The rise of nanometers

Chapter 539 Groundwater layer

The submarine team has been lingering on the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico for more than a week, secretly placing dozens of sets of downwind ear sonar submersibles inside the gulf.

The nearest submarine is less than 30 kilometers away from the coastline.

With the Gulf of Mexico being included in the monitoring range of the Shunfeng Ear system, it means that the southern coast of the United States, extending about 2,000 kilometers north, is within the monitoring range of the Shunfeng Ear system.

After the deployment of each submarine was completed, Qin Qiong transmitted a large amount of sonar data to the supercomputing center in the South Pacific through the connection between the buoy and the astrolabe satellite communication system.

When the submarine team left the Gulf of Mexico and entered the more complex Caribbean Sea, Song Yaomin received successively updated data.

He looked at the southern coastal area of ​​the United States that was being filled in little by little on the three-dimensional terrain model, and even saw the hidden underground brainwave laboratory in Austin, Texas.

Determining whether an underground space is man-made and its internal use is a major subject that has gradually emerged in recent years - voiceprint analysis.

To determine whether it is a man-made underground space, it mainly depends on the shape of the space, whether there is a large amount of liquid, and whether there are complex local sound sources.

Obviously, the underground space in the suburbs of Austin is consistent with the internal space being neat and uniform, without a large amount of liquid, and with complex sound sources. This is one of the characteristics of man-made underground space, and it is a densely populated underground space.

There are no fewer than hundreds of similar underground spaces found throughout the southern region. Except for some of them being subways and bases with definite names and uses, the rest have not been made public.

Obviously these underground spaces are the powers that Noah would hide.

Song Yaomin only received data updates from the three-dimensional terrain model, but in the data center in the South Pacific, it was a different story.

At this time, a very large data center was established in the Solomon Islands, whose purpose was to analyze the sonar data obtained by the Shunfeng Er system from around the world.

The data center is equipped with five supercomputers with 400,000 teraflops of computing power, and has more than 2,000 related researchers and staff.

Within the base.

Divide data analysis work into studios according to each area.

The studio responsible for the area around the Gulf of Mexico is listed as Gulf of Mexico Studio.

Since a large part of the area that the studio is responsible for is the core area of ​​Noah's Society, the studio has a very large number of people, reaching more than 80 people.

Analyst Le Zhicheng, with the assistance of the voiceprint analysis system, dug into the details bit by bit, and then repeatedly verified the situation.

His female colleague next door, Xiaoyun, was responsible for underground human voice restoration work. Suddenly Xiaoyun frowned. She discovered that there were a large number of repeated high-frequency human voices in the underground base in the suburbs of Austin.

Enter a few commands on the keyboard, and the system quickly classifies the voiceprints in the area.

[Suspected words: bastard, Spanish, included 385 times in total...]

[Suspected words: bastard, English, included 243 times in total...]

[Suspected words: God, Spanish, included 204 times in total...]

[Suspected words: devil, Spanish, included 511 times in total...]

She quickly combined some intermittent sentences based on words, time, and frequency. Xiaoyun's major is Spanish and English. After working here, she also learned about voiceprint analysis.

From these broken sentences, she quickly pieced together a lot of information.

She wrote down the analysis results line by line on the analysis report: There are about 300 to 500 Spanish-speaking Latinos in this underground space, and it is suspected to be a human experiment base.

Le Zhicheng also discovered through some data that a large number of ultrasound-type medical equipment is used in the base.

However, since the closest downwind ear sonar to Austin is 472 kilometers away, there are a lot of defects and distortions in the sound waves. If you want to get the most realistic situation in this area, you must get close, preferably within 5 to 10 kilometers. .

Within 5 to 10 kilometers, using downwind ear sonar, due to the sound amplification characteristics of the underground space, you can even hear normal conversations inside clearly.

Just sneaking into the vicinity of Austin and carrying a sonar device is obviously not that difficult, especially since the Noah Society has become more and more wary of Chinese people in recent years.

However, Le Zhicheng and Xiaoyun didn't think too much about this matter. They left this matter to the intelligence department. They only needed to analyze the voiceprint data.

Currently, the west coast and south coast of North America are all closely monitored by the Shunfeng Ear sonar system. Basically, every move cannot escape the hands of the intelligence agency.

Chu Xuan, who had just arrived from the Darwin headquarters in the Solomon Islands, read the North American underground base detection data. He stood in front of the three-dimensional map and fell into deep thought.

This three-dimensional map simulates many details of the west coast and south coast of North America.

Zhang Fen, the person in charge of the base on the side, did not interrupt, but was sorting out some information.

Suddenly, Chu Xuan's eyes stopped at the underground water layers in North America. He opened his mouth and ordered: "Chief Zhang, please mark the underground water layers, underground rivers and caves in North America."

Zhang Fen hurriedly ordered the staff to mark the underground water layers, underground rivers, and caves in blue.

When the underground water layers, underground rivers and caves are marked out, it is simply an underground ocean, and it is an underground ocean extending in all directions.

Chu Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up: "If we can use these underground water layers, then we can get close to each other quietly."

Regarding this idea, Zhang Fen reminded: "However, if the submarine enters the underground water layer, there is no way to communicate with the outside unless it is driven manually."

"Radio and ultrasound are difficult, but that doesn't mean there aren't other options, such as fiber optics."

"Optical fiber?" Zhang Fen reacted immediately.

If optical fiber communication is used, underground restrictions can indeed be ignored, and because it is deep underground, it is difficult to find optical fiber laying on the surface.

Chu Xuan thought for a while and discussed the feasibility of this plan with several relevant researchers.

Theoretically speaking, the difficulty of laying optical fiber lines in underground water layers lies in understanding the detailed conditions of the underground water layers.

The Tailwind Ear Sonar System has obtained a huge amount of North American groundwater layer data. At least on the coastline, which extends about 1,000 kilometers inland, the groundwater layer conditions in this area are relatively clear and accurate.

In addition, submarines can also be equipped with active sonar, which brings huge assistance to underground navigation.

In the process of laying optical fiber, it is completely possible to connect the submarine through the optical fiber, manually control the submarine, and move closer to the inland little by little.

After completing the feasibility verification of the technology, Chu Xuan decided to split into two groups.

Study the details of North America's aquifers along the way to find suitable snorkeling routes.

On the other hand, a fiber optic laying experiment in the underground water layer of Australia was conducted as a technical verification.

As the person in charge of the Australian branch and the Eradicator, Chu Xuan can mobilize a lot of resources. In addition, he can also apply for support from the Suiren Department.

Soon, a secret experiment began to enter the preparation stage in the waters near Darwin.

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