The rise of nanometers

Chapter 303 Super Highway

After inspecting the petrochemical base, township distribution stations, and logistics centers in Huaihua, Huang Xiuyuan's motorcade passed through Tongren and entered Guizhou Province, finally settling in Gui'an New District.

In the data center in Gui'an New District, the person in charge of Guiyang Branch and Network Management Center of Guiyang Branch of Time Information - Southwest Branch took Huang Xiuyuan and his party to visit the various facilities of the data center.

Chen Hongbin, manager of the Guiyang branch of Time Information, pointed to the dozen or so factories in front of him and introduced him: "Chairman, the first phase of the Gui'an data center has been put into use, and it can now provide data services to all parts of the southwest."

"What about the second phase?" Huang Xiuyuan did not read the branch's first phase report because he had already read it.

Chen Hongbin is a little nervous: "The infrastructure of the second phase has been completed, and the layout of power and temperature control is in progress. It is expected to be completed and accepted before the end of this year."

"You are not strict in management, look at this." After Huang Xiuyuan finished speaking, he took a document from Xiao Yingnan's hand and placed it in Chen Hongbin's hand.

Gulu! Chen Hongbin suddenly broke into a cold sweat and opened the document tremblingly. The more he looked at it, the paler his face became. Then he lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "Chairman, it was my lax management. I am willing to accept the company's punishment."

"After these people are dealt with, you go to Qingyang Data Center to make amends. If problems still occur, resign yourself!" Huang Xiuyuan's tone was ruthless.

Chen Hongbin suddenly felt as if he had been granted amnesty: "I understand! Thank you very much, Chairman!"

He will not tolerate the existence of moths in the company. The supervision of the safety department and grassroots employees basically ensures the efficient operation and purity of the Suiren system.

Although during the investigation, Chen Hongbin was deceived by his subordinates, the oversight itself was a problem of ability. If he was not punished, this problem would appear again next time.

Every time Huang Xiuyuan inspects branches in various places, a large number of middle managers will be dealt with. The greed of human nature is always insatiable.

Based on the treatment of the middle-level employees within the Suiren system, not to mention the rich and powerful, the annual income of hundreds of thousands is a basic level, plus the company will allocate houses and so on, they are properly middle class.

But every year there are always some people who put their hands into the company's business and want to enrich themselves from the company.

As the Suiren system grows stronger, the tasks shouldered by the Security Department become more important, and basic feedback channels are also being improved and popularized.

Huang Xiuyuan also set up a secretarial confidential office to coordinate various contents of the Scientific Research Department, Industry Department, and Security Department to improve the efficiency of handling various matters.

Moreover, the supervising secretary-general of the secretary's office has his own independent investigation team. These investigation teams will go to branches in various places from time to time to conduct secret investigations.

Although the Security Department can be used, it is inevitable that some organizations will become bloated over time. By adding some of the powers of the Secretary's Office, a comprehensive supervision system can be formed.

At present, the internal supervision system of the Suiren Department is mainly composed of the Safety Department, Robinia Ant, and the Secretary's Office. It cooperates with the grassroots trade union and grassroots employees to gradually form a complete system.

The number of bugs that are cleared out every year and the level of support of the company from grassroots employees can be seen from the fact that this system is operating well.

Moreover, with the advent of the Internet of Things era, monitoring systems, intelligent screening, automatic identification, and big data have been gradually popularized within the company. Coupled with the cooperation of banks and network management centers, if you want to make small moves, you must think clearly about the consequences.

After reorganizing the Gui'an data center, Huang Xiuyuan came to Xiuwen County in Guiyang.

On the north side of Xiuwen County, a strange road is undergoing closed construction.

Led by the construction team, Huang Xiuyuan's motorcade entered the highway through the entrance of Xiuwen County. This highway was jointly built by Blue Times and China Construction Group.

The road surface is an ordinary asphalt road, but the fences on both sides of the road are significantly higher than ordinary highways.

Driving along, the highway not only has high fences, but also a large part of "tunnels". Different from ordinary highways, these "tunnels" are not actually built after drilling into the mountains, but because there are high mountains on both sides of the highway. "Tunnels" are only set up in rivers, canyons or rivers.

The purpose of this new type of highway is to prevent landslides, mudslides, earthquakes and steep terrain.

Not only the scientific research department of the Department of Sui Ren was involved in the research and development, but also people from the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, as well as engineers and designers from infrastructure companies such as China Construction and China Railway, all participated in this project.

The reason why so many scientific research units are cooperating is because of the strategic purpose behind this project.

Academician Li Fen from the Academy of Engineering introduced the situation of this highway to Huang Xiuyuan: "Xiuyuan, the plan proposed by your company has indeed achieved obvious results in supercomputer simulation calculations. However, we also encountered many problems during the actual construction process. question."

Huang Xiuyuan looked at the design plan of the super highway.

The difference between a super highway and a general highway is that the super highway is integrated. Especially in mountainous areas, the super highway is a "pipeline".

Traditional highway design requires consideration of topography and geology, and is pieced together from pieces of roadbed.

The super highway goes in the opposite direction, using a skeleton woven with silicon nanowires and iron nanowires, filled with a new type of high-strength material silicate-sodium chloride, filled in the nano-skeleton, and coated with silicon nano-coating on the outside. The roadbed integration of the highway is realized.

The silicate-sodium chloride material is actually the special material used to repair rock formations in shale oil mining. However, there is no sodium chloride in the shale repair agent.

The reason why sodium chloride is added is because Blue Age and BEWG produced a huge amount of sodium chloride waste in the process of producing pure water. In the first half of this year alone, Blue Age produced 270 million tons. Sodium chloride waste.

Such a huge amount of sodium chloride cannot be consumed by the chemical industry. It is piled up in factories, taking up space and easily polluting the environment.

Huang Xiuyuan found a solution through his future memories, which was to use sodium chloride as a building material to consume the sodium chloride.

The specific technical details are that a highly stable nanocrystal can be formed through the silicate crystal repair agent, combined with iron nanowires, silicon nanowire skeletons and grids.

Moreover, although the overall strength of the nanocrystals formed by silicate-sodium chloride is only about 20 to 30% higher than that of cement, when combined with the ferrosilicon nanostructure and grid, the overall strength is about 3.4 times higher than that of reinforced concrete.

In addition, silicate-sodium chloride crystals have an even more wonderful property, which is high-temperature repair.

Even if cracks or the like occur, it can be heated to 103 degrees Celsius to return the silicate-sodium chloride to a semi-molten state and restore the integrity of the crystal structure.

Coupled with the increased strength of the silicon nano-coating, not to mention landslides, even super strong earthquakes of magnitude 8 to 9 will not be able to damage the super highway.

After reading the construction plan, Huang Xiuyuan learned about the current problems of the super highway: "Super highways do have higher professional requirements for construction parties, and the mountainous terrain also increases the difficulty of construction."

"That's the problem, but the higher-ups are very determined. After all, the super highway has low maintenance costs and is very safe. It is crucial to the promotion of the western development strategy." Academician Li Fen said with a smile.

After a while, the convoy stopped on the road as they reached the latest section of construction.

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