She hesitated like this for a long time, and finally ended the exchange with a reverse Imperial Chef statement: "I do this because of my deep meaning." She fled the scene looking a little embarrassed. 】

Lion King: Hiss...

Demon Cluster: Art was very satisfied with your embarrassing appearance, but Art was very dissatisfied when you suddenly ended and continued your embarrassing appearance.

Da Mao Wang: I clearly know that this person is not me, but what is this subtle sense of shame?

Little Eggplant: So it turns out that Ms. Artoria also thought she was cute when she was Ms. Lily?

Cheating Sword: I understand.

Silly King Lily: Groundhog screams.jpg

Da Mao Wang: I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense.jpg

Heidi: It's time to cut yourself off.

Bai Qiandai: Well said. I solemnly declare here that I am not the Lion King.

FAFA0: The same goes for Fujimaru Ritsuka, and so does Amiya. Children who are usually very angelic sometimes are really naturally dark.

Chaos Evil Gudazi:?

Rhode Island CEO: Huh?

[The Lion King left in a hurry, leaving Fujimaru Ritsuka a little confused, but because it was getting late, Fujimaru Ritsuka returned to his room at Romani's urging, sat on the bed and prepared to sleep.

But before going to fight that hateful guy in her dream for three hundred rounds today, there was one thing she had to do.

"Doctor Roman, can you let me talk to Matthew alone?"


As soon as he said this, the soft exclamation of pale pink marshmallow immediately sounded in the ears of the orange-haired girl through the communication bracelet.

Romani, who wanted to have a life discussion with Mashu while Fujimaru Ritsuka went to bed, was just about to recommend himself to join this "girls' party" for two people, when he was greeted by a wryly smiling little Leonardo da Vinci. The staff hit the back of the head.

Romani, who was badly beaten and blinded, cried out in pain.

"Okay, you haven't rested for a long time, Roman. Just take this opportunity to catch up on some sleep! Leave this small matter of paying attention to Ritsuka's condition to the almighty Da Vinci!"

"Alas, but..."

"No but, come with me quickly!"

"It hurts, it hurts! Don't drag me! I will leave on my own!"

With little Leonardo grabbing his ear like this, Romani was dragged out of the command room with tears in his eyes. Even the monks led by Liu Dongyi felt like following him and left here temporarily.

After a long absence since Fuyuki's singularity, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu got a chance to be alone.

Matthew pinched his sleeves uneasily and sat quietly waiting for the other party to speak. He had a sense of deja vu as a student who was called by the teacher to answer a question.

The main character is a well-behaved and obedient person.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Mashu like this and couldn't help but grin. He simply turned over and lay on his bed, putting his hands behind his head.

"Having a bad mood?"

The attentive Fujimaru Ritsuka was naturally aware of Mash's low mood when listening to the story, but she did not point it out immediately because she still had things to know about the Lion King.


Mashu was surprised for a moment by Fujimaru Ritsuka's revelation, but then he quickly lowered his head and nodded in relief.

"Senior is indeed very powerful."

"What's so great about this?"

——Maybe the only person present was Mashu who thought she hid it well. Well, the Lion King, who didn’t know Mashu very well, might not have noticed it either.

Fujimaru Ritsuka curled her lips imperceptibly, but did not say what she was thinking, otherwise the little girl's shame would probably explode.

So he changed the subject.

"Let's talk to you. It's not good to keep the problem in your heart all the time."

"It's actually not a big deal."

Mashu smiled bitterly.

"I just feel that I am useless now. In another world, I can at least serve as senior's shield and fight side by side with you. But I can only do logistical work here, leaving senior to go alone. Face the battle.”

As he spoke, Ma Xiu clenched his pink fists, showing a look of reluctance.

Although he had been trying hard not to show it, the fact that he could not transform into a spirit knight was a huge blow to Mashu.

Regardless of who he is in other worlds, in this world, the meaning of Mash Kyrielet's existence is to become the transformed spirit knight and fight to protect human nature.

In the process of growing up in Chaldea, both the old and new directors, ordinary staff, and even Romani, who usually did not show it obviously, actually looked forward to Mashu's mission. After the real transformation Before, Mashu simply thought that this would be his future, but...

"My transformation failed."

The girl's voice was very low, and her heart was filled with reluctance and self-blame.

After witnessing the blood blooming on Fujimaru Ritsuka's body, and seeing the moment when her flesh was cut open by a sharp blade, the girl burdened with expectations knew the weight and terror of death for the first time.

Naturally, the empty girl felt fear, and in the end, as she said, her transformation failed.

Fujimaru Ritsuka also experienced what happened next.

She was silent. To be honest, the orange-haired girl didn't think much about it before. She was just immersed in the joy of saving Matthew, and then drifted to this singular point, experiencing several battles.

But she didn't consider Mashu's mentality, and she didn't know the girl's troubles until now.

However, facing the distressed Mashu, Fujimaru Ritsuka just showed a knowing smile, and once again felt from the bottom of his heart that it was great that he could save this junior.

"You are really a good boy, Matthew. You can start to reflect on yourself so quickly."


Mashu made a confused sound for the second time, while Fujimaru Ritsuka continued speaking indifferently.

"Being afraid of fighting, wanting to escape from death, being stagnated by unfamiliar things, Matthew, these are all normal things, stages that everyone will go through. You don't actually need to To worry too much.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Mashu's projection, and for a moment he understood why this girl would call herself senpai no matter which world she was in.

——For her who is as pure as a blank piece of paper, isn’t she, a guy with richer life experience, a senior?

Because of this, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt even more that he should guide this child well.

——Well, even though I am just an underage JK myself.

——Damn Dr. Roman, didn’t you say that you are responsible for Matthew’s education? What did you write when you submitted it?

Secretly complaining about that unreliable guy, Fujimaru Ritsuka had a smile on his face.

"Matthew, I'm actually very grateful that you stopped me on that street. Because of you, I had the opportunity to come into contact with the Spirit Cavalry Driver and learned the truth about my brother's death.

It was also because of you that I had the courage to fight for the first time.

There is no need to worry, you will grow up slowly. In the future, there will definitely be many opportunities for Matthew like this to help me.

Wait and hope.

It's enough for you to do this now, I will wait for you no matter how long it takes. "


Mashu looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka with some emotion, and then said with bright eyes as she had abundant quality reserves.

"I didn't expect you to have watched "The Count of Monte Cristo". I also like this line very much!"


Fujimaru Ritsuka was slightly stunned. She felt that Mashu's tone was a little too surprised, as if she had discovered that her husband could actually read, which made her feel a little subtle.

I always feel that my husband-in-law's personality, which is an extension of the history novice, accounts for a bit too much in Matthew's mind.

Time quickly came to three days later, and through the overtime work of the three pharaohs, they finally completed the true Noble Phantasm of Ramses II at this singular point when the sun rose the next day - the glorious... The Great Composite Temple.

This time it is not a projection temporarily constructed by magic. This pyramid covering an area of ​​more than several kilometers is a composite of many major temples such as Dendera, Karnak, and Abu Simbel built by Ramses II during his lifetime. The body is also his most proud masterpiece.

Looking at this magnificent building, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but feel a little excited in his heart, and he was looking forward to the moment when all his eyes and souls were gathered.

He took out an eye soul from his pocket. Its appearance was very similar to that of a beholder eye soul, but its color was different from ordinary beholder eye souls.

"Wait a little longer, Miyu. You will have your own happiness soon."

"Brother...are you really going to steal sister Ritsuka's eyes and soul?"

In the eyes and soul, the clear girl's voice carried a hint of worry.

On the one hand, it was because of the complicated relationship between the three people, and on the other hand, because of the relationship between them in a similar state, Emiya Miyu noticed that Fujimaru Ritsuka's state was not normal.

But just when she was about to tell Emiya Shirou about it while she was awake, another girl's voice suddenly intervened, interrupting the communication between the brother and sister.

"I see, I was wondering why Miyu, who has always been inseparable from you, has disappeared."

The purple-haired girl appeared behind Emiya Shirou at some point, and her sudden voice startled the latter, who hurriedly withdrew the eyes and soul of Emiya Miyu.

It wasn't until she looked back and saw Tohsaka Sakura's face that she breathed a sigh of relief.

Tohsaka Sakura also smiled slightly when she saw this.

"In that case, why not let me do my part for Miyu?"


But before the other party could finish what he said, Emiya Shirou interrupted him.

"I told you, you and Rin have already helped me a lot, I can't trouble you any more."

The beholder world is not exclusive to the Tohsaka family. In fact, there are many people in the beholder world who can't stand the existence of Shirou Emiya, a "person from another world."

Helping yourself too much will cause the Tohsaka family to suffer unnecessary criticism.

"And only when it comes to dealing with Ritsuka, I have to deal with it myself and put an end to it with my own hands!"

After finishing speaking, Emiya Shirou ignored Tohsaka Sakura and began to warm up before the battle.

Tohsaka Sakura looked at him like this, some thoughts were flowing in her mind, and she couldn't help but mutter to herself.

"Spirit Cavalry... I always feel that my senior has become different from the past after meeting her.\

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