Mathieu vaguely guessed the meaning of his senior and Leonardo da Vinci, and Matthew, who also had an extraordinary respect for Romani, nodded with a smile.


"This is really..."

Looking at the two girls who had placed absolute trust in their companions, the teasing smile on Da Vinci's face gradually turned into a smile of relief. If there were people here who didn't know each other's true identity, they would probably feel that way. The famous "Mona Lisa Smile" comes alive at this moment.

"The last masters and servants of Chaldea are the only ones left with these two children. Maybe they are luckier than I thought, Roman."

In response to Leonardo da Vinci's soft sigh, Romani, who was hiding outside the room, couldn't help but smile and nodded.

He looked at his gloved hands, finally shook his head and walked to his room.

"This time, let's get some treasures from the bottom of the box."

Then, such thoughts disappeared when he discovered that his inventory had unknowingly decreased by one-tenth.

[Just when Romani fell into despair and regret, a somewhat heroic female voice suddenly interrupted everyone's communication.

"It seems that your report needs to be revised, Matthew."


Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka looked back, and Miyamoto Musashi's red-hooded ghost suddenly flew towards a corner buried in ruins.

The long sleeves like sharp blades flew, and the ruins were cut open in a dazzling burst of sword light, revealing a square iron box underneath.

"This is?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka curiously stepped forward to take a look.

When she got closer, the Spiritual Riding Driver that had been integrated into her body suddenly appeared.

As if sensing the presence of the Lingqi driver, the originally flawless iron box suddenly appeared with several shining fluorescent green traces, covering the entire box like a circuit board.

Then, a delicate doll about 40 centimeters tall floated out of the opened box and spoke as everyone watched in surprise.

"It is confirmed that the main body is dead, and the first condition for starting the machine is met."

"This voice!"

On the other end of the communication, Romani suddenly became excited after hearing that pleasant voice. As the person who had been his partner for the longest time after Chen Yu left, he would never forget this voice.

Under the current circumstances, if the owner of that voice is still alive, maybe they really still have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

No matter what Romani was thinking, the beautiful black-haired doll was still continuing its activation process.

"It is detected that the Lingqi driver's adapter is successfully authenticated, and the second condition is met."

"The fluctuation of the heroic spirit's eyes and souls has been detected, and the third condition is met."

"System all clear."

The beautiful eyes flashing with data flow slowly opened. After a large amount of data flashed across the doll's eyes, the originally stiff expression of the girl doll that inherited the appearance of its creator became more lively, and a lively and cute smile appeared. On that pretty face that looks like a work of art.

"Hello, this is little Da Vinci~ Maybe I am not as reliable as I used to be, but I believe that with my omnipotent talents, I will be able to help you magnificently!"

As she spoke, her eyes swept over the people present one by one, and finally settled on Ma Xiu.

"Oh, Matthew, should I say first meeting here or long time no see?"

"Da Vinci dear, haven't you already..."

Looking at Matthew who was hesitant to speak, little Leonardo smiled and puffed up his now flat chest.

"Hmph~ How could I, a genius, not leave a backup plan for myself? Although I was too pressed for time this time, I could only make a super youth version, but don't worry, my wisdom, my omnipotence, Even in this small body, there is still no change at all!\

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