The rise of nanometers

Chapter 318 Sharp Weapon

Huang Xiuyuan actually knows everything about the new launch vehicle that is about to be launched from Dongfeng Space City.

After all, the Suiren Department is involved in this project. Many of the materials and spare parts inside the launch vehicle are provided by his company, so he naturally knows the progress of the project.

It was August 18th when we left the Tengger Desert base, and there was still a lot of time before the launch date of the new launch vehicle, which would be launched on August 29th.

Huang Xiuyuan made a few phone calls with several academicians from the Aerospace Port to understand the recent situation. He had no intention of going to Dongfeng Aerospace City in person.

After passing through the urban area of ​​Alxa Left Banner, the convoy continued to move north to another base in the Hetao Plain.

After a long and dusty journey, his convoy arrived in the northern part of the Hetao Plain. In an inconspicuous town, there was a secret factory hidden.

In order to keep it secret, the factory appears to be an ordinary hardware processing factory, but in fact there is another factory hidden underground.

In addition, the location of the hardware factory is very remote, so almost no one will notice this small place, which hides a huge underground building complex with its own secrets.

The base director in charge of this underground factory base is a middle-aged man with a smile, who gives people a very ordinary, yet extremely dangerous feeling.

In the inspection area, after changing into protective clothing and protective helmets, Huang Xiuyuan said: "Director Hu, let's go!"

With a smile on his face, Hu Li nodded and took Huang Xiuyuan and others to the elevator of the hardware factory. He took out his employee card and inserted it into the elevator's operating panel.

There was no number for the negative floor on the elevator's operating panel. Hu Li pressed the pound key. After entering 007, the green light on the operating panel turned to red, and he pressed 01 again.

Then the elevator descended downwards. Huang Xiuyuan estimated for a moment that the elevator had dropped about fifty meters before stopping.

Hu Li reminded: "Mr. Huang is here."

"Well, lead the way!"

When you step out of the elevator, the scenery that comes into view is a huge and metallic underground factory. There are not as many workers as there are in ordinary factories. Many of the equipment here are highly automated to reduce the number of workers.

After all, this is a confidential project, and too many people are involved in it, which is not conducive to confidentiality and logistical support of living supplies.

Come to the R\u0026D center of the underground factory.

There were quite a few researchers inside, either discussing in small groups, burying themselves in computers, or coming and going in a hurry.

As the world's leading materials research and development company, many of Suiren's materials can be applied not only in the civilian field, but also have pivotal effects in special fields.

For example, silicon nano-coating is electroplated on the armor surface, and the strength improvement effect is very good; as for its application on mechanical bearings and mechanical moving parts, silicon nano-coating is also good at it.

The N16 catalyst, known as "corpse powder", is definitely a very terrible chemical material.

After all, the N16 catalyst will react at high speed when exposed to ultraviolet light, prompting the rapid decomposition of macromolecular organic matter. This characteristic is simply a nightmare for living things.

Throwing N16, or a variant of N16 - supercritical N16, over an open area will cause serious damage to the organic matter in the area.

If the people standing in the throwing area died directly, it would be over. If they were in a half-dead state, the scene would definitely not be bearable by ordinary people.

Hu Li introduced him to various warheads, including steel needle clusters, corrosion bombs N16, and high-explosive N20 bombs.

After silently reading these murderous weapons, Huang Xiuyuan shook his head with complicated eyes:

"I hope these things will never appear on the battlefield. Human beings really spare no effort in killing their own kind!"

"When slaughtering livestock in farms, no one will pity their lives. The history of mankind is a history of war." A man in his thirties said calmly.

Huang Xiuyuan did not refute, nor did he show any displeasure, but spread his hands helplessly: "It is true, sometimes we have to take up arms."

The man held out his hand with an indifferent expression: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Huang. I am Chen Ang, currently in charge of the Xingtian Project."

"Oh? Chen Ang?" Huang Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, then returned to normal, stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party: "I am also very happy to meet Dr. Chen."

The two came to the Xingtian Project project team in the R\u0026D center.

The so-called Xingtian Project is actually an exoskeleton armor project. Huang Xiuyuan asked curiously: "Dr. Chen, what stage is the Xingtian Project at now?"

"You'll know after reading it." Chen Ang pressed a button on the tablet.

On one side of the project team's studio, the silver-gray walls slowly parted, revealing the true face of Lushan behind. There was a row of various armors displayed inside, many of which were semi-finished products.

Huang Xiuyuan walked in and carefully looked at the 14 sets of exoskeleton armor in front of him.

"Currently, three models have been preliminarily determined. Due to the nanomaterials provided by your company, there are currently no major problems in the mechanical design of the exoskeleton armor. The only thing is..."

Huang Xiuyuan immediately saw the problem: "The only problem lies in energy."

"Yes, it's about energy." Dr. Chen opened the back of one of the exoskeleton armors, and inside was a 50-kilogram high-energy battery backpack: "The cost is 120,000 per kilogram, and the energy density per kilogram is 0.53 kilowatt-hours."

For this kind of energy battery with high cost and very embarrassing energy density, Huang Xiuyuan knew that the battery solution was not practical.

"What about using a fuel generator?"

Dr. Chen shook his head: "The size and weight are not suitable. If you bring a fuel generator, you might as well just use an armored vehicle."

In terms of purpose, the exoskeleton armor of the Xingtian Project is an auxiliary equipment for individual combat, rather than the main armor.

Therefore, exoskeleton armor is required to be small in size, light in weight, long in endurance, good in concealment, and simple and flexible to operate.

In other aspects, due to the support of the Suiren system's nanomaterials, there is not much of a problem.

The only problem lies in the energy system. The battery life is not good, and the charging speed is also an issue. The fuel generator is not small in weight and volume, and it is easy to produce infrared traces.

The problem of the energy system has become an obstacle to Xingtian's plan.

Huang Xiuyuan asked: "Are there any other plans?"

"There is indeed one, but it is very dangerous." Dr. Chen handed over the tablet in his hand.

After reading this so-called solution, he called him "good guy". Chen Ang's solution is to use nuclear batteries, which are isotope nuclear batteries often used on spacecraft.

By utilizing the process of isotope decay and heat release, combined with the thermoelectric materials of the Suiren series, the long-term electrical self-sustainment of the exoskeleton armor can be achieved.

Technically, the solution is basically not difficult. The problem lies in the danger and high cost of isotope nuclear batteries.

These two problems are very fatal.

You must know that exoskeleton armor is an individual combat equipment. If it is destroyed and the radioactive material of the isotope nuclear battery is leaked, it will be a big trouble.

The cost can also be offset by the advantage of long-term self-sustainability. There is no way to avoid the risk of nuclear leakage.

"It's too dangerous. I guess the higher-ups won't agree."

Dr. Chen's expression was calm, as if all this was expected: "Actually, there is another plan."

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