The rise of nanometers

Chapter 354 Exchange

The sudden change in international crude oil futures is actually related to the production and supply cuts of many crude oil producers.

Production cuts have led to a reduction in global crude oil supply. After the supply cutoff, many financial capitals are optimistic about future crude oil prices because they believe that China will soon be unable to sustain it and will compromise with international crude oil producers.

The price of crude oil will remain relatively high in the future.

However, with the establishment of the Chang'an Energy Exchange, Luotuo announced 420 million tons of crude oil production, plus hundreds of millions of tons of chemical raw materials.

This means that there is no longer a shortage of crude oil in the country, or the share of crude oil itself has been diluted by coal chemicals, coal-to-liquids, shale oil, and recycled materials.

Luo Tuo continued with a smile: "According to the industry research report of the Academy of Social Sciences and Suiren Company, the proportion of gas vehicles in motor vehicles will increase to about 28% this year, and the number of vehicles is expected to reach 60 million."

"The number of hybrid fuel vehicles is expected to reach 21 to 22 million, and fuel consumption is expected to drop by about 40%."

"Last year, domestic consumption of diesel and gasoline was 230 million tons, and this year it is expected to be about 140 million tons. This means that the domestic supply of refined oil is sufficient, but retail prices will not be lowered for the time being."

In this regard, many people are whispering among themselves. The purpose of sufficient production without lowering prices is self-evident.

That is to force car owners to switch to gas or hybrid power.

Many domestic car owners who were watching the live broadcast were dumbfounded. While they were happy that the country was getting rid of the energy threat, they also shouted that the energy alliance was a cheat.

The Energy Alliance has become ruthless and is even tricking its own people.

Luo Tuo sneered and said to everyone: "Those who are counting on domestic crude oil shortages should give up! In addition, special thanks to Goldman Sachs for their strong support and providing us with 37.4 million tons of shale oil reserves."


A group of international crude oil producers suddenly yelled. Although the actual impact of Goldman Sachs' withdrawal from shale oil is not big, it provides a buffer time for the energy alliance.

If Goldman Sachs had exposed this earlier, they would not have been so passive.

Judging from the current situation, China's crude oil reserves have reached 140 million tons, and it can produce 280 million tons this year.

In terms of crude oil consumption, the consumption of diesel, gasoline, kerosene and fuel oil is about 180 million tons; while the consumption of chemical raw materials, including synthetic ammonia, synthetic resin, methanol, polyethylene, etc., totals About 150 million tons.

In other words, this year's production plus reserves is about 420 million tons, while consumption is about 330 million tons, leaving a surplus of about 90 million tons.

Next year, domestic crude oil supply will increase to 350 million tons.

Even if consumption increases, the country can still cope with it.

What's more, major domestic nitrogen fertilizer plants are currently switching to Suiren's new process and no longer use crude oil to refine synthetic ammonia.

Instead, the gas synthesis method is used, plus pure carbon powder. This method is cheaper than crude oil synthesis ammonia, and the cost is less than one-fifth. Unless the price of crude oil drops to 24 yuan per barrel, it can compete with the gas-carbon method.

The consumption of crude oil for synthetic ammonia is expected to drop significantly next year.

After reassessing the strength of the energy alliance and the current energy consumption structure of China, the mood of many international crude oil producers is as if a bucket of ice water has been poured on them in the dog days of summer.

But Luo Tuo did not let them go, and continued with his third big move: "Today, there will be a third batch of products from energy companies that will be listed on the Chang'an Energy Exchange. They are..."

The Blue Age of Mining Alliance, United Group, Beijing Enterprises Group, China Minmetals Group, Southern Rare Earth and Electricity Mining Consortium have launched trading products for recycled gas and electric carbon gas.

Recycled gas is the specialty of the three major environmental protection groups. The scale of recycled gas to be developed nationwide, such as methane gas, propane gas, and butane gas extracted from biomass waste, has a potential of 200 to 300 million tons per year.

Electric carbon gas is a special product of the Electricity and Minerals Consortium, Minmetals Corporation, and Southern Rare Earth. They use wind power, solar energy, peak load regulation and valley filling to produce carbon powder on a large scale.

After secondary processing, these carbon powders can be turned into methane, water gas, etc., and can also be used as chemical raw materials.

Domestic gas supply is actually overcapacity, supplying hundreds of millions of gas vehicles every year, plus gas for household kitchens and heating, which is more than enough.

What's more, in the process of shale oil extraction, the shale gas is also a high-quality fuel.

"In the future of China, the energy supply structure will become more diversified, and the energy consumption structure will be adjusted to be more reasonable and safe. This is the confidence of Changan Energy Exchange and our voice."

The faces of the major crude oil producers watching the live broadcast became even darker.

Although the Chang'an Energy Exchange cannot completely replace the dollar-oil system, there are not many problems in fighting against it.

This situation is definitely not good news for many international crude oil producers and the dollar-oil system.

The current plunge in crude oil futures is that investors have seen the strength of crude oil producers.

When these guys cut production before, they didn't really want to reduce production, but they wanted to achieve some of their goals through production reduction.

Once the false production reduction turns into a real production reduction, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because among the world's oil-producing regions, except North America, which can produce and sell its own oil and has a diversified economic structure, the impact of low oil prices on North America is actually beneficial and disadvantageous.

But for regions that rely on selling oil, especially West Asia, North Africa and Lucia, which have a single economic structure, once crude oil production cuts become a foregone conclusion and prices fail to rise, the consequences will be economic regression.

Now they are getting anxious.

Sand Kingdom.

Aramco's headquarters.

Looking at the broadcast of the scene and the translation by the translator, Arthur, Amin and other Aramco board members broke out in cold sweat.

President Amin's tone was trembling: "Arthur, we must find a way, otherwise there will be consequences..."

"I know, I know, but what should I do..." Arthur was both excited and incoherent.

Dowling, a management consultant from McKinsey Consulting on the side, had completely calmed down and analyzed the previous behavior of the two barrels of oil. The purpose was to get Aramco to voluntarily tear up the contract and collect a liquidated damages.

Daolin did not expect that things would develop like this. To use a Chinese idiom, it was mainly anti-customer.

Now Aramco is in a very passive situation. Due to the previous liquidated damages and the current plummeting crude oil prices, they will suffer heavy losses.

After taking a deep breath, Dowling suggested: "Mr. Chairman, Mr. President, now we can only go to Chang'an. This big customer must be restored, otherwise the market will collapse."

"But will they agree?" Arthur didn't have any confidence.

The cards they have now are not qualified to negotiate at all. If the price of crude oil is low, Aramco feels that it is suffering a loss; if the price is high, the Energy Alliance will definitely not want it.

Unless we find a new market that can absorb the world's 270 million tons of crude oil production.

Just looking around, among the regions in the world that can import 270 million tons of crude oil every year, Tianzhu has some potential.

The problem is that people in Tianzhu have no money. According to the current crude oil price, 270 million tons of crude oil requires 270 billion meters. Tianzhu’s GDP last year was only 1.82 trillion meters. Spending 14.8% of GDP to buy crude oil? No matter how much the old fairy floats, it will all I don't have the confidence.

Who is willing to take this offer?

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