Only now, this is no longer necessary.

In order to redeem herself from her mistakes, Cleopatra decided to burn herself.

"It is the setting sun in Egypt, showing the serpent of the end."

As the chant progressed, the scales of the freed golden cobra began to crack inch by inch, and the fire symbolizing the end emerged from the cracks, burning the body of the mythical beast, and its owner was exposed to the blazing flames. middle.

"Order for the last Pharaoh! Burn everything, O snake!"

As the final scene played, the beautiful Pharaoh was set ablaze by the fire, but his starry blue eyes showed no trace of pain or hesitation, as if he could not feel the heartbreaking pain that filled his body.

Everything seems to be back on track in history. Cleopatra will die from this cobra and witness the end of Egypt with her lover.

"Let's go, Anthony, and return to the embrace of fate with me! It's enough, you no longer need to protect me..."

Smiling slightly, the flaming snake swallowed the beautiful Pharaoh in one gulp, and the golden shell was completely shattered. The giant snake made of flames broke through Tutankhamun's defensive spell, with its gorgeous and dazzling figure. He rushed towards the Chimera Eye Soul and towards the Roman general - Anthony.

"O Serpent of the End of Dawn, come here (Uraeus Astrape)!!!\

,"The fiery snake wrapped itself around the beholder.

"It's so stupid!"

Facing the flaming snake that looked like the mythical Jormungandr, Leif's face showed a sarcastic look.

No matter how powerful this move was, he didn't feel at all that this move could kill his masterpiece at this singularity. The power of the Chimera Beholder was enough to easily break free from the shackles of the fire snake, and then charge it up in the sky. of Fujimaru Ritsuka crushed.


What Leif didn't expect was that Cleopatra's will not only bound the Chimera Beholder's body, but also bound Antony's soul.

The settlement was controlled by Leif, and Cleopatra's tenacity was unwilling to let the beholders attack her. At this moment, she was completely awakened and let out a deafening roar.


The simple roar conveyed an extremely clear will. Leif was shocked to find that the monster under his feet actually controlled him through magic power, and stopped all the previous instructions given by the former.

"Roar (do it)!!!"

This time, Fujimaru Ritsuka heard Anthony's soul cry, and her golden eyes burned with fire, making her unable to help but say those words.

"Burn your life!"

"Eyes wide open! The Lion King!"

"Holy Spear! Pull out the anchor!"

Along with the Lion King's solemn declaration, thirteen restraints with the same specifications as the Holy Sword of the Stars emerged one by one on the Holy Spear held high by Fujimaru Ritsuka, and were then released one after another by the power of the Spirit Rider.

"Let's see what the moves are, Thirteen Fangs! Shining in the Final Spear!!!"

"Omega Drive!"

The golden light was pierced out as Fujimaru Ritsuka handed over the spear. The light of the holy spear set off a storm, and the King of the Wild Hunt appeared here, completely destroying the huge enemy and even the demonic realm that produced the beholder. were destroyed together.

The scars of heat stretch from the earth here to the distant horizon.

After a long time, Ma Xiu's voice of joy came from the bracelet.

"The Chimera Beholder's spiritual reaction disappeared! The reactions of a large number of beholders on the other side of the tree sea also disappeared together! Senior, we won!"

"This, this is it..."

His consciousness gradually began to blur, and the East Stallion attacker beneath him and the armor slowly began to turn into points of light, making the body of the girl looming inside.

"I feel so tired, but it's so... great to be able to succeed..."

Emiya Shirou frowned on the ground, and when he was about to rush forward to catch Fujimaru Ritsuka, a man's voice interrupted everyone's joy.

"Yes, I really want to congratulate you, the remnants of Chaldea."

"This is!?"

Romani's eyes widened. In his field of vision, a hole opened in the sky. Countless eyeballs opened behind him and focused their attention on Fujimaru Ritsuka. Under the crowd of eyeballs, a brown-skinned man The white-haired man walked out.

"I see, it's such a magic technique. I swear, I swear, you are indeed an interesting human being."

The mouth full of sharp teeth opened in joy, and the man's normally normal eyes instantly turned into the appearance of the Demon God Pillar, and then he opened his hands towards the falling Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"As a gift in return for letting me see interesting things! I will help your sister this time!"


At that moment, a majestic and solemn bell suddenly rang in the ears of everyone at this singularity. A complex magic circle shining with golden light appeared in the sky. The eye emblem in the center seemed to be alive and calm. Watching everything on the earth.

"That is?"

Emiya Shirou perked up and vaguely realized what it was.

Before he could fully react, the 15 heroic souls in himself and Fujimaru Ritsuka all turned into flowing light uncontrollably and flew into the 15 seats of the magic circle, causing them to light up with different colors of light.

The magic circle that seemed to be completely activated released a strange wave. After being swept by the wave, the Spirit Rider Drivers on the waists of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Emiya Shirou lit up.

The central eye trembled slightly, and then sucked in Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was closest to him and was in free fall.

Everyone witnessed this solemn and sacred scene and was speechless for a moment.

Only the smile on the newly appeared man's face grew stronger, and he murmured to himself with interest.

"Come on, the so-called great eye, let me see how amazing you are~\

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