"In the end, only the few eye souls you used were recovered? It's a blessing among misfortunes."

Romani counted the eyes on the hands of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Emiya Shirou, showing a somewhat stern expression.

"You idiot, you gave up such a good opportunity for resurrection. What were you thinking?"

"Hehe, I didn't think too much when my mind was hot."

After hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Also, the eye souls are not so much recovered by me as they came back on their own after being bounced away. The other eye souls that have not communicated with me have not come back."


Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka's usual heartless look, Romani felt like a punch had hit the cotton, and then he could only care about the opponent's physical condition.

"By the way, do you feel any discomfort when using the Lion King Soul for the second time?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes were a little dodgeful. When he was at the singularity, he didn't tell the doctors and others about his existence time in order not to worry everyone. Now that he's back in Chaldea, she also knows that keeping it secret until then will be counterproductive. There will be big problems.

So in Romani's increasingly fierce eyes, she informed Romani about the incident.

"you this!"

Romani almost fainted after hearing this. Just when he was about to yell, he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka holding his head and squatting in defense. He sighed again and said viciously.

"Quickly tell me how much time you have left!"

Frightened by Romani's rare outburst, Fujimaru Ritsuka closed his eyes and felt it honestly.

——The first time I just released the Noble Phantasm once, it took nearly 10 days. This time the battle with Leif was so fierce, I guess...


Fujimaru Ritsuka opened his eyes strangely and looked at his palm in disbelief.

"There are 75 days left..."

"75 days!?"

Romani, who didn't know the specific situation, his eyes suddenly bulged after hearing this, and he wanted to pick up Fujimaru Ritsuka and treat her to a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots, but Fujimaru Ritsuka's reaction was completely different, and he was a little confused as to why his days did not continue. reduce.

Because even he could not explain the situation clearly, Fujimaru Ritsuka could only be scolded by Romani and was punished to write a self-criticism.

But what she didn't know was that after she left, Romani suddenly looked at a corner of the room.

There, a red hoodie appeared, and the doctor's eyes met under the hood.

"As expected, when I heard Fujimaru-kun talk about the dream, I became a little suspicious. It is indeed you, I swear."

The hooded ghost nodded, and then let the words of flames appear in the air.

——As for the cost of using other eye souls, you don’t need to worry, I have already found a way to solve it.

"Did you solve it?"

Romani was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head.

"Isn't this still 10 days missing?"

——That’s because when she used the Lion King for the first time, I didn’t realize the special nature of that eye soul, so I didn’t have time to remedy it. From the second time on, it no longer consumed her time.

——Please make up any excuse later and tell Ritsuka that her problem has been solved, and don’t tell her about my existence.

Chen Zhao made a troubled movement, and Romani finally relaxed after seeing it, and then looked at him strangely.

"By the way, why do you avoid Fujimaru-kun to communicate with me? Wouldn't it be better to just say that you solved it?"

——You should stop meddling in our family’s affairs and just watch your paper figures!

After that, Chen Xiao disappeared into the infirmary, leaving only Romani shouting from behind, "Meili-chan is not a paper person! She is real!" Yunyun.

Chen vowed not to care about Romani's barking, and once again appeared in Fujimaru Ritsuka's spiritual space.

As the episode ends, his voice reaches the audience's ears.

"After all, saying goodbye for the second time is too cruel for that child.\

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