The Roots of Manga

Chapter 247 Please Refresh After 1:30 (Sorry)

Chapter 247

What is the Rubik's Cube to S.H.I.E.L.D.? It used to be the ultimate secret, but now it is the foundation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nowadays, those who have not appeared in the mysterious world have very little control over the mystery. They just hide themselves, instead of cooperating with the government in an all-round way like the Eastern mysterious world.

But people who have never appeared, these hidden leaders of the mysterious world, although their power is the most powerful part of the western mysterious world, but other mysteries, they are no longer restricted, they are no longer completely blocked as they were at the beginning Mystery, to prevent anyone with a mysterious inheritance from entering the government.

All of this is due to the establishment of the magic net. The establishment of the magic net has given sufficient space for the mystery to be displayed. The various mountain ranges on the earth have become the base points for the transmission of aura. The earth is like a huge black hole, which will All kinds of energy in the universe are devoured, and then transformed into gentle aura.

With the appearance of aura, the Noah factor seems to be constantly increasing, and the number of mysterious people has grown in a blowout.

It was then that people who had never appeared lifted the ban. Even Dixon, who is currently the special advisor of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After this incident was learned by Nick Fury, he also deeply realized that the horror of the order established by Leviathan is like a fine and tough net covering everything. When he does not close the net, you But never feel the presence of the Internet.

With a large number of mysterious talents, coupled with some archaeological sidelines, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a deep mysterious background, but it has not yet fully transformed.

The shield of the American team is the outstanding work of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the mystery, and it already has powerful magical abilities.

The same treatment, Hawkeye, and Natasha's weapon, but due to material issues, it is slightly inferior to Rogers' shield.

The reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. can create powerful magic equipment is entirely because they have found a way to use the Rubik's Cube.

At the very beginning, Assassin helped to extract the energy essence of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

But now, S.H.I.E.L.D., which possesses a large amount of mysterious background, can already extract it independently.

The pure energy of the Rubik's Cube gives the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the weapons they need to fight the mystic.

As a result, the reputation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not at all below the reputation of the Assassin Assassin of the human guardian agency.

In the research base full of sci-fi style, Nick Fury hurried here with eagle eyes, looked at the huge Rubik's Cube, and the usually flashing blue light was completely extinguished, he couldn't help but look ugly: "What's going on? "

Dr. Eric, who accepted the invitation to undertake the research work, and Dixon, the special advisor to SHIELD who was in charge of the mysterious part, stood aside. Hearing Nick Fury's question, Dixon said helplessly: "Suddenly That’s it, no signs at all.”

"There is a problem with the frequency of the space, and there seems to be an artificial factor."

Dr. Eric, added at this time.

As soon as he heard the human factor, Nick Fury became more cautious, and immediately said: "Can it be solved?"

Eric looked at Diesun. He was only invited to study the function of the Rubik's Cube. To say that he knew the most about this, it was Diesun who was in charge of extracting energy.

Dixon was a little puzzled: "This, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, but maybe we can use energy backflow to solve it."

"Energy backflow?"

Nick Fury repeated the word.

Eric patted his head and said: "Yes,

The energy flows backwards, forcibly disrupting the inside of the Rubik's Cube into chaos, which can indeed solve all situations. "

But just after finishing speaking, Dr. Eric hesitated and said, "But in this case, the energy demand will be huge?"

"How big is it?"

Nick Fury frowned.

Dixon said helplessly: "At least during this period of time, our work was for nothing, and in the next half month, we will not be able to replenish new energy for the agents."

"This is terrible." Nick Fury calculated the gains and losses. This incident happened at the wrong time. The situation in New York is now a powder keg that is about to explode completely. At this time, it is really wrong to let S.H.I.E.L.D. OK.

But after thinking about it, the Rubik's Cube is too important to be wrong.

In the end, he decided to solve the problem of the Rubik's Cube in the universe. As for the energy problem, he planned to make a deal with Tony Stark who just returned. He has a method of using the magic net in his hand. With network energy, there is a high probability that it can be done.

After Nick Fury, the director, made a decision, everyone in the base started to move, and various energy-manipulating instruments began to be arranged. The mystics of the Shield are inscribed everywhere.

Dixon's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, observing the energy changes of the Rubik's Cube at the center of the universe at any time.

After all preparations were completed, a large amount of energy began to gather, and the power extracted from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was reversely transported into the Cosmic Rubik's Cube on a large scale.

For a moment, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube burst into a strong blue light, and at the same time, various energy waves erupted.

But they were resisted by energy control instruments and various magic inscriptions, and Dixon made the most precise command.

Finally, when the blue light converged again, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube returned to its original appearance. Dixon breathed a sigh of relief, issued the next order, and started debugging and small-scale extraction experiments.

But just after the experiment started, Dixon's face suddenly changed drastically.

The small-scale blue light emitted by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube began to surge irregularly, and finally burst out with powerful energy, destroying all the instruments and mysterious inscriptions present, and the researchers and mystics were blown out without exception.

Dixon protected Nick Fury and the others for a moment, but they still flew out together.

Hawkeye fell on the wall, but he, who had the best physical fitness, was the first to come back to his senses, and saw that the Rubik's Cube had turned into a space door, and a person wearing a green robe and holding a magic wand came out of it.

He immediately took out four arrows from the quiver on his junior, and with a flicker of light in his hand after he strung the string, the four arrows shot out like a gust of wind.

Loki waved his wand, and the four arrows were knocked down, but then, the four arrows exploded, and the flames enveloped Loki.

When Hawkeye breathed a sigh of relief, he found a lazy and haughty voice beside him, "Mortal, your arrows and tricks are good."

His complexion changed drastically and he rolled sideways, and at the same time, he quickly drew his arrow and set his string again, pointing at the speaker.

This person is exactly Loki who walked out of the space gate transformed into the Rubik's Cube.

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