Yu Yu and Han Huai listened to Su Ye talk about this and that in Jiangzhong University, and they completely lost the interest in practicing the car, and a few days later, they finished the second subject exam, and it was also the critical moment to check the results.

Everyone can't wait to check their results at home, usually with their families, and Yu Yu is no exception, sitting in front of the computer with his mother.

Yu Yu is the most idle, he already knows how many points he has, and he is not nervous at all! Moreover, eighty percent of them are the top science students in Jiangsu Province, and there are more than a dozen universities that want to admit him these days, and he can receive phone calls almost every day.

Lying on the bed silently, until the class group began to quarrel and everyone began to post their grades, then Yu Yu lazily went to check the grades.

Sure enough, exactly like what the admissions office of Tsinghua University said, the score also said that Jiangsu Province ranked first.

A few families are happy and a few are worried, some have done well in the exam, and some have not, such as Xia Xinran.

Although she was mentally prepared, she still cried for a long time.

Within two or three days after knowing the results, almost everyone was discussing the matter of filling in the volunteers, knowing that they were going to apply to Jiangzhong University, Yu Yu specially invited Su Ye to tell them about Jiangzhong University, after all, Jiangzhong University has always been their first choice.

Later, Su Ye simply took them to Jiangzhong University to have a look, and they caught the attention of a few people, the school is big, the facilities are perfect, there is nothing to say, the dormitory is good, four to six people in a room, on the bed and under the bunk, the most important thing is that the greening is very good, so that a few people forget to return.

Soon it was time to fill in the volunteers, and the students no longer had to restrain anything, this may be the best opportunity for all 40 or so people to sit together, there are always endless words, and there are always tears that cannot be hidden.

As soon as he arrived at the school, Zhang Yifan gave Yu Yu a big hug, a handful of snot and tears: "Yu Yu, I can be admitted to three books, all because of you, thank you!"

In this atmosphere, Teacher Wu walked in, and everyone in the audience surprisingly didn't make a sound.

The sun was shining, and after knowing Changming, Mr. Wu spoke: " Students, you have graduated and grown up, this is a good thing, don't cry, although we can't see each other often in the future, but the teacher will always remember you, the teacher is very pleased, there are many disobedient among you, such as Zhang Yifan, Xu Zhe, and your palpitations, I don't worry about it, but you are my students regardless of whether you study well or badly, I don't think I can teach your grades well, I can't let all of you go to Tsinghua University, but I think I should at least let you have a personal appearance when you go out!".

Teacher Wu said that she didn't want everyone to cry, but her eyes were filled with tears, and some girls were already crying, and they kept wiping the paper.

"I'm not a normal graduate, I was born in a non-major class, I know that my teaching level is not enough, so I'm sorry everyone, everyone has worked hard!"

When Teacher Wu bowed, the whole class cried, or some people didn't cry, but Yu Yu didn't know.

The volunteer form was sent out, and Mr. Wu gave some tips for filling in the volunteers.

"The last thing is very important! Filling in the volunteer is related to your future, don't fill in randomly, this point, your senior Qi Yu, I will criticize it by name!"

Yu Yu didn't rush to fill in, in fact, he didn't know where he was going.

Xia Xinran saw that he didn't move his pen for a long time, and reminded: "Back then, Qi Yu chose the second book for Lin Youwei, if you don't want to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University, you can choose

Jiangzhong University!" She said this because she had already contacted Gu Fei, Gu Fei didn't do very well in the exam, Xia Xinran told Gu Fei about Su Ye's introduction, so Gu Fei finally chose Jiangzhong University!

Everyone was almost gone, and Yu Yu still didn't fill it in for a long time.

Xia Xinran looked back, and the first column on the volunteer form was still written, Tsinghua University, Department of Mathematics, does not accept adjustments.

"You guys go first" Yu Yu sent Han Huai and Xia Xinran away, and asked the teacher for a volunteer form. Write "Jiangzhong University, accounting, accept adjustment."

After handing it over to Mr. Wu, Yu Yu was about to go back, but was stopped by Mr. Wu: "Yu Yu, have you thought clearly? You are the top student in the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province, is it too condescending to read two books? Come on, I'll give you another one again, and you can rewrite it!"

Teacher Wu kindly handed over another one, Yu Yu looked at it, but still refused.

Teacher Wu was about to be angry with him, he couldn't hand over such a thing, so he immediately called Yu Yu's mother.


Wu sighed helplessly: "Hey, what is the magic of

Jiangzhong University?" Looking at Yu Yu's back, Teacher Wu muttered: "Xia Xinran didn't go to Jiangzhong University after taking the exam, and went to Jiangzhong University

After filling in the volunteers, Yu Yu immediately got in touch with the senior management of Jiangzhong University and negotiated the conditions.

Get the best scholarship, this is a special bonus funded by

the school, and the major and class are chosen at will! The idea is not a scholarship, Yu Yu mainly values the random choice of the class!

Jiangzhong University was not long after the merger, and it was about to apply for a college, and it was in need of someone like Yu Yu, and all the two sides quickly reached an agreement, and seeing that Yu Yu really applied to their school, the principal was happy for several weeks.

Soon on July 28th, the champions of the provinces were also announced, and at this time, Yu Yu's driver's license had been completed, and he felt very relaxed.

On Xia Xinran's side, it will soon be time to pay her salary in June and July.

Xia Xinran couldn't wait to watch the news of Apple 7 on the Internet, and Xia Xinran, who was looking at the message on his mobile phone, suddenly shouted: "Wow, look, go online!"

Everyone took out their mobile phones one after another, and it was the first place in each province to announce the results, and the last row of results was the first in science in Jiangsu Province.

Yu Yu, Hengbei Middle School.

The people present were no longer surprised, they already knew.

However, the people in Binhai City are not calm, especially those who have ridiculed

Yu Yu and looked down on Yu Yu, and they are all stunned! Yu Yu slapped countless people in the face in an instant!

What kind of thing? Didn't this person hand in the college entrance examination papers in advance, or did he take the first place in Jiangsu in all four subjects? Is it true or false?

And then there was a gossip discussion in the class group.

"@全体成员卧槽! Brothers, look at your phone

! Yu Yu is going to heaven!" At this moment, everyone picked up their mobile phones in unison, and the news was overwhelming with the list of top students in the college entrance examination, and there was a familiar name among them

, Yu Yu! I didn't know what was going on if I hadn't paid attention to it, and someone sent a screenshot of it intimately

! "Yu Yu, awesome!" "Awesome!" "Awesome



When is the time to have dinner, champion!",

"Welcome to Tsinghua University!"

"Welcome to Peking University!"


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