding this proposal, Lu Xuedong nodded and said with a smile: "Indeed, otherwise it would almost become a pool of stagnant water. Water can only have vitality if it flows."

In fact, the rise of the Suiren system has indeed had a huge impact on domestic scientific research institutions.

This year alone, the Suiren Department has recruited more than 300 people from various research institutes and laboratories of the Academy of Sciences. Many of these researchers are the mainstay of scientific research projects.

As a result, within the Academy of Sciences, the leaders responsible for management are complaining endlessly, and they quickly calm down the remaining researchers. If they don't take action, the institute will probably become an empty shell.

Lin Baijie, who was speechless on the stage, and the presidents of seven first-level subsidiaries made annual summary reports one after another.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, it was finally Huang Xiuyuan's turn to take the stage to speak.

Standing on the podium, looking at the thousands of people in the conference hall, he felt deeply that he had a heavy responsibility and cleared his throat:

"I won't talk about clichés. Two things that everyone is very concerned about will be announced immediately."

Everyone present showed eager eyes, which is why many employees support the Suiren system and are willing to fight for the company.

Although the Suiren system is about feelings, it is also about benefits and fair distribution.

"The number of employees who have obtained the company's virtual shares this year is much higher than last year. There are 23,941 people in total. I hope that every employee will one day obtain the company's shares. A better and brighter future requires all our employees to create and work together. Fight and protect together.”

Bang bang bang...many people's palms turned red.

Huang Xiuyuan stretched out his hands and pressed them. The applause suddenly stopped and he continued:

"This year the company has made a net profit of 147.3 billion. In accordance with the provisions of the company's basic law, I plan to use 15 billion as a year-end bonus and 15 billion as share dividends."

His speech was broadcast to every branch and subsidiary through internal live broadcast.

Suddenly, Suiren branches and subsidiaries across the country burst into cheers, which was the joy of the strivers.

They come from all over the world, they speak dialects and local accents, they strive for the same goal, and today they are cheering for the same thing.

"Bonuses and dividends will be distributed uniformly on January 1st. I am here to wish all employees a Happy New Year in advance!"

Amid warm applause, Huang Xiuyuan stepped down from the podium.

Suiren Company's annual meeting came to an end, and the heads of various subsidiaries and scientific research projects took their subordinates back to their respective posts after the excitement.

As the most special group participating in the company's annual meeting, it is undoubtedly the employee representatives of each subsidiary. Some of them are employees who have made outstanding contributions, and some are randomly selected employees. Many of them come to the headquarters to participate in the annual meeting for the first time. .

In the eyes of Suiren employees, we can see the enthusiasm, hope and enthusiasm for struggle. Whether they are management or middle- and lower-level employees, they are all proud and honored to be employees of Suiren. .

The Suiren Department, which has gradually developed and expanded, has a cohesion that few companies can match.

After the meeting, Huang Xiuyuan, Lin Baijie and others will hold a high-level meeting to discuss some of the company's strategic arrangements.

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