The rise of nanometers

Chapter 572 Going North

In April, spring rain continued in the south.

Bao'an Island in Bao'an District, Pengcheng, the Pearl River Bridge across the Pearl River Estuary, passes from the north side of Bao'an Island, connecting Bao'an District, Bao'an Island, and Zhongshan.

The Pearl River Bridge is a highway and light rail bridge. After several years of construction, the bridge was finally officially opened on April 5 this year.

The construction workers who completed the construction of the Pearl River Bridge were not idle, but packed their luggage one after another and prepared to go to the Taiyuan Strait to build the Taiyuan Strait undersea tunnel.

In the past few years, Greater China has invested in many infrastructure projects, including the Qiongzhou Strait Undersea Tunnel, Pearl River Bridge, Bohai Strait Undersea Tunnel, Damuan Strait Undersea Tunnel, Zhongsha Dajiao Island, Nansha Space City, Kra Isthmus Canal, and Yellow Sea Undersea Tunnel. Gas pipelines, etc.

In more than half of the projects, the Feipeng Group of the Suiren Department was involved, and even contracted the entire project.

Bao'an Island's island-circling suspended light rail has long been connected to the Pearl River Bridge. The entire Bao'an Island is actually a Suiren industry.

However, the gap in many regions in the country is gradually narrowing.

In particular, the advancement of Academy City, public medical care, and public support has begun to narrow the gap between rich and poor, urban and rural areas, and regional gaps.

Several young people who entered Pengcheng from Xiangjiang were riding a suspended light rail tram, looking out the window at the bizarre Pengcheng.

The continued turbulence of the global economy, as well as the increasingly conservative economic strategies of the Western Continent Alliance and North America, are a very difficult period for Xiangjiang.

The unemployment rate in Xiangjiang has reached a new high this year, reaching about 8.6%. Many people in Xiangjiang have to choose to go north to work.

The wealthy circles in Hong Kong are also divided and struggling fiercely, but they are powerless now. In the past, these guys could use the power of Britain and North America to resist the influence of the north.

Now Britain itself cannot be saved, and Noah will retreat back to America. These guys are just grasshoppers in the autumn, and they will not be able to hop around for a few days.

After entering Pengcheng from Xiangjiang, several young people who had just graduated felt that the two places were completely different.

"Although they are all high-rise buildings, there is a sense of vitality here instead of lifelessness." One of the young people carrying a shoulder bag sighed.

Another girl wearing glasses asked curiously: "Are you really planning to find a job here?"

The young man carrying a shoulder bag nodded: "I study genetic engineering, and there is no biochemical laboratory in Xiangjiang."

"Guoliang, don't Johnson \u0026 Johnson want to recruit you to the laboratory? They are the world's top pharmaceutical group, why refuse?" Another young man with a small back asked in confusion.

Sun Guoliang shook his head: "I don't want to go to North America. No matter how strong Johnson \u0026 Johnson is, it can't compare to Suiren Company, and the racial discrimination there is very serious."

"What about AstraZeneca in Britain?" Xiao Beitou then asked.

Sun Guoliang smiled: "The sun never sets on the Empire. The sun has set long ago. They can no longer keep up with the times."

The girl with glasses in the front row opened her laptop and connected to the in-car network. After logging into the domestic network, she started browsing some news.

Although Xiangjiang can now access the domestic network, some information is still filtered and blocked. Only when you come to China can you browse related websites unimpeded.

As one of the core websites of Suiren, Shiguang Blog has been growing over the years and now has 670 million users worldwide. It is a very important core website in the world's Internet.

If you want to truly understand Greater China, Time Blog is the website of choice.

After browsing the Time Blog for a while, the girl with glasses discovered several hot news items.

[The Pearl River Bridge is fully connected...]

[The new drug Feikeqing has been approved, and tuberculosis will be fully treated...]

[Shennong Group announced that it will increase investment in pharmaceutical research and development in the second quarter of this year and is expected to increase its funding by 14.7 billion...]

[Domestic large-scale civil aviation aircraft has begun test flights, with a maximum payload of 320 tons, or can carry 850 passengers and 220 tons of cargo...]

The girl raised her glasses and said, "We didn't have these things the year before last. The north has developed too fast these years."

The little boy leaned on his seat and said with fake surprise: "I have seen for a few years that we may see a Mars base and manned landing on Mars."

"Manned landing on Mars? I'm not surprised at all." There was an inexplicable certainty in Sun Guoliang's words, as if this was the coming future.

The tram passes through Nanshan District and Bao'an District, and then enters the Pearl River Bridge.

The mighty Pearl River water.

The tall and majestic super bridge.

Baoan Island is full of green plants.

Human creations are integrated with the natural ecology.

Sun Guoliang leaned against the car window and quietly looked at the City of Miracles, where many residents and tourists were sunbathing, splashing, and playing volleyball on the artificial mangroves, disc-shaped artificial beaches, and disc-shaped swimming pools.

Even the well-managed Victoria Harbor is not so clean and clear, and he knows why.

Environmental protection groups headed by Blue Age are eliminating industrial, agricultural, and domestic pollution over the past few decades at an astonishing speed.

The tributaries of the Pearl River have been cleaned several times, and now you can see the crystal clear water. It is not easy.

Destruction is very simple, but repair is several times more expensive.

Sun Ziliang is majoring in biology, so he is more aware of the difficulties involved. He also admires Suiren's technology very much. At least when it comes to environmental protection, Suiren is worth learning from all companies.

The tram turned a corner and entered Bao'an Island.

After a while, Sun Guoliang and the other four got off the car at the artificial beach area, took a breath of fresh air, and walked onto the beach.

In order to avoid blocking the Pearl River Estuary channel, these artificial beaches are actually like saucers, embedded in the dam of Bao'an Island, with empty bottoms.

The embankments on Baoan Island are very high, with an average height of about 85 meters, especially on the side facing the ocean, where the height generally reaches 105 meters.

This design style is actually related to the large backlog of sodium chloride in the country. Since hundreds of seawater desalination plants purify seawater day and night, a large amount of sodium chloride is produced.

This year, the local seawater desalination scale has reached 875 billion cubic meters per year, and the average salt content of seawater is about 3.5%, which means that the local seawater will produce 30.625 billion tons of sea salt every year.

This is such a huge number. If distributed to each person in the mainland, each person can get about 24 tons of sea salt.

No matter whether it is chemical industry or food processing, there is no way to digest such a huge amount of sea salt.

So much sea salt piled up in desalination plants or warehouses is a huge waste and a hidden danger. If not managed properly, it can easily cause salt-alkali disasters around the salt storage field.

Therefore, the new technology that used sodium chloride as a building material has received more and more attention.

This gave rise to the southwest super highway network and the super dams in the southeast coastal and island areas.

Nowadays, coastal cities and main urban areas will build dams of hundreds of meters in order to avoid super tsunamis and the like.

The wave of integrated buildings is also blooming all over the country. In the earthquakes in recent years, the design of integrated buildings has fully proved its strong earthquake resistance.

Sun Guoliang and others rarely make a fuss when they are in China, but the local people are used to it.

The height of high-rise buildings is definitely not as impressive as these sea-proof dams. A large stretch of continuous sea-proof dams can easily make people feel insignificant.

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