The rise of nanometers

Chapter 386 Hot Discussion and Appointment

As the conditions of the 17 patients in Qilu Hospital gradually improved, domestic media also swarmed in and made multiple follow-up reports on Qilu Hospital.

On the domestic Internet, the application of these new technologies has also aroused heated comments from netizens.

As one of the companion software of Suiren New Semiconductor, the number of registered users of the Chaoxin platform exceeded 370 million this year, while the Time Blog reached 160 million users.

Many people may think that this number is not much, but in the New Semiconductor and Fuxi systems, each individual user can only be counted as one user in the same software, even if he registers 10,000 accounts.

This is a different calculation standard. In the Internet environment of the Fuxi system, the user's identity in the personal information management center is, to a certain extent, an extension of the ID card on the Internet. Naturally, he can only have one identity number.

For quarterly briefings issued by enterprises, data such as the number of users can only be requested from the network management center.

The network management center will publish some publicly available data every month, such as actual registered users of the software, online payment scale, average online time, software user activity, etc.

As time goes by, users of Chaoxin and Shiguang Blog will gradually encroach on Penguin and Xinlan Blog.

Especially domestic unit personnel, currently they can only use Datang Super Trust, China Mobile Super Trust, China Unicom Super Trust and Telecom Super Trust. These four designated super trusts, all state-owned enterprises and unit personnel can only use one of these four at work. one.

This restriction has allowed the Chaoxin platform to gain hundreds of millions of users.

Time Blog, which has always insisted on producing good content, has also experienced rapid growth in the number of users, with 160 million users in China and 43 million users abroad.

Some of the foreign users of Time Blog are employees of the Suiren Department, as well as international environmental radicals supported by the Blue Age Environmental Protection Foundation. There are also many people who use it.

Most of the other foreign users are from Southeast Asia, Mobei, Central Asia, Lucia and West Asia.

On the time blog.

[The photothermal knife equipment only costs 8.5 million yuan, which is too cheap. The hospital where I work previously imported a set of gamma knife equipment, which cost 24.62 million yuan. ]——Knife

[ @Pocket knife, 8.5 million is the domestic price. I just checked the official website of Shennong Group. The export price is 35 million for a set乛v乛hehe]——Professional satellite dust removal

[Woo woo woo (┯_┯), it would be great if this technology came out earlier] - Jade Picker

[Where is Qilu Hospital?]——Gobi Eagle (Mobei user)

[ @Mobei Eagle, Quancheng in Shandong Province, just look for it directly on the map navigation. ]——Baotou Lu Bu

[I don’t know when it will be available in my country] - Bingshan Sheep (Nepal user)

[There have been a lot of foreign accounts recently, are these really foreign users?]——The black pepper that eats Maojiang

[ @It should be true that the black pepper of Maojiang is eaten. In Ulaanbaatar where I work, local young people use Chaoxin and Time blogs. ]——Gold Rush Ashan (Mobei user)

[Cheating! Why is there no United States among the regions where procurement is allowed???]——No Tears in San Francisco (North American users)

[Friends upstairs, you should ask Mangkhut and Wall Street why they are targeting Suiren Company. ]——It’s all the world’s fault

[Well done, those vampires are going to hell. ]——Coke (Western Asia users)

Users at home and abroad are discussing the photothermal knife equipment, and many Western users express envy and hatred.

However, those excessive remarks will be directly locked by Time Blog. In the online environment, there is never absolute freedom.

Western social software such as YouTube, Twitter, and Beidishuo can limit traffic and ban users, as can Time Blog and Chaoxin.

The moment a user registers, Time Blog will issue a user terms stating which behaviors are prohibited. Only by taking precautions can subsequent management be facilitated.

Just when netizens at home and abroad are discussing the photothermal knife.

The Huaguo branch of Johnson \u0026 Johnson sent a negotiation team directly to Shanmei.

In the negotiation team, Xie Yingkang, president of Johnson \u0026 Johnson's branch, looked at the cyberpunk-like urban area of ​​Shanmei. He was really shocked that a company could change the overall shape of a city.

Roofs covered with solar panels, densely packed hybrid trams, and the walls of high-rise buildings are covered with large and small micron screens, playing advertisements or weird lights.

Entering Shanmei Avenue in the city, the tram runs on the highway bridge, and underneath the highway bridge is an ordinary highway.

Judging from the condition of the highway bridge and the road below, the highway bridge should be a product of later additions. The pillars that looked very thin made Xie Yingkang doubt whether their support strength could withstand the highway bridge above.

The highway bridge covering the dense urban area and connecting Haifeng, Lufeng, Luhe and Huizhou is actually another major project of Feipeng Group.

This project was previously in charge of Blue Times and was later handed over to Feipeng Group.

The current domestic urban transportation development mainly consists of buses, subways and a small number of light rail trams. Subway costs are high, and construction requires attention to geology and surrounding buildings.

Traditional light rail trams are easy to overlap with buses on the right of way. Coupled with the reconstruction of old roads, route planning faces many difficulties.

Therefore, Suiren Department has established the "Suspended Light Rail Project", using Suiren Department's powerful material technology to build an urban highway bridge with a small footprint and very high strength, and arrange light rail trams on it.

At present, this project has completed the construction of six lines in Shantou and Meizhou, and has also been specifically connected to Huizhou City.

The next step is to connect Pengcheng, Jieyang, Tuocheng, Chaozhou and Meizhou, making Shanmei a transportation hub for the Pearl River Delta and Chaoshan regions.

This project looks similar to a high-speed rail.

But in fact, there are certain differences between the two. High-speed rail is nationwide, while light rail is urban transportation and a supplement to metropolitan areas.

Moreover, one advantage of suspended light rail is that it improves land utilization and can be laid over old roads without the need for land acquisition.

In addition to working in Shanghai, Xie Yingkang returned to his hometown in Ireland, Great Britain. This was his first visit to Shantou and the United States.

The group settled at the Peninsula Hotel in Paris.

In the guest room on the seventh floor, Xie Yingkang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the endless flow of light rail trams passing by, and listening to the secretary's report.

"Mr. President, Zhao Xiaojun, the president of Shennong Group, promised to meet us the day after tomorrow."

Xie Yingkang, who was somewhat dissatisfied, seemed unhappy: "Zhao Xiaojun? I would rather meet Lin Baijie."

"Sorry, Mr. President, the other party said that Lin Baijie is not available." The secretary was also very embarrassed.

Not everyone is qualified to meet with the management of Suiren's head office. If it were the president of Johnson \u0026 Johnson's head office, maybe Lin Baijie would consider it, but Xie Yingkang is only the branch president, so the levels of the two sides are obviously not equal.

Xie Yingkang still had some self-awareness, so he changed the subject and asked, "What about other things?"

"Pfizer's President Thomas has just arrived in Pengcheng, and it seems he is also here for the photothermal knife technology."

Xie Yingkang disagreed: "Continue."

"The head office sent a document about the research progress of Edward's team. They stated that they are temporarily unable to mass-produce gold nanorods and cannot find a suitable and efficient target for transporting compounds."

"Waste! Can't the head office give you good news?" Xie Yingkang complained.

(ó﹏ò) I finally finished coding a chapter and went to bed!

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