The rise of nanometers

Chapter 582 Climate Change

The advantages of indoor farming are great, but so are the disadvantages.

The main shortcomings can be divided into two aspects: one is technical issues; the other is cost issues.

Technical issues can be summarized in detail as: fluorescent light sources, fertilizer spraying, fungal reproduction, and hardening of artificial soil.

The cost problem is that the construction and maintenance costs of indoor agriculture are quite high. Ordinary reinforced concrete buildings used as agricultural buildings can only be used for about 40 to 50 years at most.

At present, the technical problems have been overcome, leaving only the cost issue, and the cost issue is ultimately related to energy costs.

In addition, regarding the lifespan of reinforced concrete buildings, new materials such as silicon oxide and sodium chloride can also be used, which are not only lower in cost, but also have very high strength and service life.

Under normal circumstances, the service life of new buildings made of silicon oxide-sodium chloride as the main material is usually about 120 years.

And buildings can be rejuvenated through recoating and hot melt remodeling.

Agricultural edifices will become increasingly profitable and can gradually replace natural farmland.

At present, Fengmin Agriculture and Beidahuang Group have built 57 agricultural buildings of various sizes in the northern region, covering an area of ​​34,000 acres, and the internal planting area has reached 1.7 million acres.

Although it is an experimental project, the annual output of related crops in these 1.7 million acres of indoor planting area is higher than that of natural farmland in the north. The average production efficiency per mu is about 2.4 to 2.7 times that of natural farmland.

If we fully promote agricultural building-type indoor agriculture, the comprehensive production efficiency of the 1.8 billion acres of cultivated land in the country would be equivalent to that of an agricultural building (50 stories high) covering an area of ​​24 million acres.

Agricultural buildings can also be called agricultural factories.

In Huang Xiuyuan's view, this is the only way to go in the future. Sooner or later, agriculture must get rid of the constraints of the natural environment and enter the era of fully artificial agriculture.

In fact, this is also the inevitable direction of the agricultural strategy in Greater China. As the older generation of farmers gets older, these old farmers will sooner or later withdraw from the ranks of laborers.

The farmland needs to be inherited by the new generation, but it is difficult for the new generation to understand the labor mode of their fathers. Let a college student plow the fields with a hoe. This is obviously forcing others to make things difficult and a waste of talents.

At this time, high-tech indoor agriculture and large-scale mechanized agriculture in the northern plains have become important development trends for the new generation of farmers.

At the same time, this is also the key to maintaining a prosperous life for 3 billion people. There is obviously a lot of pressure to maintain a prosperous life for 3 billion people solely relying on natural farmland.

After all, over the years, changes in the natural environment have sometimes been unpreventable. Natural farmland depends largely on the weather. We are not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

Once an internal food crisis occurs, Greater China may repeat the mistakes of Tianzhu. Food is the backbone of social stability and there is no room for sloppiness.

Therefore, after discussions with strategic think tanks, Huang Xiuyuan came to the conclusion that the natural factors in agriculture should be weakened as much as possible and the artificial factors in agriculture should be enhanced to ensure that agricultural production is under control.

Indoor agriculture and agricultural buildings are at the core of this strategy.

In fact, this agricultural development strategy is also just in case.

If a nuclear war suddenly broke out, or Noah planned to die together and detonate the Yellowstone volcano, the ecological environment of Blue Star would most likely be devastated.

Moreover, in Huang Xiuyuan's memory, starting from 2026, the global climate became very abnormal. The global warming advocated by Western environmentalists not only did not occur, but global cooling occurred.

Although global cooling is a slow and gradual process, it is difficult to predict the occurrence of ultra-low temperature cold waves in specific years during the period.

In Huang Xiuyuan's memory, a large-scale cold wave broke out in the northern hemisphere from the end of 2031 to the beginning of 2032, and the zero isotherm even reached the front line of Wenchang Aerospace City.

And now because Huang Xiuyuan has changed history, he no longer has an accurate idea of ​​the future climate development.

After all, over the years, the domestic energy storage toner refining scale has maintained a high production frequency. Under this situation, it is very likely to lead to the early arrival of the Little Ice Age.

In a small glacier climate similar to that of the late Ming Dynasty, droughts, cold waves, and floods will become extremely intensive.

Farmland in a natural environment will definitely experience a large-scale reduction in production under the influence of this environment and climate.

Huang Xiuyuan supports indoor agriculture against all opinions. The current purpose is to avoid the future Little Glacier climate.

In fact, the emergence of the Little Glacier climate is also an opportunity for global forces to reshuffle. At least East Asia still has the power to fight back under the Little Glacier.

It is difficult for North America to resist this small glacier climate, because topographically, the terrain of central North America is very flat, which allows the cold wave to easily drive from the north straight into the Gulf of Mexico.

Starting in 2026, the average spring temperature in Texas has shown a downward trend year by year, from -4 to 22 degrees Celsius to -15 to 17 degrees Celsius. During this period, there was a historical record as low as -37 degrees Celsius.

The Mississippi Plains, which are not blocked by tall mountains, suffered unprecedented blows to local agriculture under the influence of the Little Ice Age, often with large areas of production reduced or even eliminated.

Huang Xiuyuan has been paying attention to global climate change in the past few years. In a series of data, he found that since 2012, the global average temperature has changed a lot.

The global average temperature in 2012 was 0.13 degrees Celsius lower than the data in his memory; in 2013, it was 0.17 degrees Celsius lower; and in 2014, it was 0.22 degrees Celsius lower.

The decline is likely to continue this year.

The butterfly effect he brought has become bigger and bigger, so big that it is beginning to affect the global climate.

According to a series of climate simulation calculations, the Little Glacier climate may appear 3 to 5 years in advance. This situation also worries Huang Xiuyuan.

In order to ensure food security, indoor agriculture is urgently needed.

Fengmin Agriculture and Beidahuang Group's large-scale experimental agriculture building actually intends to accelerate this project and ensure that an agricultural building covering an area of ​​no less than 5 million acres will be completed around 2022 to achieve the goal of indoor agricultural planting area of ​​250 million acres. .

By then, coupled with a large number of glass greenhouses, mushroom factories, and tropical agricultural areas in Southeast Asia and Oceania, the food needs of 3 billion people can basically be guaranteed.

As for the lack of food in other areas, we can adapt to local conditions and completely establish our dominance.

Everything is developing, and few people see the real purpose of Fengmin Agriculture in building an agricultural building.

Projects such as controllable nuclear fusion technology and space cities are advancing at a rapid pace, either openly or covertly.

The discovery of wild elephants has aroused heated discussions in the country and has also brought the ecological problems of Hongsawady to the forefront.

In particular, some Western environmentalists took the opportunity to find fault and spread rumors. They criticized the ecology of Hongshawadi and even suggested that it was a behemoth behind the scenes and was over-exploiting local resources.

Regarding this matter, Maung An also found it very difficult, but his attitude was extremely tough. At the same time, he also took the opportunity to clear out some of the pro-Western people who jumped out.

At the same time, he was not a fool and hurriedly requested technical support from the Greater China Joint Conference.

In terms of environmental protection, Blue Age and United Group have begun to fully intervene in Hongsawady to dominate local production and ensure that local ecological protection and industrial development can achieve a balance.

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