The rise of nanometers

Chapter 569 Secret accumulation

Breakthroughs in room-temperature superconductors will further promote the effective utilization of energy in the country.

Last year, local power generation once again broke a record high, reaching 12.3746 trillion kilowatt hours, but the consumption of electric energy during transportation was also as high as 1.4367 trillion kilowatt hours, more than one-tenth.

This ineffective loss is shocking. The combined electricity consumption of Guangdong, Guangxi and Qiong last year was only about 1.3 trillion kilowatt hours.

The ineffective loss of electrical energy during transportation is mainly due to the resistance of the wires, which converts part of the electrical energy into heat.

To solve this problem, we can only use superconducting wires. However, the previous superconducting materials need to be maintained at low temperatures, and small-scale applications are still so-so. If low-temperature superconducting wires are to be laid on a large scale, a large number of refrigeration systems will be needed, which itself is a problem. Electric tiger.

This obviously does more harm than good.

Jiang Hailin saw the mass production report of room temperature superconducting and knew the importance of this technology: "Good thing, this way, our comprehensive energy utilization rate will be improved to a higher level."

"Hailin, please make a detailed and reasonable arrangement for technology commercialization." Huang Xiuyuan thought of something else and added:

"Promote it internally first, and then evaluate the feasibility of selling it to the public three years later."

Jiang Hailin nodded: "I understand."

Regarding Huang Xiuyuan's arrangement, he understood the intention. The main reason was that the current domestic technological advantage was very large and it was not appropriate to overstimulate the Noah Society, the Western Continent Alliance and Lucia.

After all, before forming an absolute advantage, if these forces unite, they can still pose a certain threat.

The emergence of room-temperature superconductors will inevitably expand this technological imbalance.

The strategy of Huang Xiuyuan and the strategic think tank is to maintain the current leading advantage first, but try not to widen the technological gap in the open. They must use the method of boiling the frog in warm water, and finally explode in an instant.

At present, the technologies that need to be hidden include 18 technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion technology, room temperature superconductor technology, electric field synthesis technology, human cryonics technology, and gene embedding technology of fluorescent fungi.

These technologies can be concealed as much as possible to delay discovery by external forces.

Jiang Hailin and Huang Xiuyuan discussed for several hours.

It has been initially determined that room-temperature superconductors will be used first in some secret bases and secret projects to reduce ineffective energy losses.

Especially for Eagle Aerospace, which has a very high security level, those spacecrafts can be the first to use room-temperature superconductors.

In the sub-vacuum environment of outer space, the heat dissipation problem of spacecraft has become a difficult problem.

The previous heat dissipation solution of Eagle Aerospace and Aerospace Science and Industry was to use laser thrusters, which can consume excess heat and serve as power at the same time, which can kill two birds with one stone.

The most typical application project of this solution is the astrolabe communication system. The astrolabe satellite operating in low-Earth orbit between 210 and 370 kilometers has used this solution to perfection.

However, this laser radiation cooling solution cannot dissipate 100% of the heat inside the satellite.

Especially the waste heat released from circuits and chips. Although part of it can be recovered through the thermoelectric power generation module, part of it still remains.

Therefore, the spacecraft is equipped with a hydrogen sponge heat-absorbing tank inside, which can absorb heat with the hydrogen in the hydrogen sponge, and then send the high-temperature hydrogen gas into the laser thruster to be used as a working fluid in the thruster.

The troublesome part of this solution is that the hydrogen sponge tank needs to be replaced regularly.

Fortunately, in the aerospace field, Greater China is now able to achieve 30,000 to 80,000 tons per year in low-Earth orbit, 0.5 to 15,000 tons per year in synchronous orbit, and 0.2 to 7,000 tons per year in lunar orbit.

This year's payload is already in a highly leading position in the current aerospace development. It has a relatively abundant payload, and regular replacement of some consumables of the spacecraft is also an option.

But now with normal temperature superconductors, the heat dissipation problem of spacecraft will become smaller and smaller, and the electrical utilization rate of spacecraft can be improved.

You must know that the current comprehensive utilization rate of electric energy has been developed to the extreme by humans. Next, let alone a 1% increase, even a 0.1% increase will be very difficult.

The practical application of room-temperature superconductors can increase the comprehensive power utilization rate of the system by 8 to 15%. This is a very huge progress, a technology no less than controllable nuclear fusion.

Controllable nuclear fusion allows humans to obtain abundant energy, while room-temperature superconductors allow humans to maximize their utilization of electrical energy.

In Huang Xiuyuan's view, human beings not only need to obtain more electric energy, but also make full and efficient use of electric energy.

If all local transmission lines are transformed into room-temperature superconductors, even if the current power generation remains unchanged, there will be an additional 1.4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electrical energy.

What's more, throughout Greater China, with the cooperation of major power grids and the integration of small power grids in some backward areas, the overall annual power generation has reached 18.7138 trillion kilowatt hours.

The average ineffective power loss in the local area is around 11%, but the average ineffective power loss in Southeast Asia is around 15-25%.

Other Northeast Asia and Oceania also have ineffective losses of 7 to 12%.

The ineffective loss of the power grid not only wastes energy, but also increases the overall cost of the power system.

If this part of the ineffective loss can be utilized, it is equivalent to the comprehensive cost of the power system, which can be reduced by about 20 to 30%.

What is revolutionary technology?

This is revolutionary technology that can change the world.

Regarding the launch of this technology, Huang Xiuyuan and other senior executives are very cautious to avoid suddenly destroying the current fragile balance and triggering unpredictable mutations.

In the interior with a relatively high level of confidentiality, normal temperature superconductors are gradually used. Finally, after forming an absolute advantage, all these kings are thrown out and become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

As long as the other forces are not given any hope of resistance and the gap is widened to a huge difference, they will not have the courage to fight to the death and will instead surrender directly.

It's like two armies at war.

If one side has a broadsword and spear, and the other side has a black powder matchlock gun, then the one with the broadsword and spear still has the courage to fight to the death.

And if one side has swords and spears, and the other side has modern aircraft, cannons, and nuclear bombs, then the side with swords and spears has no chance of winning.

The current comprehensive strength of Greater China is not enough to form an absolute advantage, and there are some variables.

After Huang Xiuyuan and Jiang Hailin discussed room-temperature superconductors, they headed to Mobei without stopping to inspect the development of Eagle Aerospace.

More than half a year has passed since the establishment of the Toad Palace Space Station and the Guanghan Palace Base.

At this time, the Toad Palace Space Station was expanded to 385 tons, with an internal space of 742 cubic meters; the Guanghan Palace Base was also replenished a second time, from 7 cabins to 14 cabins, with a total weight of 164 tons and an internal space of 348 cubic meters.

However, the astronauts on duty are still the first five people. They will need to be on duty until around June this year before the next batch of astronauts will go to change shifts.

Huang Xiuyuan came here for inspection this time mainly to arrange for the next batch of astronauts.

According to the plan, the next batch of astronauts will number eight. In addition to the daily operations staff of the space station and lunar base, there will also be three scientific researchers who will go to the moon this time.

The nature of the first batch of lunar astronauts is actually engineering soldiers, not professional scientific researchers, which is not conducive to giving full play to the scientific research value of space facilities.

Therefore, the astronauts who go to change shifts this time must be equipped with some professional scientific researchers to allow the scientific research equipment above to operate.

Thank you for your support. I have been very busy these days. I will update more on Saturdays and Sundays ()

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