The rise of nanometers

Chapter 284 Price

Zhang Xiao, who came here on behalf of Ali, listened to Zhang Weixin's talk on the stage, his expression changed several times, and then turned to look at Wang Xuri next to him.

"Mr. Wang, you should all know?"

Wang Xuri nodded and replied calmly: "I do know."

"If they do this, it will be a fatal blow to the future development of big data. I don't think this is a good model." Zhang Xiao said worriedly.

Hearing this argument, Wang Xuri just smiled and had no intention of responding. Liu Dong, who didn't have much dealing with Ali, replied: "Fatal blow? Whose big data is it?"

The faces of the three ABT business representatives suddenly turned darker.

The big data project is actually of no use to Jindong, NetEase and Sohu, because they are not industry giants and are destined to find it difficult to compete with ABT in big data.

On the contrary, once ABT completes its big data layout, it will not only enhance user stickiness, but also further monopolize the market through big data and distance itself from second-tier companies.

Therefore, the ideas of Liu Dong, Wang Xuri and others are very simple. Since I cannot resist the suppression of ABT, then I will support the Suiren system to smash the market and completely block the development of big data.

Faced with the Suiren system's interoperability of super trust, personal information, and UnionPay wallets, the three giants ABT feel the pain.

Fang Kaile, Penguin's vice president, whispered to his subordinates to report to the headquarters as soon as possible so that the headquarters could respond as soon as possible.

The development of the Chaoxin platform will become faster and faster, and the number of users will become larger and larger. According to the characteristics of the Suiren system, it is estimated that in the future, computers and mobile phones from Huawei and ZTE will also be bound to Supersign for sale.

Because Huawei and ZTE also plan to develop their own super messaging, they definitely don’t want to see Penguin Fetion continue to dominate instant messaging.

To describe the current instant messaging market in one sentence, it is "when the penguin falls, everyone is full."

Whether it is NetEase, 360, Sohu, or Jindong, their purpose of participating in the Chaoxin platform is naturally for their own interests. The principle of profit in the world has been throughout the development history of human society.

As long as we join forces to defeat Penguin, the domestic instant messaging market will naturally be divided up by everyone based on their own abilities.

After all, it is a word of profit.

Because a group of second-tier Internet companies found that by cooperating with the Suiren Group, once they successfully defeated Penguin, they could divide the market occupied by Penguin.

In the past, they often had to pay a huge price to obtain traffic, and some companies were even directly swallowed up by ABT.

Why does Zhou Hongwei say that domestic Internet companies always have to face three things: life, death, and penguins.

Taking advantage of their own traffic and size to monopolize the market and copy software from innovative companies, this is what Internet giants do, and they are naked bullying and arrogance.

If someone stops them from doing evil, they will label the other person, saying that their behavior is the law of market operation, and making excuses for their behavior, such as covering it up with a layer of technological innovation.

It’s no wonder that ABT’s business representative was so excited that he even acted a little hysterical and wanted to smash the network management center on the spot.

But ABT has no choice now, because the Suiren system has its own system, which can be impeccable in terms of hardware and software.

Li Yuanhong, who came to Shanmei in person, remained silent throughout the whole process.

"Mr. Li, what are Qiandu's plans?" Zhang Xiao leaned over and asked softly.

Leaning against the soft sofa, Li Yuanhong felt stiff all over. After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, he raised his head and said:

"The general trend is that we have no other choice."

"..." Zhang Xiao hesitated for a while, and finally swallowed his words. After all, this was a public place, and second-tier Internet companies were also present, so he could only keep his words private.

The ups and downs of domestic Internet companies were completely kicked off by Zhang Weixin’s words.

On the stage, Zhang Weixin introduced the performance of notebook and desktop computers, as well as a series of innovations, and then came to announce the retail price of the products again.

"The basic version of Jiuding notebook has a national retail price of..."

On the big screen, a price began to scroll.

2888 yuan!

The national retail price of the basic Jiuding laptop is 2,888 yuan.

Then there is the high-end version of the Jiuding notebook, priced at 3,666 yuan.

"Next is the national retail price of Jiuding desktop computers..." As soon as Zhang Weixin finished speaking, the price box on the big screen started scrolling again.

3555 yuan! This is the retail price of the basic version of Jiuding desktop computer, while the retail price of the high-end version of Jiuding desktop computer is 4,888 yuan.

The price is also not high. It is much lower than many products on the market today. The reason why the price can be kept down is not because Suiren is losing money and making money, but because the cost of spare parts has dropped a lot.

Computers are the same as mobile phones. Their production costs are mainly concentrated on the three core components of CPU, GPU and screen. More than 50% of the production cost of a computer is occupied by these three components.

For domestic assembly machines, due to the monopoly of spare parts by foreign manufacturers, the prices of these three core spare parts may even account for 60 to 70% of the total cost.

As for the processing costs of the assembly plant, even if Long Toteng's own company wants to maintain high benefits, the assembly costs of Chengying and Tai'a mobile phones average about 86 yuan per unit.

This price is actually the ceiling. You must know that Foxconn’s OEM cost for an Apple is about 5 yuan, which is only about 31 yuan based on the current exchange rate.

Long Toteng's own assembly plant has wages that are 1.5 to 2 times higher than Foxconn's. With various benefits, the assembly cost of each mobile phone is only 86 yuan.

Therefore, the overall sales price of Long Totem's computers and mobile phones is relatively low. On the one hand, it is to expand market share, and on the other hand, it is to reduce the overall cost.

In terms of spare parts supply prices for various partners, Dragon Totem actually leaves them at least 20 to 30% profit margin.

Even if Huawei and ZTE purchase Dragon Totem's CPUs and screens to manufacture their mobile phones and computers, they can achieve at least 30 to 40% profit.

Regardless of the fact that Chengying only sold for 2186 yuan, but the miscellaneous costs were combined, it was only about 1357 yuan, and the profit reached 829 yuan.

The reason why the net profit seems to be low is that many people ignore one thing, that is, the discounts on Dragon Totem are very large, with an average of 7.4% off.

Suiren, which owns the entire industrial chain, is stronger than Apple in terms of comprehensive cost control. Perhaps only Samsung can compete.

Although domestic labor costs have increased year by year, industrial production costs have not risen significantly in recent years.

Because the pollution treatment costs of many companies have dropped a lot. On the other hand, after China took the lead in the ore trade, the prices of industrial raw materials fell.

Coupled with the recent appreciation of the Chinese Yuan, Long Totem's product pricing strategy can adopt such a pricing that is lower than the market price.

At the same time, there is actually a huge amount of moisture in the prices of electronic products.

The price of Dragon Totem’s domestic products will be lower than the retail price of the international version, which is actually very normal.

For example, there is a huge gap between the sales price of Apple in the United States and the sales price in China.

Huang Xiuyuan's initial decision on the price was based on precise calculations by the Ministry of Industry, so as to maximize profits for domestic users while ensuring profits.

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