Yu Yu scratched his head, he really didn't know: "Gu Fei, this is all superstition, useless! We are young people in the new era, how can we believe this!" Gu

Fei said seriously: "Don't be in a hurry to deny it, I'll talk to you

!" "Qijun Niangniang, is a woman in the legendary Xia Dynasty, the specific deeds are unknown! Why no one knows about the temple, but those who can build the temple must be extraordinary!"

The most powerful thing is that she is the god of love who is in charge of traveling through time and space! This kind of thing does not exist in the first place, she actually cares, are you outrageous?"

But the most outrageous thing is not this, but that such a thing really happens!".

"In the last century, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, there was a professor who said that he was a person from the future, who had studied how he returned to this era all his life, and finally said that it was because of Qi Jun Niangniang, but he was already over ninety years old at the time, and he died before he could come to Binhai to see the temple of Qi Jun Niangniang, and after he died, no one took it seriously! But this matter was a sensation!"

After Gu Fei finished speaking, Yu Yu was stunned, and his outstretched hand trembled a little.

He grabbed her shoulder: "What did

you say?" Yu Yu was puzzled: "You say it again! Is she in charge of something?"

"It's the love that travels through time and space! That is, when you travel to the past, and be with the person you like!" But this is just a folk saying, whether it really exists or not, it is impossible to test!"

Yu Yu sat down on the ground, took a deep breath, and then suddenly knelt on the futon, kowtowing frantically to the Qijun Niangniang in front of him.

"It's you, right? It must be you, I don't know if there are immortals in the world, and I don't know what kind of existence you are, thank you! Thank you...."

Gu Fei was even more puzzled, she was still preaching against feudal superstition just now, and she actually knelt down!

Until Yu Yu stopped kowtowing, Gu Fei didn't kowtow either.

Yu Yu gasped for breath, Gu Fei was worried: "What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable? Why don't you rest for a while!"

Gu Fei slowly comforted Yu Yu, who suddenly grabbed Gu Fei and hugged her into his arms.

The heartbeats of the two people complemented each other, and the more they got to the present, the more reluctant Gu Fei became, and her heart was a little shaken: "What's wrong with you?" Although you are very strange today, I can understand you, it's okay, I will allow you to hug me for a while today, I... I... Right... I'm sorry for you!" Gu

Fei felt guilty in her heart, and slowly hugged Yu Yu.

The mountain wind crossed, and the two fiery hearts were connected.

Gu Fei's body is always the fragrance of laundry detergent, which smells very good.

It is only in this era that such school uniforms can smell this smell.

In a few years, laundry detergent will occupy the market, and this taste will disappear completely!


, thank you!" Gu Fei gently patted Yu Yu's back, she didn't know why Yu Yu thanked her, but she was quite guilty now: "You don't have to thank me, it's me who should thank you, and it's me... I should... I'm sorry!"

The more Gu Fei said, the tighter she hugged her, and tears slowly flowed out of her eyes, crossed her cheeks, and landed on her school uniform.

Her tears were hot, like scorching suns, penetrating Yu Yu's school uniform, making Yu Yu's entire shoulder wet.


, a powerful consciousness seemed to come out of nowhere, without a head or an end, and burrowed into Yu Yu's mind.

One picture after another flashed

, and he seemed to remember something! It was a very young and very young time, when he came to pray for the monarch's Niangniang Temple!

He was only four years old that year, and almost every day after eating, he and his mother would come to the Niangniang Temple to play, take a walk, and come to see the scenery.

It was sparsely populated, and besides him, there was a slightly older boy, and the two became friends, neither of them knew each other's names, and they played on and off for a year.

One day, a boss from Hong Kong took a fancy to the land and wanted to invest in building a villa.

The government has signed it off and is ready to start construction.

When they reached the top of the mountain, everyone was stopped by a child, who refused to let others in, and was later hit by a stone and went to the hospital

! Xiao Yu Yu was hiding behind the gate and watching, and when he saw that the older playmate was so persistent, he was also infected, and he stood up without hesitation! Yu Yu

, like the boy, did not succeed, their strength was insignificant, but the boy's father was a high-ranking official.

directly stopped the project, and indirectly saved the temple of the praying monarch.

Yu Yu felt the wetness on his shoulder, and was pulled out of his memory, he understood, he understood!

Gu Fei also felt the wetness on her back, and she reacted immediately.

Why did Yu Yu cry? Gu Fei slowly pushed Yu Yu away, Yu Yu cried more heart-rending than

her, Gu Fei wiped his tears: "Are you still young, why are you still crying?" Yu Fei looked at Gu Fei and wiped her tears, you still said me, don't you cry too!

Gu Fei said: "I just see you crying, I can't help it!" "Then I don't cry, you

are not allowed to cry!"


both laughed as they cried.

Yu Yu picked up his mobile phone, took a photo of Qijun Niangniang, and sent it to Qi Yu.

"Have you seen this person?"

he took a picture and sent it to Qi Yu, because he remembered what Qi Yu had said.


Yu didn't reply to the message for the time being, it is estimated that there is something, a person of his level, a lot of things are too normal, Yu Yu didn't urge, and looked at Gu Fei on the side: "Xiaofei, I'm going to say something next, these words may be very, very strange, do you want to listen here, or go out?"

Gu Fei pointed to Qijun Niangniang and said suspiciously: " It's just the two of us here, who are you going to talk to, is it her?"

Gu Fei just pointed casually, but he didn't expect Yu Yu to really nod.

Gu Fei felt surprised, but didn't speak anymore, just watched quietly on the side

! Yu Fei suddenly began to take off his coat, used the blue school uniform as a rag, and directly began to wipe the table, incense case!

Gu Fei didn't say a word, he also took off his school uniform, and began to clean seriously, and when the cleaning was almost done, Yu Yu and Gu Fei were both like two beggars, dirty to death.

The blue school uniform was also full of dust

! Yu Yu raised his head and looked up at Qi Jun Niangniang, and said: "I know it's you, Qi Jun Niangniang, many years ago, they wanted to destroy your desk and tear down your temple, and a child bravely stood up and blocked everyone, and was stoned and covered in blood!".

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