The rise of nanometers

Chapter 286 Reaction

Atu followed the guidance of the software and took photos of his eyeballs, tongue coating, and face, and then uploaded them to a health expert for a comprehensive diagnosis.

In about two minutes, the health expert's cloud service center used big data to match a diagnosis report based on the photos uploaded by Ah Tu, as well as his body temperature and heartbeat.

[Dear user, your diagnosis is as follows: 1. A long-term smoking habit; 2. Severe tooth decay in the lower left first molar; 3. Staying up late and having an irregular work and rest schedule; 4. Slight irregular heartbeat;…

Recommendations: quit smoking, repair teeth, have a normal routine, have regular physical examinations, focusing on liver function and lung function...]

After A Tu read it, he said with great interest: "Huh? This is quite accurate."

"I'm not sure, it didn't detect your kidney deficiency."

Ah Tu immediately retorted: "Fuck you, you have a weak kidney, I have done this seven times a night."

"Hahaha, the last time I carried more than 20 kilograms of something, I was out of breath. Are you still feeling weak?" Lao Zhang continued to joke.

Ah Tu said speechlessly: "You still have the nerve to say that you rent a warehouse to the seventh floor and there is no elevator. Next time, don't ask me to deliver goods to your door."

The two were joking with each other.

The evaluation of Tai Ah mobile phones is still going on. The issue that Ah Tu is most concerned about now is the issue of software ecology.

He checked it carefully and found that the entire Tai'a mobile phone has quite a lot of software, namely: Chaoxin, Time Blog, Jindong Mall,, App Store, Personal Information, Mobile Manager, Health Expert, Xinhua net.

Ah Tu, who had purchased a Liangxiang mobile phone, compared the two mobile phones and discovered a very strange situation, that is, there was a strange "difference" in the size of some software.

Since he made some electronic parts in Jindong Mall, there was a mobile version of Jindong Mall on the previous Liangxiang mobile phone.

Ah Tu found that the size of the software of Jindong Mall on the two mobile phones was very different. The size of Jindong Mall on Liangxiang mobile phone was 98.3MB, while the size of Jindong Mall on Tai'a mobile phone was only 37.6MB.

This obvious difference made him immediately interested.

I downloaded again and compared it again. I found that the software size of was indeed different on the two mobile phones. The software on the Tai'a phone was obviously smaller.

After testing several software in succession, I found that the software on Tai Ah mobile phones generally takes up a small amount of memory.

Ah Tu carefully compared the specific operation of the same software on the two mobile phones, and soon he discovered the root cause.

Take Jindong Mall as an example. Jindong Mall, which runs on the Fuxi system, does not have a personal center or payment system, and many previous background programs and underlying programs have been cut off by the network management center.

Moreover, under the Fuxi system, many softwares are not allowed to start automatically during the sleep period. The software will only run when the user starts it.

At the same time, software under the Fuxi system generally uses cloud services and cloud data support. When mobile phone memory and storage are not sufficient, this is the best choice to ensure system comfort.

There are only a few basic system software that can occupy the local storage of the system, such as the offline payment of UnionPay wallet and the personal information management system.

Therefore, under the Fuxi system, it seems that there is a lot of software, but the smoothness of the system and software running is not significantly affected.

Even for the Time Blog, which has a huge number of FamilyMart buckets, the overall program size is only 86.8MB. Unlike Penguin, an instant messaging software that actually occupies several gigabytes of memory, various "auxiliary" programs will start inexplicably. , running in the background without user consent.

With the cooperation between Fuxi System and the Network Management Center, any software that dares to start in the background without permission will have very serious consequences, and may even be directly kicked out of Fuxi System's safe applications.

Once it is listed as untrusted software, the software cannot run on the Fuxi system.

As mobile phones and computers from Long Totem, Huawei, ZTE and other partners develop and grow, the era of Internet companies doing whatever they want is destined to be gone forever.

After Ah Tu posted his evaluation video to Station B, he opened his own Time Blog account and uploaded the video.

This evaluation video attracted a lot of attention and comments from netizens.

Especially for the software under the Fuxi system, various background programs were cut off and forced to sleep, and many netizens applauded.

Ah Tu is under the account of Time Blog.

[After actual measurement, my mobile phone’s Penguin 1.3G is used. I wonder where it is used? ]——Roast goose in open oven

[Haha, the 7.6G computer Penguin is passing by. ]——Zhongyuan Wubai

[ABT is like a raccoon dog, and the whole family bucket bundle is launched. ]——Golden Arches

[No wonder the phone gets laggy the more you use it. ]——Asuna

[ @Asuna, 乛v乛hehe, let me borrow one to talk. ]——Japanese Seed Industry

[Can you review the Jiuding notebook? I want to buy one as a workbook. ]——Procedure Yuan

[ @Program Yuan, is editing the video. ]——Digital Emperor

A large number of netizens on the Internet criticized ABT verbally and writtenly, and a number of domestic and foreign mobile phone and computer manufacturers were also dragged out and whipped.

However, ABT has withstood the main firepower of netizens. This shows that the world has been suffering from ABT for a long time.

In order to get new mobile phones and computers, many interested people downloaded Chaoxin and registered accounts with Chaoxin's personal information.

In less than an hour, the number of users on the Chaoxin platform surged by 7.36 million, and the user growth rate remains at a relatively high rate.

This is not good news for Penguin, because Penguin Fetion cannot run on the Fuxi system for the time being.

There is no way for the software of the three giants ABT to run on the Fuxi system. Unless they give up illegally asking for user information and permissions and agree to give up the closed nature of Penguin and Fetion, they will not be able to enter the Fuxi system.

After the spread and fermentation on the Internet, Dragon Totem’s Shanmei press conference is not only well known to domestic netizens, but also some related videos and comments have appeared on the foreign Internet.

Relevant domestic friends and businessmen also knew the content of this Shantou Mei press conference through the on-site delegation and online videos.

At the press conference, although it was coming to an end, the atmosphere was still heated.

However, more and more people are calling and sending emails, especially business representatives from foreign companies, who are already rushing to send emergency reports to their respective headquarters.

Because a number of manufacturers misjudged the speed of technological development of textile law, they now feel that things are getting out of their control.

In particular, domestic manufacturers, which are feeling the pain, have to consider how to deal with the new semiconductor system. This huge impact is already a foreseeable future.



After Zhang Weixin finished speaking on the last topic, he announced to everyone: "Dear guests, this press conference has come to a successful conclusion."

There was warm applause.

The press conference officially ended, but it did not mean that the matter was over, because the subsequent changes brought about by the press conference were like a blockbuster hitting a calm lake, triggering a series of chain reactions.

ABT, Liangxiang and other companies held emergency meetings.

Partners such as Huawei, ZTE and Ziguang stayed at Suiren's headquarters, preparing to discuss the next industrial arrangements.

There are also people from companies such as Jindong, Sohu, NetEase, and Xiaomi, who are also preparing to discuss in-depth cooperation with Suiren.

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