The rise of nanometers

Chapter 299 Oil Price Storm

After the Chang'an Energy Summit, major groups began to implement the plan. Two barrels of oil needed to raise 90 million tons of crude oil globally through multiple channels within six months as strategic reserves.

As long as the strategic reserve of 90 million tons is completed, the plan can begin to be implemented.

Currently, oil-producing countries that can supply 90 million tons of crude oil within half a year, except for OPEC members, Lucia and Angola, supply domestic crude oil at about 80 million tons every year.

If purchases are increased and prices raised, these two regions can supply an additional 30 million tons within half a year.

In addition, Oman and Samba can supply about 5 million tons more.

As for Mobei, which is dominated by the domestic mining industry, its crude oil supply has recently increased from 22,000 barrels per day to 51,000 barrels per day. If it is produced at full capacity, it can be increased to 65,000 barrels per day, an increase of about 1 million tons in half a year. .

Plus crude oil from Central Asia.

By piecing together here and there, we can barely scrape together 45 million tons.

The remaining 45 million tons can only be purchased from OPEC and the United States.

Soon, two barrels of oil increased the purchase of international crude oil on the grounds of ensuring domestic energy stability, further raising international oil prices. However, the international crude oil suppliers did not know the murderous intention behind this.

The Mining Alliance also came forward and obtained a six-month crude oil contract of 3.2 million tons from Samba through its relationship with Vale; it also obtained a six-month crude oil contract of 5.34 million tons from Australia.

With the addition of two barrels of oil, the company bit the bullet and purchased an additional 15 million tons of crude oil from the Little Venice region in Latin America.

Other regions also obtained a lot of crude oil supply through price increase purchases.

After a lot of hard work, they finally managed to scrape together a share of 90 million tons. Domestic storage oil fields also began to produce at full capacity, and they produced and stored as much as possible.

This crude oil is the ammunition for next year. Once the fight starts, there will be no turning back. One of the two sides is bound to fall.

June 28th.

Within the oil community of Time Blog, a piece of gossip began to circulate.

[Energy Crisis: Domestic crude oil reserves are less than 40 days. Affected by OPEC production cuts, domestic oil prices may reach a new high this year...]

This blog post quickly spread within the oil community, then spread to the entire Time Blog, and then spread on the domestic Internet.

Then this account was forced to be banned and deleted, but the consequences of doing so were obviously counter-productive.

Especially on July 1, the price of domestic refined oil products increased by a low-key 50 cents, which directly confirmed this matter.

Worry about high oil prices has caused many car owners to go to gas stations overnight to refuel, which has led to short-term oil shortages in various places. The reaction, which is like a vicious cycle, is within the predictions of the Energy Association.

Magic City.

No. 749, Longhua East Road, Huangpu District.

Early in the morning, there was a line of cars coming to refuel in front of the Sinopec gas station.

Two or three car owners who were refueling themselves felt irritated as they looked at the constantly jumping numbers on the fuel gauge.

"I heard that domestic oil prices will continue to rise. Now every time you fill up, you have to smoke one less pack of cigarettes." A car owner complained while filling up.

Another white-collar car owner in a plaid shirt shook his head and joked: "Then just think of quitting smoking!"

"Haha, the reason behind this is so heart-warming." Another fat man joked.

The white-collar man in a plaid shirt who suddenly filled up his gas tank inadvertently glanced at the gas station next to the gas station. It was a gas station belonging to Beijing Enterprises Group.

He saw the price of methane gas, which seemed to be quite cheap. He turned around and said, "Old Wang, do you think the price of natural gas is lower than that of burning oil?"

The fat man, Lao Wang, turned around, took out his gas card, and looked at the price display board at the gas station next door. Methane gas was 1.53 yuan per kilogram.

He immediately became interested and drove to the gas station next door with a few friends.

After getting off the bus, the fat man Lao Wang saw a Dongfeng van refilling gas, so he leaned over and greeted the owner of the van:

"Brother, does your car run on natural gas?"

The skinny van owner was stunned. He took the cigarette from Lao Wang and put it behind his ear: "Yes! I bought it before the Chinese New Year. I just go to the city. It's quite convenient to refill the gas."

"Compared with natural gas and gasoline, which one is more cost-effective?" Lao Wang asked with interest.

Hearing this, the skinny van owner also reacted and replied with a smile: "Haha, brother, to tell you the truth, burning natural gas is very cost-effective. My car is a hybrid. When I used to drive a gas vehicle, a The monthly oil money is enough for me to fill up on natural gas for 10 months.”

"Holy shit, what a deal?" The white-collar worker in a plaid shirt exclaimed.

The owner of the van made a calculation for the three of them. Hybrid vehicles can generally save 60 to 80% of fuel, and the power generated by each kilogram of natural gas is equivalent to 0.55 liters of gasoline or diesel.

In other words, even if it is a hybrid, the fuel cost of a gas vehicle is less than 40% of that of a fuel vehicle.

As for Fatty Lao Wang's car, it is an unmodified fuel vehicle. Under the same driving distance, the difference in fuel cost between the two has reached an astonishing 1:10.

"Damn it, I've suffered a big loss." The white-collar worker in a plaid shirt patted his forehead: "I shouldn't have listened to the 4S store's lies and bought this shabby Toyota."

"No wonder Toyota and Honda are offering discounts on their fuel vehicles. It turns out they are a scam." The fat man, Lao Wang, came to his senses.

The van owner smiled and said: "Brother, there is still a way to go to the Snail Repair Center in Jinshan District. They can replace oil with gas there, but you have to register. I heard that there is a subsidy of 3,000 yuan."


"Great." Plaid shirt was overjoyed.

However, the big fat man is still very cautious: "If you switch from a fuel vehicle to a gas vehicle, will it damage the engine?"

An employee at the gas station on the side took a few advertisements from the counter and came over and handed them to the big fat man, the plaid shirt and others: "Dear guests, this is the specific operation process of changing oil to gas. You can take a look. It is best to go to a large-scale gas station for the transformation. A regular repair shop.”

The fat man, Lao Wang, and the three men in plaid shirts took the advertising flyers and quickly figured out the specific situation.

There are several options for converting fuel vehicles to natural gas. They usually include a temperature difference power generation module, a gas module, a motor module, a battery module and a control system. Cars generally do not add solar panels.

The whole set is around 30,000.

However, you can also eliminate the need for motors and batteries and only add gas and temperature difference. The price is around 15,000.

For car owners who drive frequently, it actually takes several years to repay the cost of this modification. Calculated by running 10,000 kilometers a year, the fuel consumption is about 8 liters per 100 kilometers, and 800 liters of gasoline are consumed in a year. The current oil price is 9.3 yuan. Each liter costs more than 7,000 yuan a year.

After the transformation, 60 to 70% of fuel costs can be saved in a year, and it will take several years to recover the cost.

If you drive a car that often travels long distances, running tens of thousands of kilometers a year, it may pay back in one year.

However, the plaid shirt and the fat man, who were worried about the continued rise in oil prices in the future, decided to switch from oil to gas.

In fact, affected by the news of rising prices of refined oil, domestic car owners are generally worried, especially those in the middle class. After careful calculation, they either choose to switch from oil to gas, or directly buy gas vehicles.

Domestic sales of gas vehicles saw a significant increase in July this year. As the first to take advantage of the situation, Dongfeng Motor won the largest piece of cake.

Stimulated by this incident, major domestic car companies are also enthusiastic about their gas vehicle projects.

Thank you all for your support (ω`), and I would like to thank my book friends "¤ Cang Yan♂鑑annie", "Sunny Day", "Dudu Chen and Mr. Zhao A next door", "Blood Shadow Wolf", "Big Cup of Milk Tea" ", "Book friend 20190524103546045", "Book friend 140814213451138", "Wind and rain - unruly wind", "Book friend 20201129183433706", "Book friend 20171013145611118" rewards!

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