After figuring out the key to the matter, Mashu also became completely quiet. He just clenched his fists and looked at his senior with firm eyes.

No matter what choice Fujimaru Ritsuka makes, she will support him unconditionally.

Not only Matthew, but also Romani and Leonardo da Vinci. Until now, they all trust the last master of human reason from the bottom of their hearts and believe that she will make the most correct decision.

As if feeling the trusting gazes of everyone, Fujimaru Ritsuka resolutely continued to reach out his hand and grabbed the eye-shaped driver after a long silence.

She looked at Chen Shi seriously, and the radiance of will in her eyes suddenly made Chen Shi feel dazzled.

The memories of vows from this world, the memories of soul-fighting vows from the past, and the memories of reenactments in memory. The emotions brought about by these experiences made him couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a somewhat happy smile.

"I will definitely save humanity!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka took the drive, and the clear voice pulled Chen Zhao out of the vortex of memory, and she bowed deeply towards Chen Zhao.

"So I must grasp any power. Please guide me, brother! I will definitely become a Kamen Rider to show you!"

——Then take back everyone who disappeared in the Incineration of Humanity, including you, brother!

Fujimaru Ritsuka did not say the second half of the sentence, but everyone including Chen Shi had already felt her determination.

"Yeah, of course."

Chen Shi smiled and nodded, and after a few serious moments, he suddenly showed a mean smile.

"I will definitely teach you well~"


Here, the real-life Fujimaru Ritsuka's path of spiritual practice officially began.

Amid the poor orange-haired girl's howling and crying during training in the morning, the latest episode of "Spirit Rider" finally started airing today.

668: Houdini (5k)

["My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka. I was killed by an attacking beholder when I was 17 years old. In order to be resurrected, I became a Kamen Rider Spirit Rider. Now I am solving the singularity that causes the human body to be incinerated. , while collecting the eyes and souls of heroic spirits.

Well, originally, the collection of eyes and souls should have been completed at the last singularity point, allowing me to gain a second life. However, due to some accidents, I was interrupted by the Magic King before I could make a wish to resurrect myself. ceremony.

But it’s not all nothing. Thanks to this ritual, I successfully helped Brother Shirou resurrect Miyu who was in a similar state to me. Now with Brother Shirou’s help, I am more confident that I can successfully repair the remaining three singularities. .

There are still 60 days left, which should be enough for me to complete the collection of eye souls again. "

The unfolding of this episode still begins with Fujimaru Ritsuka's diary.

Due to the current extreme shortage of manpower in the Sky Temple, many of the surviving members, including Mashu, have been focusing on the exploration and analysis of the remaining singularities almost all day long. Even the two Kamen Riders are on hand. All the heroic spirits were called to work overtime.

Kamen Riders like Fujimaru Ritsuka, who knew nothing about mystery or technology other than fighting, were free at this time. The orange-haired girl could only sit idle in the cafeteria of Tenkyu Temple, writing in her diary. , to relieve your boredom.

But of course, when the diary was finished, he put the stopped pen holder on his pen tip and clamped it with his mouth. The bored Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly remembered a series of things that happened in the theater version.

The transformation that was finally completed through the power of the brother from another world.

The figure of the ghost in the red sweatshirt felt familiar to me.

Although Fujimaru Ritsuka is not a very smart person, he can be regarded as a person with quick thinking. Naturally, it is impossible not to see how similar that posture is to the guy who has been teaching him in his dreams.

This also allowed Fujimaru Ritsuka to vaguely guess the identity of that guy.

However, since the day she and Emiya Shirou returned from Kousaka Kyosuke's world, perhaps because she had already completed her training, she had never had that dream again. Even if she wanted to ask for a certificate, she could not find it. to something that can be verified.

So I just kept on guessing and wandering around until today.

"No, we can't go on like this!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka put down her pouted mouth and let the pen fall on the table.

"Doctor Roman said that the year and coordinates of the new singularity will be determined tomorrow. I have to adjust my condition today!"

As if to cheer herself up, Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly sat up from her lying state, but she didn't know that such an action scared a child who approached because he noticed her listlessness.


A clear and melodious voice like a nightingale came from behind. Fujimaru Ritsuka was startled at first, and then immediately turned back to look at the source of the voice.

What came into view was a petite and beautiful black-haired girl. Her golden eyes, which were somewhat similar to Fujimaru Ritsuka's, were slightly panicked. She was jumping like a frightened little beast, which was enough to excite her. It arouses the protective desire of many sympathetic people towards cute little animals.

The moment she saw the other person, Fujimaru Ritsuka's slight vigilance instantly turned into a kind of care and guilt for scaring the child.

"Miyu, is it you? Sorry, I was thinking about something and didn't notice your approach. How are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The other party's name is Emiya Miyu, and she is the child that Fujimaru Ritsuka mentioned in her diary that was successfully resurrected. She is also the sister that Emiya Shirou wants to protect at all costs.

Of course, Fujimaru Ritsuka loved this cousin and childhood playmate very much. She patted the chair next to her to indicate that the other party could sit down and talk to her.

"It's okay, Sister Ritsuka. My body has recovered a long time ago. On the contrary, it's my fault. I should say hello to my sister first."

Miyu obediently complied with Fujimaru Ritsuka's invitation and sat next to her, looking at the former with the same concern.

"Rather than worrying about me, I think you should pay more attention to Sister Ritsuka's condition. When I came here just now, I saw you frowning deeply. Is there something bothering you?"

"I was seen."

Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his head in embarrassment, but did not hide it from Emiya Miyu, who also knew Chen Shi, and told him his guess.

Regarding the fact that Ni Yuchen's soul might exist in Fujimaru Ritsuka's body, Emiya Miyu also frowned slightly. Something seemed to flash through his mind, but he was unable to catch it.

"I'm sorry, Sister Ritsuka. In fact, the memory from when my brother and I appeared in the beholder world to when I died is very blurry to me now, like a layer of mist, I can only See something vaguely.

I don’t remember very clearly what happened to Brother Chen Shi, and I can’t make any good suggestions. "

In the end, she shook her head helplessly, but Fujimaru Ritsuka noticed something.

"Brother and the beholder world?"

Naturally, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others knew about the fact that the Emiya brothers and sisters had been transported to the beholder world in the past few years.

Fujimaru Ritsuka compiled it based on his own memory and Chaldea's records, and roughly went through the approximate chronological order of this series of events——

Ten years ago, Chen vowed to come to Fuyuki City to take care of his young self and bought the current Sky Temple;

In the second year, Chen Shi met a man named Kotomine Kirei, and now the Emiya brothers and sisters came to live in Tenku Temple;

At the end of the third year, the Emiya siblings disappeared;

Starting from the next year, Chen vowed to officially join Chaldea and frequently travel to other places on business;

Then 3 years ago, Chen vowed to die.

According to Emiya Miyu's current statement, the fuzzy points in her memory are basically concentrated in the period when she lived in the beholder world, so theoretically speaking, she should not have fuzzy memories about the oath.

After all, Chen Oath has never been hidden, at least in the understanding of Fujimaru Ritsuka and most Chaldean members.

The only possibility for the current logical contradiction is that Chen vowed to go to the beholder world at least once without anyone knowing, and also met the Emiya brothers and sisters there.

So, she changed her mind and started asking Miyu about other things.

"Miyu, do you still remember how you arrived in the beholder world? Was it really just an accident?"


Emiya Miyu wanted to nod in agreement, but after noticing Fujimaru Ritsuka's expression, she also faintly realized something was wrong.

"Actually, I just woke up and appeared there. It was my brother who told me that we suddenly came to the beholder world because of an accident."

"Brother Shirou?"

It was only then that Fujimaru Ritsuka noticed that there seemed to be many unreasonable things about Emiya Shirou.

The most obvious point is about the ritual. Romani made it clear that the ritual was the result of Chen's research in Chaldea, but Shirou Emiya, who had gone to the beholder world early, knew about it.

In other words, after that, Chen vowed to go to the beholder world at least once, and met the Emiya brothers and sisters there once.

——No, wait!

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought for a while and suddenly realized that he had entered a misunderstanding.

——After all, why couldn’t it be that guy who sent Shirou and Miyu to the beholder world? That guy likes to lie the most. Telling me that Miyu and the others were missing was probably a lie that the guy wanted to cover up from the beginning.

Thinking that it was really possible for the other party to do such a thing, Fujimaru Ritsuka's resentment towards Chen Shi increased even more. She really wanted to greet all the eighteen generations of this secretive bastard's ancestors, but she thought that she was that guy. My sister could only give up in frustration.

But maybe because she knew that Chen Shi was probably by her side, she really wanted to know more about him. Her heart was filled with unprecedented curiosity at this moment, making her eager to find Emiya. Shirou asked him about this matter.

She looked at Miyu Emiya, who was also starting to feel a little confused, and said seriously.

"Miyu, do you know what Shirou is doing now?\

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